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Everything posted by offminorthreat

  1. Looks like Aunt Hilda from Sabrina the Teenage Witch if you ask me.... http://www.cbc.ca/allinaweekend/assets_c/2011/07/caroline%20rhea-thumb-280x421-109532.jpg
  2. Remember this? Or had you already given up then too? Having had a few hours to reflect on yesterdays shambles, it is important to remember that this is going to be a hard slog and we may or may not do it but that never means it is time to give up. THE CRY WAS NO SURRENDER
  3. It also does not make sense that you would play Papac at LM and then throw Mervan out of position at RM in his FIRST START. The kid then plays like pish and gets hooked at half time....GREAT confidence boost for a young guy. This team could actually play well with some better organisation, players in the right position and a willingness to drop a few duds (looking at you Bartley and Papac).
  4. OP is spot on unfortunately, but i think Bartley has a big part to do with it. He seems to freak out every time he has the ball at his feet and more than a few moments to do something with it. He seems more freaked out by time and space than he does by pressure - his approach seems to be that pressure is OK because he can just hoof the shit out of it or try some stupid floating sliding lofted long ball, where as with time he looks like he is about to wet his pants. Whittaker needs to be back. Never thought i would say that...
  5. Hey Al Jolson, seeing as money is no issue to you, can you please buy the club from Craig Whyte, pump in about 50 million of your lazy pounds and buy us some decent strikers. Ok thanks mate, knew you would be up for it seeing as you are the world's biggest Rangers fan. Thought so.
  6. that explains it!! you must have been out with the team last night then given their performance!
  7. Is Ally trying to prove a point to Whyte by putting Little on?
  8. Pernis keeping them in this one I need to mute these BBC cunts though. How many times can they mention Europe this year in the space of 25mins
  9. Papac and bartley look woeful. Edu and aluko looking ok, but Mervan looks a bit flimsy hrrrm.
  10. Feck me the BBC pre-match gets me angry. Twats all of them.
  11. The OP is utterly ridiculous and I have to question whether you actually support a football club or whether you support an idealism that is associated with a football club. I was born and raised in Australia to a Scottish mother and a German father. As a 4 year old my grandfather bought me my first ever Rangers top and scarve and 26 years later I have not for one minute supported or considered supporting any other team (although i must admit to having a passing interest in my father's team Bayern and did as a 10 year old ask for an AC Milan top for my birthday when they were dominating Europe back in the early 90s!). Your comparison is similar in some ways to when (perhaps if..) Australia becomes a republic and is no longer part of the Commonwealth. Would I suddenly overnight not be interested in Rangers? Unfuckinglikely. Would I suddenly overnight not want to belt out Derry's Walls at my TV screen at 3am in the morning watching Rangers? Unfuckinglikely. Would Rangers suddenly cease to be the first thing we talk about when i speak to my Brothers or my Grandfather? Unfuckinglikely. I am and always will be a "foreigner" to the country that Rangers belongs to and it is an utterly irrelevant fact. Rangers, Scottish and British is in my heritage and in my blood and it is a fact that cannot be changed. I am still staggered at the OP.
  12. stuff that, i want to have a private Helicopter that can hover over a field that i have set them up on!
  13. Not sure why everyone thinks Umbro is a "sub-standard kit supplier".
  14. Ibrox should just secede from Scotland and declare itself a protectorate of England. Problem solved! Now, who wants to be the Prime Minister of the English Protectorate of Ibrox?!!
  15. whitts and jig must have some guilty conscience...jeeeeeez.
  16. Ever think maybe he is just a Rangers fan?
  17. I tend to feel that this is the "exit plan" for CW. He is going through a process now of making the club sustainable and ridding it of all of the legacy issues and blood suckers. Once we return to a sustainable and clean operation, he can then sell out in a few years to a Russian or Arab who will sink millions into the club. I might be dreaming on this one, but it is nice to have a long-term dream sometimes... But I agree, i think it was a very solid interview and notched up a few respect points for CW in my books.
  18. FFS....should SDM pay a £49m tax bill that we have been led to believe he is not legally responsible for (a bill mind you that we may or may not have) just to be a good guy because we all think he should 'save' Rangers? Are you serious or just on the choongs son? We all know he is a prick but this is just out there...
  19. What tends to be forgotten in this debate is that you don't MAKE £40 on a shirt sale just because the punter pays that. There is a cost in sourcing them from Umbro etc. I have no idea what the margin per shirt would be. And regarding the North American sales comment from CanadianBear increasing direct revenue to the club, the club's online store is just a front for JJB in any case. Your product is actually shipped by JJB when you order from the club's online store so I assume it is all part of the same deal.
  20. That is like asking if playing with yourself is the best option when you have both Miranda Kerr and Katy Perry sleeping in your bed that night.
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