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elephants stoned

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Everything posted by elephants stoned

  1. We are the best and we get more press coverage good or bad. Who will remember the scums tainted title last season? Even their own fans are more concerned with our troubles than the mhanks so called victory.
  2. Hard to feel much sympathy, i remember when he was at city and battered his own teammate at training, had pics of the guy in hospital totaly black and blue.
  3. Funny as fuck he tried to give a false name Johnstone and spelt it Jos then tried to run away and got caught tool.
  4. I hope this isnt true, we got to fight this, we are right and they are wrong. We cant back down now or they will think they have won. NO SURRENDER MR GREEN!
  5. How do you decide the biggest club in the world? Num of fans, turnover, disposable wealth, most trophys won? It means diffrent things to diffrent people.
  6. Agreed, we've been quiet for too long. The fightback starts now!
  7. Im not that technicaly minded, is the app any diffrent from just having RM bookmarked in my phone?
  8. The great thing about Rangers is that while we have our traditions and history we are also open and welcoming. Im Scottish born, lived in England alot of my life, politicaly im on the left and a proud socialist, and agnostic religously. Yet im a proud Rangers fan and have a deep love for our club, i suport the union and like the monarchy because they are part of what makes Britain British. I think we shouldnt be arguing about whos a 'real' fan or not from peoples views on non football matters. If you love The Rangers, your a Bear in my book.
  9. Respect to Mikey Mols he obviously married for love and not for a trophy model or popstar wife like so many footballers
  10. 'So what if it does not mention that?' That was the best the SFAs QC could come up with? Pathetic! Just pathetic.
  11. Should be our no1 priority after CVA, Hopefully we can get him for fairly low wages and then we're ready to rock!
  12. Not sure how i feel about this, on one hand hes free and not the worst player we could get, on the other hes a volitile character to say the least and also will be even more of a red card liability then he was for Hearts. Have to see who in CM will stay and who will go before id know. I think Ally will prob snap him up though.
  13. I think the hope is that HMRC will agree to the CVA covering all tax debts including the FTT because if they dont we will newco and they will get nothing at all. Kinda game of call their bluff
  14. This shits getting boring now, sick of hearing all this fake outrage from people, just because we're Rangers. Bring it on Muthafuckas!
  15. Where i live in Salford is quite alot of kafflics, they dont seem to give a shit bout celtic or us though, all mad united fans so i just laugh bout city winning title
  16. Where has he said the club wont get any money from player sales?
  17. Who are we wanting out this week? Yanks? Green? D&P? Dingwall? I vote for Dingwall. Jaffa cake go home!
  18. Wishfull thinking im afraid, Klasnic would be a great player in SPL but the wage demands for almost all the players on that list would be far too high for us. Id rather Perry get game time and develop than bring an injury prone Cuellar back anyway.
  19. Thats very true, i praised Leggat yesterday, going to hold my tongue today but i disagree with him on this. Guess we cant have it both ways.
  20. Shocking absolutly shocking, or at least it should be, but this 'man' has clearly shown his true colours recently. As said above imagine if one of us said same about Lennon. Regan Out!
  21. Galatasary, Olympiakos, Napoli preseason tournment at Ibrox
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