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Everything posted by ger4life_1872

  1. yeah its logan i meant should have made much more of it although i can understand the boy just wanting the situation behind him
  2. Yeah i agree , he should have really played the victim and it would have brought much more attention too it , u can be sure if it was the other way those cunts would have
  3. pretty sure logan was asked by police on the day if he wanted too make a complaint and he said no
  4. Great present mate , well done and nice bit of class from mols and negri too
  5. Sad nobody should go too a game and not return , thoughts go out to the boys family
  6. yeah mate betfair do cracking new account offers all the time but its free bets they pay you out in
  7. Miller and clark upfront could rip their defence too shreds , their fullbacks are constantly caught out of position dragging their centre halves all over the place , i really think we could do the cunts
  8. jim's away washing gogzys taxi but i agree , Ally oot
  9. well he isnt doing much coaching , hope your tents standing up too these winds
  10. Under walter did durrant not go on every scouting job with ewan chester then was going scouting players on his own , i realise we should have a full network of scouts but should we not be utilizing durrant more than we seem too be
  11. you cant blame anyone else for his problems imo , yes some of his so called mates never helped but at the same time he was a young man living life too the full and enjoying every moment ppl werent too know it would spiral out of control
  12. Hes clearly a fucking poofter , no doubt the tarrier is his bf and that explains his actions
  13. Yeah i wouldnt expect 8/9 months ? I think cantona got but would expect 7 - 10 games as its not just a heat of the moment retaliation To a bad tackle etc on the park
  14. Yeah thats not the best of videos if u have a look on youtube , brandao waits in tunnel , sticks the nut on him then runs away , motta looks like he probably has a broken nose
  15. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dxo0PTA2gW8 I reckon he will get a lenghy ban for that
  16. Kim jong un has told the north koreans they are in the final of the world cup v portugal , ha ha https://m.facebook.com/SPORTbible?refid=52&ref=bookmark&_ft_=qid.6035423027703521554%3Amf_story_key.-7365850269734920920&__tn__=C
  17. Betfair going 9/1 on both teams for new customers
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