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Everything posted by UKIP BEAR

  1. They are losing many more fans than us.Im a taxi driver and all ceptic home games im guaranteed to get a couple of fares from the city centre to phead. This last while ive been able to get right upto london rd at the stadium without even slowing down. The game against thistle was the worst ive seen there in many a year. I got to ceptic park at 2.55 and it was as if it was a st johnstone v hibs game going on. I heard the stadium announcer shout the players names out and there was hardly a whimper in the stadium. I even had a look at kerryfail st and even the ceptic fans are commenting on it in large numbers. Im speaking as a st holder and we are nowhere near as bad. They are sick of low crowds,shite football and many want lemmon out.
  2. How can i say what?That the paedos are the best of a bad bunch? They are. The spfl table tells you so. But that doesn't mean that they are any good. We are not a good side either,but we are not as far behind the paedo boys as some would have you think.
  3. Don't understand why anyone would want to play with a sitting midfielder at this level.We should be ATTACKING.
  4. Im just wondering why any guy would have a tea towel. Surely drying dishes is women's work. Tin hat on.
  5. We will remember them. RIP bears.
  6. Happy birthday Sandy Jardine OAP. And imo,the greatest Ranger.
  7. Omg. Didn't you know that our red and black socks are sectarian. Ask any fenian,they'll tell you.
  8. Fact is,there are no good teams in scottish football. Our national game has never been in such a state. The paedos are only the best of a bad bunch. Things won't improve until we are back where we belong. It's all about the Rangers.
  9. Well said,couldn't have put it better myself.
  10. Fcuk the rat mcgregor. He can rot in hell.
  11. Sorry for your loss mate. RIP Billy.
  12. 5 grand a week.I think we have to get rid of this big wage culture.
  13. Unfortunately mr mccoist is a very forgiving chap.Everybody's mate and all that.
  14. Was the op not listening to what was said at the agm? We will be CUTTING costs.
  15. We lost our chance to start again with a new footballing philosophy at the beginning of last season.We might as well face upto the fact that we will be watching piss poor football for years to come.
  16. If ever there was good reasons to boycott a football club,the idiot who owns this club have handed them to the Cardiff fans. Id rather watch my club in the bottom division than have a cunt like him own my club. Fucking crackpot.
  17. If they were bought from the club store then Rangers are responsible for the item that is not fit for purpose.If bought from another retailer then they are responsible as they sold you the item. This is consumer law,so don't be fobbed off.
  18. Must just have gone then because i saw him Glasgow city centre about a week ago.
  19. The motivation should come from the honour of pulling that famous blue jersey over your head.
  20. Saw him at junction of Buchanan st/Argyle st last week. The only guy in Scotland who still wears a trenchcoat.
  21. I would get rid of the manager first tbh. I'd then give the players a chance working with a new boss. Maybe a new boss would get the best out of some of these guys. No more trying to fit square pegs in round holes.
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