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five stars

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Everything posted by five stars

  1. Another solid performance. Definitely better suited to a more central role. It's good to have more competition for that spot with Jack injured.
  2. The only reason for the domestic vaccine passports is to force people to get a medical treatment they don't want. There is no other reason that makes any sort of sense.
  3. I think there's potentially a decent player in there but needs to play centre mid.
  4. I've not made the game tonight. How's Lundstram doing?
  5. I suggest you actually read some the studies you refer too. These vaccines are experimental, the long term effectiveness and side effects are not known. That obvious. mRNA vaccines may be the future of vaccines, we'll have to wait and see on that one. Although these vaccines are experimental, it doesn't mean the benefits outway the risks for many people. Unfortunately, if your male and between 12 - 16, the cure is more likely to put you in hospital than the disease.
  6. That's the most tin foil hat wearing, far out conspiracy theory I've heard in ages. Ok, I'll bite, if it's not experimental kindly direct me to the long term studies of it's effectiveness and side effects?
  7. Taking away people's human rights because they won't have an experimental medical treatment is in the realm of Totalitarianism. If they had extensive scientific evidence that the unvaccinated where spreading the delta variant significantly more than the vaccinated then they might have reasonable justification for such extreme measures. I've been looking and as yet have found no such evidence.
  8. "The unvaccinated are killing those who are vaccinated against the virus". Oxymoron or what?!?
  9. I think Lundstram initial, like many players who come from "more competitive leagues", was unprepared for playing for Rangers. But he seems prepared to fight for his place and has enough ability to be a solid, defensive, reliable centre midfielder.
  10. Lundstram doesn't look mobile enough to be a box to box player, he looks lost playing on the left or right of a 3. But he could potentially be a good central defensive midfielder with good strength and decent passing, allowing Kamara and Aribo to go box to box. Davis can't play every game.
  11. I think Lundstram could play a similar role to Jack.
  12. Lundstram's had an indifferent start to his Rangers career. Its time for him to be given the opportunity with a run of starts. But playing a central role as defensive midfielder instead of Davis. Give Lundstrom a chance in that key position playing a Ryan Jack type roll. We need to shake things up a bit with nobody's place in the team being guaranteed.
  13. What's to stop someone using a friend's vaccine certificate who's not going to the game?
  14. So are the SNP and their media friends going to call out anti British/ Protestant rhetoric or will that be ignored or labelled sectarianism?
  15. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/scottish-news/7667581/celtic-fan-Rangers-sectarian-abuse-cleared/ Meanwhile a policeman witnesses and records some asshole shouting bigoted hate speech and let's him off. If the standard of evidence required for conviction is this high then how are they going to prove those guys recently charged actually sung the famine song? Or will a different standard be applied?
  16. It wouldn't surprise me if this is true. There's been a definite change of language used by politicians and the media. They're the real bigots.
  17. We're still waiting for you to provide the data on how effective the vaccine is for stopping the spread of the delta variant?
  18. Finally your actually quoting "the science" your following. 😂
  19. It's the delta variant that's prominent in the UK. How effective is the vaccine in reducing the spread of the delta variant?
  20. "Some may die" that is inaccurate. Some will die and already have. More will. And we're not talking about "bad reactions" like an allergic reactions but serious conditions such as blood clots and inflammation of the heart.
  21. It depends on your age. If your young your risk from covid is tiny. Was one of the vaccines not banned from young people because of the dangers?
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