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Posts posted by Capetownbear

  1. The bottom line is that our fans were singing a banned song including words which have been deemed to cause offence so we can't complain if we do receive a punishment. Nor can we say that other teams are treated with leniency compared to us.

    Imagine if we were docked 3 points and lost the league by a couple of points. The singers would perhaps regret digging out the old songbook. I know that won't happen but one day we will be back in Europe and daft singing could land us in real bother.

    Personally I wish we could just move on and treat it like going to a football match. Other teams seem to manage.

    “It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what."

    [I saw hate in a graveyard -- Stephen Fry, The Guardian, 5 June 2005]”

    We should never be "moving on" (Surrendering) The issue is that people who get offended need to be told to get tae... that includes the authorities...

  2. If the clubs reject this latest witch-hunt on us it won't be because it's the right thing to do - fuck no - it's because it suits them one way or another i.e cash.

    Shameless fuckers.

    This exactly... not because it's the right way forward.. because they have finally realised Rangers continually being punished for fuck all isn't in their best intersets... selfish cunts..

  3. CR0njZsUAAA2jBr.jpg

    Didn't see the challenge live but this still shot I knicked of twitter says it all really...

    what else is the ref looking at that there if not a career ending challenge?

    how did Oduwa not break some bone in his leg?

    Just seen the still shot on the other thread... still what the actual fuck is that ref doing?

  4. I noticed this as well in the training pics... makes sense re: injury prevention and all that...

    I play socials down my local football club though and we have a rule that if a new guy pitches up to training wearing shin pads it's a definite sign he is absolutely shite at fitba and kick him to the curb after one session... it's a true 99% of the time also...

    but it is nioce to see all these little things being put into place by Warburton.. every little detail it ooks like is being covered...

  5. Not been in the UK for about 15 years now but this thread reminded me of that wee ditty my cousin taught me when I was over there...

    There's only one Henrik Larsson

    He's got a face like a marsian

    A packet of sweets

    A cheeky wee smile

    He's a fucking pedophile!

    or at least that's what i remember...

    cheating scumbag so he was...

  6. Aye but for £8.5m in the SPL you'd want a player to be a wee bit more than "decent".

    Frightening if true. Over £20m spent on Arveladze and Flo and people wonder how we got into such a mess.

    Frightening yes... Imagine how much £20m would do for us at the moment...

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