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Everything posted by hammer93

  1. I'm hearing on good authority from inside Rugby park that the tinkers put an official letter of complaint to Kilmarnock about the ball boys being too slow in returning the ball Even for them that is a new low
  2. In truth Kent should have been dropped on form alone
  3. He was.....along the lines of "give me the fookin ball"
  4. Early diagnosis of his ability may have been a bit premature, totally agree about his decision making...when that improves he will be an asset to us big time, Matondo had to play him in for what would have been a tap in
  5. The season before they won two cups, beat in the champions league final and lost the league on the last day....hardly a disaster....very much like our 2008 campaign
  6. Still early days to be hailing Rabbis redemption as complete but there are definite signs he could turn this round, I know that was his first goal the other night but he has been a tad unfortunate not to have scored last season with some decent efforts....his finish the other night was absolute class....not wanting to compare but that was a cool composed finish that was evidently missing from wee fashions game
  7. Was that Gordon Parks? He talks shite in the papers so no change there
  8. Maybe so, last week he came off the bench and he was just the same, I just don't see it with him mate
  9. I'm shocked at that mate...thought he was a certainty with his 80k a week salary
  10. Barrie Mckay is an enigma, I remember some posters shouting about us re-signing him...I genuinely think he offers very little, constantly runs into players and very rarely completes what ever pass he attempts....in a nutshell he is pish
  11. A lot of people thought Villa were a tinpot club when Gerrard went to them.....now people are bigging them up big time cos they scudded the junkies Villa have always been a big club with a decent sized fan base but even they are dwarfed by the crazy monies on offer to the current crop of supposed big clubs
  12. Wrong again.....I have admitted that I worded my initial quote Wrong....if you are now denying that you said it wouldn't bother you if we replaced grass with astro then I'm at a loss at how much of a fanny you want to be.....for the last time pack it in, you know you are trolling, I've asked you to annoy some other cunt but you insist in replying and trying to insult me, you are behaving like a fucking 8yr old
  13. Seriously give it a fucking rest....I've said that I have worded it wrong.....if only I had said that it wouldn't bother you if we were to replace grass with astro.....that is the main argument that you would have no qualms if we played on astro at Ibrox.....but like everything you twist absolutely everything that people disagree with you about
  14. Anyone who claims they wouldn't be bothered if we replaced the grass for astro is fucking mental....like I said it is a clear play on words....my mistake for claiming that he wanted it but the gist is it wouldn't bother him if we did, that is just a mental take by any stretch of the imagination
  15. You wouldn't have a problem if we replaced grass with AstroTurf....what am I missing here? Again it's you with a typical play on words....now fuck off and bore some other poster
  16. Oh I did.....just every now and again I get reeled in
  17. Come on mate Goldson covered Tavs arse on more than half dozen occasions
  18. Nae bother.....like I said before, you bore the majority in here with your incessant need to be controversial, the majority sussed you out years ago but you love that so you can play on it......fuck me you want to lay astro down on Ibrox just so you could argue with everyone.....you are a mentalist
  19. What exactly you suggesting here then? Clearly you are implying that I am wanting his contract ripped up....just the same I'm exaggerating you wanting to give him a new deal based on winning a couple of tackles....for somecunt that Clearly thinks he is above the majority of posters intelligence you do play stupid a helluva lot
  20. Same hysterical pish you made up by suggesting that I'm implying we should rip his contract upwhat a crank you are
  21. fuck me clueless Borna is a liability as is Tav, our full backs are the area good sides look to expose but hey ho by your logic we should award Borna a new contract cause he did actually win a couple of headers & tackles.....fucking mental
  22. I will say it again I picked out two....what part of that is hard for you to comprehend?
  23. You say I picked out one instance when I clearly picked out two....so fuck knows what you reckon went on....again you have achieved your goal in boring another poster trying to be smart....bye now
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