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elephants stoned

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Everything posted by elephants stoned

  1. True though i was counting the options that can play up front if need be (Kerkar is never in a million years a striker sadly) as someone said theres also Kane Hemmings though nobody knows whats going on with him at the moment.
  2. If everything calms down re court appeal and all that and we can actualy sign players Jamie Murphy would be a decent addition, if Greens prepared to put up some money via his consortium. If not have to be all bosmans. If Sandanza hadnt been such a mouthy so and so he would of been worth a second look too.
  3. Good just as i thought, lads obviously Rangers mad and will cost little in wages. With Healy and Lafferty almost certain to leave that leaves us Little, Naismith and Jig as first team strikers. Not alot of options really.
  4. Its not about the destination, its about the journey.
  5. True but if he has a good Euros and keeps up his form in EPL he will get a move to a bigger EPL/European team. Everton may well be another stepping stone for him, same as we were.
  6. wasnt till a week or so ago before i really doubted it, so didnt post in it till today, had a bit of banter and waited to see what happened at page 100, sure enuff thread locked hope that lad gets his top back though. Good fun in all and hey its given us some laughs. Only 1 loose end remains, whos the hot naked bird i got a photo of in my pm not an hour ago?
  7. I hope hes right and the police do investigate, that along with the court desicion and the online petiton (sp) should be the end of Mr Regan.
  8. If it wasnt for the clause and his injury problems i think Naisy would be an £8M+ player easy.
  9. If this is what happens when they 'win' a trophy just wait till we get back on our feet and batter them back into second place. Timplosion will be epic
  10. Guys a tarrier, well outed himself last night they just aint that bright.
  11. Transfer windows have been something i have not looked forward to in recent years but this one may be the worst yet. Lets just hope our Rangers men in the squad show how much they want to stay, though im worried they might not have that much choice in some casesn
  12. Super made a mockery of the old idea that strikers needed to be big 6ft+ guys who relied on power and strength. He came through Souness not rating him and the crowds chants against him when he first signed, to become the greatest ever Ranger in my book. Great quotes on newsnow from Boca on Ally, not sure how to copy articles or links on my phone but worth a read.
  13. All that quote says to me is hes keeping his options open incase we dont give him a new deal. Be hard to see him fight through horrendous injurys to finaly get in the team, score a few goals then want a transfer.
  14. This summer transfer window is going to be brutal. Even if Naisy and the rest want to stay the mhedia will be linking them with every club in England ala Jelavic in Jan.
  15. Thats awful, moved me to tears thats what we need to remember during all this talk of CVAs Newcos, Tax cases and such. The Rangers will live on regardless and we will continue to remember our fallen.
  16. Thats what Rangers players have always been about for me, becoming more than the sum of their parts. Something about playing for the Gers inspires some players. I always wanted to be Ally when i was growing up, he is such a hero to me and im proud hes our manager today.
  17. Theres been alot of players i didnt rate but i try and support anyone who pulls on the Royal Blue, Diouf was one i found hard to like at first but i came around to it in the end. Basil Boli was another who didnt quite set my pulse racing. Other players like Mccall and Aluko i liked first moment i saw them, definetly alot more that ive instantly liked than disliked.
  18. One of a great many players i wish id been old enough to see play for us, sounds like a true gent as well.
  19. He thinks your talking bout Billy Dodds
  20. Hes a charmer aint he. Reminds me of Bellamy the same kind of thuggish coward.
  21. Slightly ot but whats happened to Kane Hemmings? Thought he would of got more first team action then he did, remember he got injured but thought that cleared up around Christmas time.
  22. If its got to be more punishment the SC ban is the one i would choose. Some press reports saying we should back down and accept the ILLEGAL transfer embargo. I would cry if we back down now on that. Our enemys would think they could do anything to us then and things would get even worse if thats possible.
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