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Everything posted by Ricky_

  1. So your logic is, when a particular race or sector is abused through the use of a word, then that word becomes a racist term?
  2. Going by your logic, there is no such thing as a racist term.
  3. You already explained why. When you take a word which in widespread use is meant to be derogatory, then it becomes so. The logic applies to n'igger like it does Paki, like it does Chinky.
  4. OK so Paki isn't offensive because it's just shorthand for Pakistani. N'igger isn't offensive either, it's just latin for Black
  5. uhm... the same reason ni*ger is offensive. Or any other racially discriminative remark.
  6. it is banter, i know it is, i have a close mate of a different ethnic background and privately be bam each other up with a bit of casual racism - but Show RAcism the Red Card are spot on - CG is a public figure and CEO of the biggest sports institution in Scotland. He can influence people. He can;t send out a message that casual racism is OK if it's just banter. What if a young Rangers fan, maybe in his early teens, has a bit of a joke around in his local cornershop and then says "thanks my Paki friend" when he's given his change? Green is running his mouth more and more and his comments just make him and the club look bad, particularly this one. Idiotic in the extreme.
  7. Not like they have secret recordings. Green was publicly condoning a racist term as banter. If he wants to have that kind of banter in private then fine, but when he's making statements liek that in the public eye he's playing with fire and getting burned is the only outcome.
  8. ^ Look, i's Charles Fuckin Green. A good CEO/Owner of a football club is like a good referree. You shouldn't really noticed them, unless you absolutely need to, and when you do, they get it spot on. Charles is a fuckin ego manaic that loves the sound of his own voice and picture in the paper. Why the F*** would he ever feel the need to publicly and openly stated he has a bit of racist banter between his mate? Big eal, i'm sure alot of us do, but it does the club no favors to run to the press and tell them you call people Pakis. WIsh he would just shut his fuckin pie hole and get on with his job.
  9. Fancy helping me display my "Free Ireland from British Rule" banner next week then? Fuckin roaster.
  10. i speak what i want to speak, but what you want me to do, get on the PA? You another idiot that subscribes to this whole notion of "your an internet hardman but you wouldny have the balls to say that to peoples faces at ibrox"? Here's an idea, if you dont like what people have to say over the internet, close your browser and go for a walk or get the dinner on. Freedom of speech is fine, but i don't like fellow fans using my club as a platform for their poltical viewpoints, they don't speak for the entire Rangers support and especially not on matters beyond football. I'd back a club initiative to ban any fan banners not related to the club, football, or our rivals. No place for it at Ibrox imo.
  11. i wonder if anyone would stop me if i took one in saying "Free Ireland". Point: Football fans, leave politics at home
  12. then go make it heard, what do u think holding a banner at ibrox will acheive exactly? The majority of fellow scots thinking "Oh look at those Union Bears in their wisdom throwing they're weight behind a No vote - i bet some of them are this countries finest economists - i think i'll vote No now".
  13. it wasn't a statement, it was a question, the clue is in the '?' i put at the end.
  14. but you're advocating Ibrox being used as a medium for politics, are you not?
  15. waving a flag is one thing, displaying a political banner is another. Interesting you mention Celtic, they are the most embarrassing set of fans in the world when it comes to abusing their club for the purposes of laughable politics, from banners displaying sympathy for convicted terrorits or in support of Hamas terrorists in Gaza. It's funny that you got annoyed that i seemingly interpreted what you sad as something you didn't mean, but then make it out like i'm saying we shouldn't be waving Union Flags when i did nothing of the sort. You say that the banner is fair play on the basis we have unionists roots - we are also a scottish club, much of our support such as myself consider themselves patriotic Scots. 1. Is a scotsman who is pro-independence any less of a Rangers fan than one that's a hardcore unionist? 2. Does he have less of a right to use Ibrox as a vehicle to lobby his pro-independent stance as the banner merchants today? 3. If he did and was subject to abuse from unionists in the Rangers support, is that fair game?
  16. Sorry, but do you think bringing political banners into ibrox, banners that having NOTHING too do with Rangers or even the sport in which we participate, is fair game or not?
  17. well i wouldn't, but if you want Ibrox turned into a vehicle for political protest then maybe you need a rethink.
  18. So all of you who thinks the banners were fair game won't me mind me bringin a "Vote Yes" banner along to matchday at Ibrox?
  19. don't you use your fucking keyboard then, you fucking legit hardman, fuck off to the streets, fucking hypocrit.
  20. I'll certainly voting no but thats 1. nothign to do with football affiliations, and 2. not advice taken from a bunch of wee banner waving fuds. Support the team, don't bring politics to ibrox, we're not Celtic.
  21. it's harsh, but i have to agree. We need a clear out top to bottom. The managers tactics are woeful, his signings are shocking, our coaches couldn't develop a polaroid and our scouts are hopeless.
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