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New Signing

New Signing (1/12)



  1. The boy looks a good prospect. Hope he hits the ground running and bangs in a few goals early doors. If he settles early im sure he will get 25+ and that will see us well on the way to the title
  2. Always Ultra. Its a bunch of fannies thats runnin it
  3. This fuckin idiot Whyte should be locked up by now. Runs our great club into the ground and then comes up with this shite. This clown couldnt sink any lower
  4. Hope the sheepshaggers finish up in the 3rd division
  5. Rangers will rise again and hopefully that wee bastard will get a few years in the big house beside a few angry bears
  6. Dont see the problem in praisin your team. The guy took some shit over the years but was right enough about Murray. Not everybodys favourite but the guy talks some sense no like that shite thats just been posted
  7. After all thats went on at the club and the way Ally has conducted himself i think hes entitled to a wee laugh during a friendly. The leagues won it might no have been pretty to watch at times but its job done so ffs give the guy a break
  8. The SFA and SPL never consider what the fans want and i dont think they are going to start listening any time soon.
  9. We shouldnt give that tosser Cosgrove the time of day. Just listened to that shite he was spewin out. Always been anti Rangers but that was over the top even for a clown like him.
  10. The style of plays no been great but after all allys done for the club the guy desrves another season. Lets judge the man when hes got more players in an a good pre season behind them.
  11. The SFA an SPL must be the laughin stock of world football. Only league in the world where u win it an might not get promoted. Another rangers hater jumps on the bandwagon probably listenin too much to LIEWELL
  12. the tims are always spoutin oot the same old shite excuses. the teddy bears did the business that day an won fair an square. fed up listenin to that mob they are the only team a know that canny take a beatin without blamin somebody or somethin else for it. WATP
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