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Everything posted by BAP1872

  1. Ageed, but it would only take a couple seconds to ask "who are you with", dont they have to produce an id card??
  2. ...and you don't think the bbc having a serious pop at "THE RANGERS CHAIRMAN" is having any effect on Rangers as a business???
  3. Wish he would have, then we wouldn't have had to indure that torturous pile of s*** we witnessed yesterday
  4. The brain power of that man astonishes me! not the brightest thing to say for a manager, then again he probably idolizes lennon and therefore explains his petty remarks, but let's hope his snide comment comes back and bites him in the ass
  5. Ooooh I so hope they are next on the HMRC hit list and while that filthy creep of a man is still there! I never ever go anywhere near any site belonging to the bheasts but if HMRC go a knocking down the east I will take great pleasure in frequenting the beastly world of theirs, one post per forum/facebook a day sounds about right to me
  6. Nope! I think big laff will replace him as soon as he's fit again with healy taking his rightful place on the bench, no brainer really
  7. Always nice to see the training pictures from oor Wullie
  8. Why??? CW can still use RR, in fact could possibly get a little more info from RR staff on murray if he's lucky, you never know, so it's probably more of a foolish move than anything
  9. That's very easy to answer, "Jealousy coupled with their twisted religion"! They want to be like us but know they never ever will be by the way great post British and Proud
  10. lol, I would be very careful where I pointed that if I were you mate, they do have history
  11. I was born under a Union Jack I support the most successful football team of all time
  12. You don't happen to know the figures from both deals by chance mate, would certainly be an interesting read
  13. Well, why did Whyte not accept £7m for him if Whyte wanted the cash so bad and if I recall correctly did Whyte not say "Wanted" to leave? can't remember reading "Forced" anywhere on Whytes statement! I for one don't think Whyte is lying here but none the less, good luck Jela and thanks for the memories
  14. the cough I had earlier is gone now but i've got a new Cough
  15. ,,,no wonder he commentates behind the camera, he's fucking ugly
  16. Have to say, he looked like a man on a mission, didn't look unhappy as far as I could make out.
  17. Got a Chinese last night, got in the car, heard the bag rustle, looked over and saw a pair of eyes looking out of the top of the bag at me and dissapear again, shit myself and banged on the brakes ran back in the shop wi the bag. terrified, I asked the Chinese guy "WTF?" he said "You no wolly, it Peking duck"!! as for your question,,, Yes
  18. Bump this mother up make sure anybody that needs it, gets it
  19. :pipe: = You know, I could believe that, sad but true
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