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Everything posted by Ricky_

  1. No, redundant on the basis you can't interpret a simple sentence appropriately.
  2. so you're thinking a more traditional scarf dimensions? I was thinking more along the lines of a bandana style thing (simply on the basis of it being different from the normal matchday scarfs?) perhapsh something like this, with 54 stars?
  3. whats the size / dimensions? Silk Scarfs can vary alot from a sorta bandana/neckerchief style or a more traditional scarf shape; I think the bandana/neckerchief shape would be cool - something different from the traditional scarf. If i get an hour or 2 spare i might com up with something.
  4. Neither did i, did some say he did, or are you just redundant?
  5. How about he just keeps his trap shut and let McCoist get on with managing the team?
  6. Real confidence boost for the lads. Charles Green; I had death threats from Rangers fans Chalres Green; 'I'll ban those for not grassing their pals at Charles Greens Rangers' Charles Green; 'This is the worst Rangers team of all time'. Is anyone coming round to my opinion yet this guy should shut his fucking mouth? I wonder what he'll spout tomorrow - it's obvious he loves himself too much to even stay out of the media for a day.
  7. He just wanted more money. Apparently his wage is higher than Ronaldos at Madrids (although i presume CR will have a bunch of image rights, sponsors and other bonuses that earns him a good bit more than WR).
  8. he'd score for fun down here.
  9. i don't think there was anything sinister about leaving Rooney out. RVP would be the first name on the team sheet because he's their best goal scorer. Wellbeck kept him out because he plays more into the weaknesses off Madrids defence, he has a better, longer, deceptive stride which just draws in wreckless defenders like Pepe & Ramos - i thought Wellbeck gave them a pretty hard time over the 2 legs, and earned his place with a stunning header in the first leg - proving that from set pieces he is a greater threat than Rooney. The only other role on the pitch he could lay claim to would be the 1 they gave to Giggs, but he gave Rooney that role in the first leg and his body language at playing such a role was all wrong - and he doesn't have the same tactical understanding and ability to read the game like the old master (yet). Ferguson got it spot on leaving him out - it's more testament to the strength in depth United have that players like Rooney & Hernandez can't justify a starting place.
  10. he is an inspiration to obese players everywhere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vfr_xPGxqmQ
  11. no, the numbers stated is tickets sold, mainly season ticket holders. the real number is how many actually showed up.
  12. i can't see GoldenyBoy picking him up, i'm pretty sure it will be Hearn.
  13. i hope that's true - if that is legit info from the police, can't it be published on their website or within the media?
  14. You obviously don't have anything to add or contribute, so i'd appreciate if you'd stop following me around Rangersmedia like a puppy .
  15. Why would i tell you what you can and can't sing? I wouldn't dream of telling people what they can or can't sing or say, i'm a staunch believer in free speech. What we've been discussing is merely my opinion - Captain of Industry seems to be the only 1 with a brain that actually wants to debate on their content, and wether or not it's content is appropriate for an ibrox crowd.
  16. Let the adults have a discussion, don't you have a spreadsheet to fill in?
  17. I have a few issues with it, but indeed - that is one. I'm not sure how you can't see the laughability of a guy like GOAT sitting in an office with central heating from 9-5, fannying about on the internet, then heading off to a football match in his leisure time at the weekend to sing about fighting the IRA. The "sentiment expressed therein" as you put it, i find pretty disasteful - a song about a man being put to death by the IRA... is this meant to be offensive to tims or republicans? IF the tims sang a song about being a Republican martyr about to be hung i'd be laughing at them. All in all, the song is just fucking shite and i find it embarrassing when it's being sung at the games - the only thing good i can say about it is the tempo of the clapping which adds something to the atmosphere. My personal opinion on singing as a whole is that Ulster/Loyalist stuff should just be toned down - i made the point earlier in the thread, there are many factions of the support with their own perogatives, the support can't accomodate them all. I can appreciate Ulster roots and hence wouldn't advocate removing that aspect compeltely, but like many other supporters, i have no personal affiliation to Ulster, the troubles etc... i'm 3rd gen Rangers fan from a family on the southside of Glasgow who's followed the club since our inception. I suspect that they're are many fans like me - except they just go along with the loyalist stuff because they buy into it as part of our rivalry with Celtic.... which is ironic considering so much of support claims not to care about them.
  18. working at a computer, bet it's real cosy, does your office have central heating? Bet you can't wait for the weekend to sing about fighting the IRA. And that illustrates my point perfectly, embarassing.
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