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Everything posted by UKIP BEAR

  1. Aye, Best wishes spiv. It'll be good to see you back at Ibrox supporting the team-not.
  2. I see that you failed to answer my question.So you didnt see his agm performance then? It was cringeworthy. His fellow board members were like his carers,having to help him with the basics of chairing a meeting. And as for his numerous attempts at humour,well nobody laughed.
  3. Did you see the performance of somers at the agm?I said it then and i'll say it again,he's a bumbling old fool.
  4. Glad to see the back of the wee slimey fucker. How anyone could defend him is beyond me. We've pissed millions down a stank while he has been FD and he had to go.
  5. I'd like to state here and now that i am a dirty orange bastard.lol This is a joke of course and in no way did i intend to offend myself.
  6. Arsene=Arse. Getting the excuses in already. The guy should have been sacked long ago.
  7. I agree with you in part.King may be playing a game here and who knows that game may end up with Rangers being the winner. So im not going to criticise just yet because king could make his critics look really stupid.
  8. Just like mr.king you're entitled to your opinion.
  9. The problem is mate,that he is giving his viewpoint,just the same as you give yours and i give mine.Although i accept that mr.wallace should be given his 120 days to let us know where we are.
  10. Although the obvious 9iar was special. The feeling that day at pittodrie when we won it for the first time under souness will live with me forever. Having not been champions for so many years made it extra special. There must have been 20,000 bears in pittodrie that day and to go there and win it,considering how dominant Aberdeen had been over the previous few years under alec ferguson was magical. Rangers were back.
  11. I have let it go mate.I will now support the board until i think they do not deserve my support any longer(if i think there is any wrongdoing) The point of my post was that there was no criticism of mr.wallace for giving an interview to english. Yes they should be given time to sort things out but that should not mean that we cannot criticise them atall.
  12. Start a poll then,im a computer dumpling or id do it myself.lol
  13. Where do i say "never trust anyone again?I said id find it difficult to trust any board member again(if ever)at face value Im not telling anyone else who to trust,im speaking personally. What i did say is that we must all be vigilant so that the wool isn't pulled over our eyes again. Or would you rather that now or at anytime in the future,the fans always take the club custodians at their word. Look where that got us before. So if you don't mind i'll demand thorough,honest answers from the club board because i care more about Rangers than any of them ever will.
  14. I know it's a great song but i hate it when we're referred to as GLASGOW Rangers. We are Rangers or The Rangers in my eyes.
  15. Ive never accused the Easedales of laundering money.You don't seem to get what im saying. NO MATTER WHO is running our club,we should all watch them very carefully. The past is the past. Going forward,we as fans must never have the wool pulled over our eyes again. I think most would agree with that.
  16. I don't take a lead from anybody.I had a go at one of the req's earlier for slagging off the board for cost cutting. If the req's had got in,i would have watched their every move as well. But what i don't want us to do is take our eye off any of them. How stupid would we look as a support,if we allowed the board a free hand with no questions asked and they shafted us. As thousands of us are shareholders in the company it is our entitlement to look at how the club is being run.
  17. So every journalist in the country is a Rangers hater.Behave yourself mate. Alot are,but not every one.
  18. If im paranoid about the board its with good reason.Our club was almost destroyed while we sat back and believed every word the custodians of our club told us. Well no more,aren't we all entitled to to question the board at every turn now. If you want to give your 100% trust to the Rangers board then fine,but no matter who is on our board,some of us will be watching and scrutinising their every move. And you say i decry English,aye,along with every other person on this forum. This isn't anout whatever side you supported mate. This is about all of us keeping a close eye on how our club is being run. One of the req's has had a go at the board for cutting costs,well,he's wrong. We've got to at least wait until the 120 days are up and then see where we stand.
  19. So this interview HAD to be given to one of the most bitter Rangers haters?A guy who tried to destroy our club. Im not having a go at Wallace for giving the interview,im having a go at the almost total silence on this forum about it. Im sure the interview could have been carried out by someone else. We must never let any Rangers board,ever again,away with being anything but totally transparent in the way they run OUR club.
  20. That's crap and you know it.Look im not having a go at mr.wallace for talking to him but we should be letting the board know that we are watching them very carefully. It will take me a very long time(if ever)to trust a board member at face value. No matter what side you supported at the agm,we are all bears,and we must watch the board like 50,000 hawks.
  21. Even though i supported the req's,i agree with you.We must at least give Wallace his 120 days to see what his plans are.
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