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Yorkie Bear

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Everything posted by Yorkie Bear

  1. Reagan will surely go. Monday will be to agree an interim CEO to lead them out the mess. Doncaster will agree to stand down once a decision on reconstruction has been made. You heard iot here first.
  2. They certainly will discuss our situation and wonder to themselves "How did we get into this mess". The finger will be pointed at Doncaster and he'll say "It wasn't me, Reagan made me do it" After all that has been said by the chairmen, I can't see them changing their mind. They have to live with their decision. Lots of sleepless nghts for them though.
  3. As they romped the league and were looking forward to the riches of playing with the Gers. Then.... crash. Their hopes in ruins. Their fans were even swept along in the "lets boot Rangers" frenzy. They don't realise what they have done, but they will find out soon enough.
  4. No, as we'll be able to use our commanding presence in the SFL and cast them into the wilderness.
  5. The SFA, as a body, will not turn us down. Reagan will go.
  6. Do you think that Charles is being mischievous here? Is he trying to goad them into issuing a statement? Their silence is deafening.
  7. And I hope at these meetings they will consider who got them into this mess. It was not Rangers but the leadership of the SPL and SFA. Heads should roll.
  8. ICT will no doubt claim that the vote to exclude us from SPL was driven by the SFA, who made it clear that they would not allow a Yes vote to succee. In which case, at their emergemcy meeting, after they have discussed the finances they could pass a vote of no confidence in Doncaster.
  9. Forcing us out for a year will not give the SFA what they want, unless they say that we will then get automatic entry into the SPL (no chance). They want us back in the SPL within a year. The only way this can happen is if a quickly arranged SPL2 happens. Even then, how will the SFL clubs react to this? The SFL have taken a decision to accept us into the lowest tier. If we then leap over most of them into SPL2, it makes a mockery of the whole process. Surely there is no time to restructure this year, unless the start of the season is put off. The SFA should accept the SFL decision and let us play in Div3. They then need to rethink how they are going to save scottish football from he consequencies of their earlier decisions.
  10. I think he has every right to bring politics into this. What's the point in having a Minister for Sport if they are silent when scottish football is in such disaray. What's the point in having a constituency MSP when they are silent when an institution the size of Rangers in their constituency are in this position. If it were a manufacturer or other business, you would not be able to get them off the screens "fighting for their constituents". It does not need to be a SNP government bashing thing. There are other parties in scotland and from what I understand there has been silence all around. Please correct me if I am wrong in this. I simply cannot understand the refusal of the politicians to get involved and sort this out. If the SFA are incapable of running the game then politicians need to exert pressure to get it sorted. I've read before of RM that the government is anti Rangers because of the Union link. This may or not be true but the other parties are all pro union so what's going on? Is it simply that the calibre of politicians is so poor that they are incapable?
  11. Will the certificates be stapled or spiral bound? I'm only in if mine is spiral bound.
  12. I dont understand all this "We wont accept Div1 with sanctions, we'll go to Div3". We don't have any option. If our request to joint the SFL is accepted, the SFL will place us where they want. If they impose sanctions, we either accept them or withdraw our application. Ally said in his interview that we will accept whatever happens and move on from there.
  13. We should view this report somewhat sceptically. Talk of "diddy clubs" and homemade documents should make us question the truth of this. Within the report seems to be someone trying to justify their action. While we were led to believe that a compromise was on the cards, the near unanimity of the other clubs had to be explained away. So the easiest way to do this was to say "Well the Rangers were so arrogant that we had no option but to turn them down." So it's all our fault. They must think our heads are buttoned up the back.
  14. So, to date we have: 'The Duke of Cumberland Bayonet Loyal' 'the union jocks' 'the colloden Conquerors' 'ROYAL REGIMENT OF RANGERS' I would have set up a poll but "None of the above" would be a surefire winner.
  15. Although I now live IN Yorkshire, I'm not FROM Yorkshire. Does this disqualify me from being in the consortium?
  16. Like it. Though we might be accused of arrogance!
  17. Ally never fails to impress. He knows how to handle the media. He's relaxed, articulate and good humoured. How many managers can you say that about? His talk of "integrity" is well put. He is effectively calling the whole charade into question but in a very clever way. He says integrity should be more important than financial considerations. But in saying we will accept whatever happens to us, he is saying, "the decision is yours guys. You cant have it both ways. If integrity is paramount we'll be in Div3 and we'll accept that. If finance is more important, we'll be in Div1 and we''ll accept that." His considered talk of the SPL and the position they have been put in puts the boot into the SFA, but in a way that he can't be criticised by them. What a performer.
  18. The Royals. There's a source of revenue that could pay off Green. We could become The Royal Rangers (though a change of name will probably result in more sanctions.
  19. In light of the responses, I've cancelled the coach booked for Brasil.
  20. Forget Regiment or Battalion. Sounds like I'll be lucky to get a squad.
  21. I understand how many of our fans are not interested in the Scottish team, but I know that there are still many to will support Scotland. So that we remain distict in our support, how about a new grouping to differentiate us from the Tartan Army. How about the Bears Battalion or Rangers Regiment? Any more suggestions.
  22. But I thought Salmond had embraced the Queen (so to speak).
  23. If the biggest club in Scotland can be treated this way and the football authorites talk of social breakdown and the government dont intervene, what hope is there? Seems to be no leadership. I pity you shopuld the referendum go the wrong way and these people are running everything.
  24. Has the Minister for Sport not been questioned by the media on what she is going to do about this?
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