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Everything posted by BAP1872

  1. Fantastic images and that last image looks very eerie Thank you Mr Vass, you're photography is outstanding and long may it continue
  2. yep, also bit of a push at the goal as well this aint done by a long way, keep believing WATP
  3. sd --- st://A0YCgpwEdT4DPgaCoAHIgBbqr7VKDbDXZCLGccgsPZBrihcMQmxvb2R6ZWVkIEhRimEAikEHZGVmYXVsdIqiBlNwb3J0cw== high def (if your computer can handle it) ----------- sop://broker.sopcast.com:3912/106723 *cough*, *cough*
  4. So sorry to hear that m8, it's never an easy time for such a sad thing but on christmas eve, with two young kids, incredibly sad
  5. "stadium" lololol did I say you were complimenting the shit hole???
  6. Quite simply, Glasgow Rangers rule my life, tells me when to be happy, tells me when to be sad but the thing is I wouldn't have it any other way, happy times or sad times I will always be there for you Rangers
  7. HAHAHA thats fuckin brilliant made me laugh out very loud, have a rep ....for the onlookers
  8. I firmly believe we will win/settle this case but i think it will come from a better source(no offence OP) like the daily record Oooh did you see who was at Ibrox on Saturday lads/ladies and guests,,, Thats mo Johnston in the background in case the ghuests don't recognise him
  9. Almost forgot, had some fantastic times in the mermaid Mermaid
  10. This is one day that I will never forget for as long as I live, Woke up that day in an extremely happy mood, even though I didn't have a ticket, was a lovely sunny day. Headed out early that morning in a taxi down to the mates house in Bridgeton, bit of Simply the best and couple bacon buttes later headed out down to the cross, the place was jumping, flags and banners out of almost every window all the way down to the Mermaid(about a 5 min walk), A quick lick of the finger and a clean of "thee badge" before going into the mermaid to order up, a few later and lots of celebrating/cuddling with people I've never met before it was out to the cross to see the team coach pass by as it usually does after visiting the pig market(it never did pass, the police diverted it in case of any trouble, BASTARDS!!!). Had a good old laugh at the fuckwits though that didn't have the sense to follow follow the team buses route away from the cross, Seeing the pain etched on there faces was puuuure bliss. Finished the rest of the day singing an dancing in town, not for alcohol you understand , just to make sure everyone else knew about another famous day in the life of a bear. What a fantastic day that was! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPZ_DnVAEFs&feature=related Were they trying to get the game abandoned do you think??? Celtic=Rabid to the core You will always be in our shadow, live with it SCUM
  11. 2mil?¿? Yeh right Mr eck and the rest, ok he might have hit a bad patch at the moment but thats nowhere near what the man is worth here is a better joke for ye eck,,, What ya call a Rangers supporter with an axe? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , a timopener!
  12. So sad m8, Just remember, you will always have the memories, nothing will take them away but the pain you must be feeling now will disapear through time and thats when the memories will really shine.
  13. Yep you were right m8. the panel agree that contact was made and still ban him for 2 matches, nothing short of outrageous. It certainly makes you wonder if their is some hidden agenda as you say
  14. Well I beg to differ on this, the fact a hand was used should result in a positive outcome tomorrow. If i'm wrong and the decision goes against us I would then have no choice but to agree with your post as for a 2 match ban for a bookable offence, well, the SFA have always been badly managed have they not, why change now. where else in europe do they ban for diving, is it a wonder that our nation is so bad in europe when we cant compete on their terms. A player anywhere else outside of scotland, when even the slightest of touches, will go down, resulting in a freekick 9 times out of 10, why should our footballers be taught differently, it makes no sense to me Just for the record, I do think diving should be outlawed EVERYWHERE not just Scotland. I'm sure you could put a bet on almost anything you want m8
  15. Go for it, never noticed the other thread my apologies
  16. I think this will get dropped; Aluko ban
  17. Fuck sake, 6 years an i only found it a couple weeks ago,,,internet porn has a lot to answer for i tell ye congrats RM
  18. Just wets the appetite even more You wouldn't happen to have it in 1920x1080 per chance
  19. well I've sent feedback to Rangers regarding this great idea and I would suggest everyone else in favour do likewise; http://www.rangers.c...ck/0,,5,00.html as long as that's the only place that happened well young McFly im away to watch "Back To The Future" in your honour,,,Mmmm or are you young or maybe you ARE back from the future to suggest this idea
  20. :drool: that is quite simply a brilliant idea, should be done at Ibrox regardless who won the title. obviously, with sponsors on board this is a very realistic idea and one that very well could happen, could even be done inside ibrox, the red brick could be portrayed on the govan with projectors along the main stand. I doff my hat to you MartyMcFly
  21. there is only one jorg albertz, looked like a great night this penny arcade however is what makes me proud to be a bear, just after 1.05=class awesome, just fucking awesome.
  22. We "Glasgow Rangers Football Club" could not give a flying fuck about this or any other dirt digging you or any other snide little bheast try to construe upon our great club. we WILL come out of this stronger.
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