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Everything posted by Alec87

  1. Anybody know how to,post the clip of this penalty, to put it to bed. No way did Albertz dive. As I recall Lambert attempted a slide tackle from about 15 feet away. A moment of madness that cost him his front teeth.
  2. Loved Goram hitting the ball off DiCanio when he wasn't looking, twice !! Or Gazza playing one twos of opposing players for quick free kicks. Also pretty sure he deliberately smacked a guy square in the nuts with the ball once. If anybody could Gazza could. ?
  3. Come he would, chances arising if. Fixed that for you
  4. Ha,ha wish I was too young to remember Gough. Was there there not a strong rumour Gough refused to play right back when asked, anyone else heard that one ? Just saying ?
  5. A few times, the last was in the 3rd Division when we first had a sell out, cannae remember who we played. Thought of ma da who I lost just the month before administration.
  6. Really tough call between Gough and Weir. I've voted for Weir. A watershed moment for me was a game against them where Davie had a terrible time against Hooper, his face was grey and he looked ill. Yet a short time later he was there lifting the League cup after beating them who were heavy favourites I recall. Also the song " we all dream of a team of Davie Weir's" sums the man up perfectly.
  7. The Copland Rear was good enough for me the best part of 20 years. In the Govan Rear now that I'm older and wiser ??
  8. What is with these endless posts about the fucking rats. None of them should be within a 10 mile radius of Ibrox. End of.
  9. For me his signing was the beginning of the end for Advocaat as Manager. Was a shambles at the back particularly against the scum. Despite that, the goal against them was up there with one of the best I've seen in 30 years
  10. Perfectly summed up. Waddell built it, Holmes filled it.
  11. Would be fantastic to get him back to Ibrox and and give him the recognition he richly deserves.
  12. Yeah, heard that too. Was everything a Rangers Chairman should be.
  13. Had the great pleasure of meeting the man after an end of season game away to Falkirk when we are all chanting "Roberts must stay" ? Him and his wife chatted away to us. I would have thought he was no longer with us, hope I'm wrong.
  14. Reckon if it's Warburton, Lewis will be back
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