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Everything posted by UKIP BEAR

  1. I wonder if you would have thought the same way if it was the Rangers name being changed?The Glasgow bears maybe?
  2. I dont care about their league position either,but fuck them?If you're grateful it's a funny way of showing gratitude.
  3. why the fuck off linfield comment then?I only support Rangers but Linfield helped us when we were on our knees and i thank them for that.
  4. Many thanks to the many Dons fans today who took my taxi to parkhead. I so enjoyed taking you to the cleaners.
  5. I think the reason is that it is just so much more difficult to win than the old European cup because of the amount of top clubs in it.
  6. Since stb mentioned positive discrimination. Maybe we should have a fair share of black managers',women,lesbian gay and bisexual and those with a disability. It's a wonder no-one thought of it sooner.
  7. post of the week.The leftie hand wringers on here will be apalled. No Surrender.
  8. I'd like to state here and now that i am a dirty orange bastard.lol This is a joke of course and in no way did i intend to offend myself.
  9. Arsene=Arse. Getting the excuses in already. The guy should have been sacked long ago.
  10. Did the person who made the complaint give alot of detail of gcc and celtic's history over the years?Or is it upto the commission to go digging themselves?
  11. who asked the questions and to whom mate?Think i mustve missed something. Cheers.
  12. Tick Tock. Our sweetest revenge may not even be on the field of play.
  13. I was amazed man u never went for mourinho. They may come to regret it.
  14. I dont believe a word that comes from the piggery.They have still not said how many st's theyve sold this year(same as last year)personally i think theyre hust making a number up so that it looks like they are getting more fans in than us.
  15. I was outside parkhead just before 3 mate,and believe me,the place was dead.I drove up the gallowgate,down the new road,then turned left onto london rd before stopping outside the piggery. I was not stopped in traffic once. It was as if there was a game between st johnstone and hibs on.
  16. They are losing many more fans than us.Im a taxi driver and all ceptic home games im guaranteed to get a couple of fares from the city centre to phead. This last while ive been able to get right upto london rd at the stadium without even slowing down. The game against thistle was the worst ive seen there in many a year. I got to ceptic park at 2.55 and it was as if it was a st johnstone v hibs game going on. I heard the stadium announcer shout the players names out and there was hardly a whimper in the stadium. I even had a look at kerryfail st and even the ceptic fans are commenting on it in large numbers. Im speaking as a st holder and we are nowhere near as bad. They are sick of low crowds,shite football and many want lemmon out.
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