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Everything posted by bluenose_n1

  1. R9 pre injury’s is the best I’ve ever seen When to inter and made a made mockery of the best defensive system in football used to watch Italian football on a Sunday on channel 4 hoping it would be inter
  2. I wouldn’t open my curtains to watch they Cunts i would’ve gave anything for wee vlad to come in get the winner believe me Russia will be a better place without trannies running about flashing their knobs to anycunt and everycunt i hope they get fucked
  3. I know they are playing Slovenia, I’m wondering why the fuck any cunt would want to go and support that Mob
  4. Well you didn't say recently you said it was the first you saw him play which to me said you must be about 13 year old
  5. What age are you mate if this is the first you've seen him play
  6. Good player but not for me still say r9 Ronaldo is the best I've ever seen
  7. There is a diffference between muslims and Islamic extremist i never said anything about everyday muslims but get rid of them all
  8. But it's not the next generation that's blowing fucking wee lassies up after a pop concert ya fucking balloon zero tolerance is the only fix known provos were picked off and held under internment and then deported out the country or even jailed fuck sake you couldn't even be Irish when the provos were bombing mainland U.K. Without getting arrested so how is it these fucking cunts can stand in town centres up and down the country and spout there hatred for all things British you think Maggie thatcher would be allowing these fuckers the chance to blow up weans not a fucking chance time to send the bigs boys in to sort these fuckers out have the sas drag a few out there fucking mosques and see how the rest react
  9. Fucking right mate said it yesterday fucking admins pandering to these fannys #tommyrobinsonbearsden also think we should have a banner along the top stating RM against Islamic terror because the fucking moon howlers always keen to show they support Islamic terrorists
  10. You get to fuck hes a very pro unionist who defends our country at every turn against any threat guys had 6 osman letters from police and been attacked almost on a daily basis for speaking publicly about the state of our nation he pounds the streets highlighting Muslim rape gangs,,newsagents that support and fund terrorism and gets a raw deal if your a Rangers fan and hate a guy for defending our country from an even bigger threat than the fucking nazis were then your a fucking idiot these fuckers will have an Islamic state U.K 60 years unless we do something about them From the Quintessential British Club well done Tommy
  11. They fuckers just walking out fucking streets should be treated like an act of terrorism i thinks it's time we as a support and a club put these manky cunts back in there place without going all Kevin keegan I would fucking love it if we hump these bastards this season
  12. Exactly mate it fucking boils my blood
  13. I'm sorry mate it has everything to do with us its only a matter of time before they think they can do shite like that in our pubs and clubs and to our woman and children heading to games the reason scotlands in the fucking state it's in is because we all said fuck the snp etc it's fuck all to do with us well that came back to bite us in the arse they went to that shop and attacked it because he was defending our country against these bastards and called them out for openly supporting Muslim terrorists so as a unionist myself and a supporter of a unionist club I expect to see this in every football forum up and down the country to highlight what fucking scum those cunts are
  14. Who's the young rangers fans are you kidding the last twice we played them at Hampden young rangers fans have been attacked one with a bottle your saying fuck Tommy Robinson a guy who started the edl after watching the muslims in his town abuse our soldiers on their homecoming parade and also burning Poppy's on rememberence Sunday fucking tit
  15. Fuck off mate thats what we should be doing to they bastards every time we play them they shouldn't get a chance to bottle young rangers fans because they should lying in a pool of their own blood
  16. But you do realise that it's all copied and pasted from the filths forum
  17. the big gangly bastard has burns number here will be surprised if anything other than burns on his back
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