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five stars

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Everything posted by five stars

  1. Madden made a few bad decisions. Walsh should of been booked for taking out Kent in the build up to the 1st goal. Blatant, he's got no excuses for that one. Just before the penalty, the free kick on the edge of our box for Goldson's tackle on Brown looked soft, although he should've tackled with this left foot instead of his right, making the tackle look awkward. Harsh decision. The penalty itself, Aribo does have his hand on their player but there's only the slightest push followed by a dramatic dive. Very soft pen. Aribo penalty claim, there was a great view of this on Sportscene but they ignored it in their analysis. Taylor's got Aribo's arm in a vice like grip and pulls him forcefully to the ground. It's a blatant foul and stops a tap in. Maybe the refs not got a good view of this one but his assistant would have a great view. It's a bad miss of Édouardian proportions from the officials. Overall, we were fortunate that the mistakes made by the officials didn't effect the result of the game.
  2. Duffys a good player, just taking a little time to adjust to Scottish football. They should buy him in the summer for £5 million, a 4 year deal on 40 k a week would be a wise investment. 😆
  3. Liewell retiring, who's gonna run Scottish football now?
  4. What matters is that we have a level playing field with our rivals across the city. No one really cares whether East Fife or whoever gets unfair decisions as they've no chance of winning the league. You've admitted that you can't give examples of bad decisions in big games that have went against them in the last 2 seasons. You've also admitted that you don't watch enough of their games to do so. So you really don't have a clue if we get unfair treatment compared to them or not.
  5. If you've not watched enough of their games to give examples, then it logically follows that your not able to judge whether they get the same number of poor big decisions as we do? So basically your making a judgement without the relavant information?
  6. Can you give some examples of wrong decisions that have went against our biggest rivals in the last 2 seasons in the league?
  7. He had a surprising good game. Duffy should of seen red, but possibly gives him the benefit of the doubt as the doesn't want to reduce them to 9.
  8. Just remember that St Mirren got a penalty against us in the last game so makes Goodwins interview even more ridiculous. But i do agree that i hope the ref is brave. And punishes bad tackles and diving around the box, that where the refs should be focusing their attention.
  9. Another day and another story in the press suggesting we get preferential treatment on penalties . It's been covered every day since the game against hibs. Newell saying the ref was too nervous to give it, now Goodwin calling for the ref to be brave. It's blatant propaganda, there was one team who benefited at the weekend from a very soft penalty while they were struggling to break down a stubburn defence in poor conditions. The most obvious penalty of the weekend hasn't even been mentioned, which was Porteous on Roofe (takes the man before the ball). Assuming the majority of ref's read the media, surely all this pressure will have an effect?
  10. Hows long did they go on about Beaton not sending off Morelos? More slow news days?
  11. We are all biased regarding our teams when it comes to referees. But that doesn't invalidate the argument that because all fans think that some decisions go against their team, that referees can't also have their biases or be affected by influences such as crowds, media, managers and players and the referee hierarchy. Your a brave man to give an important decisions against a certain club as you'll be slaughtered in the media for days or even weeks. Just look at the Hibs game, the media still going on about hibs not getting a penalty. Hardly mentioned the ones for our side, or as another example the soft one given against Hamilton. Your not the smartest if you don't think refs can be affected by outside influences.
  12. People have short memories. We've had some baffling decisions go against us in the last few seasons. They have cost us points in the league, cup semi finals and finals. This season's been better so far, although we lost 2 points at Easter Road due to the officials.
  13. He could of easily been badly injured, possibly even dislocating a shoulder and it was completely intentional, against St Mirren Balagon was barged intentionally too, but not quite as dangerous because he wasn't jumping at the time. Ref also ignored Hagi having his shirt pulled for ages, and numerous fouls on Kent. Since we played Utd, teams are getting dirtier, and refs are turning a blind eye to it.
  14. Clearly some posters have never played much football. Two hands on an opponent's shoulder, using them as a ladder, is a foul. It is allowed in rugby, maybe that's what your thinking of?
  15. It's a blatant foul and i thought so at the time. You might get away with one hand on a shoulder or having an arm over but using both hands is obviously a foul. That why their player was able to leap so high and Helander was unable to jump.
  16. Clancy would of been devastated that Morelos wasn't playing, missing out on a chance to send him off again. Gave them numerous free kicks in decent areas after their players fell over with little to no contact.
  17. There's a still photo on one of the other threads.
  18. Thought he had bags of potential, wonder why it didn't work out for him?
  19. We have to give the board credit. They've spent more than our income and converted debt to equity as they said they would. We have to accept that at some point in the future we may sell or best players like Morelos, Kent, Katic, Aribo to balance the books longer term.
  20. He had last season to make mistakes. He's got this season to get it right.
  21. Could be a useful squad player when fully fit.
  22. Similar to Beaton at the Xmas fixture. Let alot go for both teams and let the game flow. Beaton got major criticism for his performance because they lost.
  23. There was little space to play out from the back with their high press. And with no options long ( except Defoe) and nothing on the left it effectively made the pitch much smaller.
  24. He starts with the ball much deeper, it was a poor decision to even try the pass.
  25. He wasn't out of position, he was just carrying the ball out from the back. Tav was on the touchline but marked, Goldson tried to threat a ball to the already marked Tav through a very tight space. It went straight to their player.
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