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elephants stoned

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Everything posted by elephants stoned

  1. If we could play this well even 1 in 2\3 matches im sure Ally would get alot more credit. Saving the best till tonight it seems:)
  2. Just an idea as tonight there's no updates on official site like normal and i cant find any others but if we had a offical update thread on RM with maybe site updaters similar to site writers except their job is to update us on the matches similar to twitter feeds. Would be highly appreciated by those of us who cant watch through work or not being able to stream the match or whatever. Thoughts?
  3. Fuck sake Little and Temps injured sounds like they were on top form too. Best wishes lads and nice for Clarky to get back on
  4. Fucking hat trick hero wish i could of seen this one sounds like everything we have wanted :McCulloch:
  5. You might need a flash player if you go to the official site Rangers.co.uk and look for a article with a video and if you don't have a flash player it will show you a link to adobe to get one.
  6. I certainly wouldn't say we wont have a hope in hell winning the league next season under Ally although we will not be the dead certs we have been the last two seasons. I think even with Ally we will probably win it but its the manner in which we win that's important and id rather win by 5 points blooding young players and building for the future than win it by 20 points by signing SPL players on inflated wages.
  7. Not this debate again i remember last seasons arguments, still its one of the nicer things to argue about
  8. My team Bell, Halkett, Mohsni, Faure, Wallace, Law, Murdoch, Templeton, Shiels, Daly, Little 4-3-3 with the midfield quite central and Halkett & Wallace as wing backs. Edit Halkett played last night so swap him for Foster and bring him on as a sub for his debut Allys team Bell, Foster, Jig, Mohsni, Wallace, Aird, Law, Peralta, Templeton, Shiels,Daly 4-4-2 Prediction a better performance and a 2-0 win.
  9. Im off to the boardroom thread for some sanity this football chat is overrated
  10. If wishes were horses you could eat Tesco beefburgers all day long.
  11. Not as bad as Sun evenings comments. I hope we can play some really good football tonight and destroy Clydebank because in tiring big time of this whole Ally debate.
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