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Everything posted by BAP1872

  1. Kayal having a dig at the Rangers, Were you also having a dig just as Arda smacked the ball into the net tonight, ya shitebag Note to Fraser Forster. Must try "Arda" kayal's new strip for saturday/sunday--->
  2. What the hell's wrong with some people? do you think treating the guy like this is going to make him play any better, he's here for the duration of his contract whether you like it or not, continually shouting disparaging comments at him for no other reason than the team are under performing ain't gonna add to his already fragile confidence. try supporting him, just maybe he'll put in a good performance or two. oh and if I remember, did he not provide good cover to put in a last ditch tackle to stop an almost certain goal during the first half??? more than most of the team did I would say. by the way, for the knob-ends that stopped his car(possibly damaging it, which Rangers FC will more than likely have to pay for) :wanker: rant over
  3. Think your avatar says it all after today m8 have a good time in germany guys
  4. bang on m8! i still feel like shit though, im sure we will come good in the end. can't win every game, gotta lose sometime ffs WATP
  5. think there is an option to sign him for a further 2 years in the summer
  6. would love to see him score the winner against the sheep, poetic justice
  7. yep i can remember that, he was also told he would never play for germany in order to stop the move to scotland, i think might also be correct m8 but thats the only quote ive seen from a reliable source to date but im sure we will hear from sone on sunday, think we know what question will be asked if he gets interviewed kind of ties in with what sone has said on skysports news then plenty players have done it in the past and will in the future its just the fact that thir is a witch hunt going on at Rangers/CW with the mhedia that this one has been more in the headlines coupled with the fact that Glasgow Rangers are the biggest club in scotland by far therefore more papers will sell. the mhedia would have us believe Rangers made him sell his granny if they could get away with it hahaha
  8. I really hope this works out for him and the Champs, nobody can say he ain't got balls that's for sure Good luck Sone!
  9. don't think so, that's the first quote from our man that I can remember seeing
  10. "There is a negotiation and in any contract you are going to get a set amount. I'm not going to get all of that now because I made some compromises. "That's basically it. The original agreement with Rangers is now re-negotiated." sounds as if he has taken a drop in wages instead of some of the crazy amounts of cash being banded about, full story here I like the sound of this guy
  11. cheers m8, good news i think he could def do a job for us with naisy on the sidelines
  12. Im with you on this one, why the fuck would we want to use players we bought to gain them money, dosent make sense, although to play team America would be a great money spinner imo
  13. also got the full game on my hard drive if you want that as well
  14. http://www.caughtoff...ghlights-video/ help yourself to that bud
  15. cheers m8, brings back the memories of a great Rangers team. de boer was a phenomenal player
  16. its also on the official Rangers site
  17. exactly, that sone guy could prove to be a good move, fast and good ball skills. although i wouldnt hold my breath, prob fall flat like the rest of the trialists have done up to now
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