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elephants stoned

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Everything posted by elephants stoned

  1. We've showed them up for the fools that they are and their embarrsed and angry at us for fighting back, 20 years of Moonbeams made them think they had us by the balls. Now we are hitting back and they dont like it 1 bit.
  2. Just says they have had talks with SFA. Guess we'll find out when statement is released
  3. I wish 'pundits' would get there info right before having a pop at us. D&P didnt take SFA to court, neither did Green, it was the RFFF and we won and overturned an ILLEGAL punishment. That seems to be forgotten in the rush to critsize us.
  4. Im getting bored with these no-marks and their self rightous attitude. Wonder what they would do if their clubs were hit with an illegal transfer ban that could seal their liquidation, sit back and take it incase they upset anyone by fighting it? Dont think so.
  5. Not by Ally, who would of thought Andy Little would come good at last or that Jig would be such a presence up front. I just mean i like people to respect our players no matter who they are, even if they arnt very good they still are Rangers players.
  6. Ive honestly lost count of the num of probes, enquirys, court cases, and such regarding us. when can we just move on from this shit and concentrate on normal things like that ball that you kick about. Whats it called again?
  7. Good statment, D&P must be exasperated with constantly having to rebutt media lies, deal with SFA & SPL, and go to court cases ect. I wonder what they would of said on Feb 14th if they knew then what being admin in charge of Rangers would entail.
  8. seems ive started an age old debate again, im not saying that Healy is a great player for us, but i just dont like to see Rangers players get slaughtered for nowt. Ally chose not to play Healy and with Jig and Littles form the last few months thats understandable. I would be saying the same of Edu, Broadfoot, Davis or any player i felt was being treated harshly. All Rangers players are worthy of a bit of respect in my book, unless they prove otherwise.
  9. Rangers will be champions, TLB will be living with the family from big fat gypsy program, Regan will be in intensive care with punctured anus from Liewell Aberdeen fans will still think they are somehow relevent and Paul Murry and The Blue Knights will be a barbershop quartet playing in old fokes homes
  10. We all want the best for Rangers, what alternatives are there besides Green? The players wages go back to normal at midnight tonight and thats a £1M a month shortfall again (minus whatever costs have been saved in other ways) whos going to fund that? TBK? Whyte?
  11. I wish people wouldnt mock Healy the guy may not be a great goalscorer or expensive like Jelavic but hes Rangers through and through, he took the wage cuts same as everybody else and deserves same respect as everybody else. Good luck David wherever you end up playing.
  12. Why is he called Wiggy? Never heard that 1 before.
  13. Well said Leggo im quick to critisise him when i feel hes gone a bit odd but that was back to his best. Hope to see more like this
  14. Surely not?! I couldnt imagine a national media organisation making a anti Rangers story and then attributing made up quotes to an imaginary source
  15. So thats that then? Wonder why the EPL source didnt want to be named if its such a cut and dried issue.
  16. Feni@n fanbhoys and ghests wont like this.
  17. How could D&P cap the fees when the court sets them?
  18. Hope Mo stays, much improved player and been a real battler at times when things have'nt gone so well for him.
  19. I have noticed English getting more rabid with each article on us, once i thought he was journo who although i disagreed with some of what he wrote,was basicly ok. In recent months uve seen him for what he truely is a frothing, angry, bitter pape wannabe, whos whole carrear these days seems to be slagging Rangers. Alot of them outing themselves theses days.
  20. Id love to see our fanbase stand together the way we (mostly) have during this crisis. Together we are stronger, together we are unstopable
  21. Hope he gets time to build his own team and style, though im not sure how much control he will have over transfers. Wonder who Swansea will go for, maybe Martinez again?
  22. Zak Daly will be getting a early morning call from pc plod i hope, fucking scumbag!
  23. Read on NewsNow that its Edu and Aluko. Sickining stuff, how many times is that now in recent months, some fucking morons on twitter need locking up for a long time!
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