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Everything posted by Sobatai

  1. History lives in the hearts and minds of people ... it can't be bought or sold or lost. Ties to history can be bought or sold or lost, as has obviously happened with the Arsenal shares. And as has been shown it's painful when such ties are broken.
  2. Now this is an interesting story. If true, I've a feeling that Whyte will fight this tooth and nail, thus revealing his true character (which I think most have guessed) and shattering his standing for good and all. I think he made a serious error in judgement when he bought Rangers. I've never thought it made sense, especially once it became clear that he had nowhere near the dosh that was hinted at.
  3. I was under the impression that the administrators said in their first press conference that they believed that the Jelavic money had entered the club. It didn't appear to be clear what amount had entered the club, or indeed what amount Everton were required to cough over up front. I recall them saying that some of the transfer fee was deferred, which is hardly surprising as Everton is a bit strapped for cash and most tranfer deals these days include incremental payments based on performance, appearances and future transfer payments.
  4. Rangers appears to have been run in a strange way for the last nine months under Whyte, so perhaps it's not so surprising that the administration itself appears a little strange.
  5. It seems reasonable to me ... all a deferment does is add to the debt. Moreover, as there isn't a "football first" rule when it comes to creditors north of the border, it's possible, perhaps likely, that come the end of the deferment the outstanding wages couldn't be paid and the players would be shafted. Perhaps they're just being "stand up" guys not wanting to lead players down the garden path.
  6. Craig Whyte. It's as simple as that. Murray has taken quite a bit of heat, notably from WVB. But Craig Whyte playing the comic book villain to perfection has turned out to be Murray's saving grace. Murray's chief fault, as far as I'm concerned is his giant ego. And his biggest error was believing, as many did, that the good times were going to roll forever. Boom and bust had been eliminated. Few were prepared for the bust when it came.
  7. That's a shame. I guess I'll never find out from you which other businesses have been allowed the opportunity to retain monies deducted in taxation from employees.
  8. It is of no consequence to me which football club is involved. My attitude would be the same if it were any other club in the realm. Now, do you think that Rangers should be made exempt from taxation?
  9. You make it sound like some altruistic gesture ... they've paid because they had to. The brass at Rangers decided that the club wouldn't pay taxes and must suffer the consequences.
  10. But it's an additional £1 million per month. As things stand Rangers must have average attendances around the 40,000 mark, so that's only an additional 10,000 if Ibrox is sold out. That might be something like £200,000 which means another £800,000 to go.
  11. It's taken how many years for Rangers to get into this mess? It's unreasonable to suppose that two guys can sort it out in a fortnight.
  12. Perhaps you should? I'd certainly recommend one for Craig Whyte.
  13. There are worse things to be called round here ... Taig or Tim, for starters.
  14. Well, at least it'll give the Pope's bum a rest.
  15. True ... everyone knows the age of consent is sixteen.
  16. Sounds about right. I was working on the Bathgate-Airdrie Rail project in July 2009 and remember the papers being full of the twentieth anniversary. Remember quite clearing driving along the A89 with a guy from Kent who exclaimed his surprise at something he saw as we passed through Blackridge. He said he never thought he'd see a Cross of St George flying proudly in Scotland. "That's not what it is," I said.
  17. I'd say it's the fans that make a football club.
  18. Well, I'm English ... you have to make allowances.
  19. That's jolly decent of you, thanks.
  20. It's subjective. Personally, it doesn't matter to me if a new Rangers emerges from the ashes of the old. It does to other people.
  21. More relevant to the discussion than Maurice Johnston. But, hey, mentioning Mo Johnston every so often gets you reps, I guess.
  22. Well, principle, but we'll let that one go. Thing is, Middlesbrough wasn't one of the big names in English football ... at the time of the liquidation there wasn't the same emphasis on history that there is in the case of Rangers. At the time, all that mattered was saving a football club for the town and community. No one worried about losing history or heritage. Middlesbrough was just a football club ... Rangers is more than that.
  23. It's not quite the same. Middlesbrough's history didn't amount to much.
  24. Middlesbrough was liquidated.
  25. I don't think that's what I said at all. I didn't mention "revere" at all, just a "place in the nation" ... that's the whole nation. I guess I just bought into the Scottish media's public relations charade that the nation was united in grief regarding Burns' passing. McCoist grieved; Walter Smith grieved. That's part of what makes them great men. To sidetrack the thread, some of the responses illustrate one of the reasons the Old Firm will never be welcomed south of the border ... English football can do without the nonsense.
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