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Everything posted by Ricky_

  1. No, it makes me "wonder if he's getting his feet under the table" as the OP put it, anything else?
  2. That's what i thought when i heard him say Man U were the better team. I've had the feeling he wants to be the man to take over from Fergy since he left Chelsea.
  3. Best all round. Simple English. Ronaldo is clearly more complete and excels in much more areas of the game than say, Diego Maradona, but greater player, i probably wouldn't say so.... so i never.
  4. Really poor from the ref, ruined a great game. Nani was obviously, in anyones book, attempting to take the ball out of the air. Only someone with a complete lack of understanding of football would think that collision was worthy of a red card. At the weekend there Peter Crouch attempted one of his spectacular overhead kicks, only on this ocassion Matt Taylor tuck his head in, won the header to clear, and took Crouch's boot full on the chin, knocking him out cold and had to be subbed off. It was a foul, but Crouch wasn't even booked despite how dangerous his actions were. It's maybe a bit much to say he could have killed Taylor but it shouldn't be underestimated how dangerous that is, when you see a guy lying completely unconscious on the grass. But in both cases, it was a complete accident, it's football, there are coming togethers sometimes of a dangerous nature, whether it's Nani taking the ball out the sky or a bad clash of heads. Let's not forget earlier in the game the Madrid was late challenge a cross and 2-fisted punched Vidic in the face. The ref should be demoted from Champions League duty.
  5. I said he was the most complete ever, in my opinion. 1. I didn't say he was as matter of fact. 2. I said "most complete", not greatest. Walloper
  6. Gareth Bail Ronaldo is so good even cheap copies are getting ranked above world class players like Suarez, Ibrahimovic & RVP.
  7. I wish Charlie Green would just shut the fuck up and stop being a mouthpiece for our club. That quote today "has no place in Charles Greens Rangers". Fristly, the arrogance of speaking in 3rd person, then calling it "his" Rangers is unbelievable. His fucking Rangers? It isn't 'your' Rangers Charles, and never will be. Maybe it's best he just resigns as chief exec and retires with his shares - the Rangers support have made him a rich man, we don't need a slap in the face with the renaming of our treasured stadium and threats from him.
  8. He's the most complete ever imo. I personally always believed the other Ronaldo reached a level that's surpassed anyone else. His critics do point to his consistency however and ofcourse his injuries, and conditioning in the twilight of his career - all valid points - on his day i've never seen talent like it. Cristiano has a shout though, if you were to score players out of 100 in all the different categories that make a player, he'd score the highest, or if you were to build a player in lab, you'd build Ronaldo.
  9. sounds to me like he's deflecting from the shameless whoring of Ibrox - far more shameful than any of our songs.
  10. it would be good if charlie boy masterminds our exit from scottish football to move on to bigger and better things. Celtic have piggy backed on our name, city and success for over a 100 years - we need to put an end to it once and for all.
  11. further evidence the word is used in racist fashion by those of irish catholic descent. time we took the word back, the republicans were known as the h*** when they conspired with Nazi Germany.
  12. nah, SPL goign tits up and pioneering an atlantic league with no tims invited sounds much better.
  13. They can have bitter rats for pundits, and we'll have the facts. The RFFF should go Ryan Giggs on their asses, anyone who claims we gained an unfair sporting advantage should be served with a defamation suit.
  14. Ouch, another defeat for Barca! Maybe Messi should've played.
  15. it is entirely their business. Their agenda, their lawyers, their prerogative. They had to release a statement because their fans are gutted enough to launch themselves off the erskin, give Bernie a beatdown, or throw in the towel completely.... there been posters on kiddyfiddler street posting he wrote a letter to Lawwell he wouldn't be renewing as he is done with Scottish fitbaw There was only 1 Old Firm game this season. It was different from all the others because this one was to decide 9 titles, and they lost. 2nd best as usual.
  16. Disagree with the last sentence. Regan & Doncaster were braught into scottish footballl by Liewell, the 3 of them in cahoots with Harper McLeod pursued an agenda.
  17. Why do we play such kick & rush shite? we've not had any composure in the final 3rd for years, it's panic stations when we get close enough to shoot.
  18. I just dropped in, to see what condition our league titles were in.
  19. indeed, so we have here a judgement, by a law lord none the less, which completely put aside an already established legal verdict. What grounds do we have to appeal, or sue? Hopefully the legal team at MIH are looking into possible legal action against the SPL for their ruling on this, because it undermines their case & the FTTT verdict.
  20. i hope he writes another letter of clarification, His crayons must be wearing thin
  21. pay it!? fucking appeal it, they got the decision wrong, a higher power (the FTTT) ruled as a matter of LAW that they were no payments but loans. The SPL tribunal ruled them payments, thus disregarding the FTTT's decision and fined us. We should appeal using money from the RFFF, thus incurring the SPL further legal fees & hopefully be exonerated completely.
  22. so if someone puts in a tackle which could have been dangerous, if it had made contact, you are within your rights to roll around & feign injury to the extent you actually let a medical team stretcher you off the field, all in an effort to get a guy sent off - who actually won the ball? Thats like saying Lafferty was within his rights to roll around the floor clutching his face because Mulgrew came at him in an agressive, intimidating manner.
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