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Everything posted by UKIP BEAR

  1. Exactly.The way people go on about Manchester you'd think that we'd actually won it. Aye the journey was great but at the end of the day it meant nothing.
  2. That must have been really exciting,it certainly sounded it.
  3. No not really.Once in a blue moon if im really bored. If the champions league final was on tv and there was an amatuer game on the local pitch then id rather go out and watch the amatuer game.
  4. They're the only team in my world.Each to their own i suppose.
  5. Can't get my head round why anyone would want to go and watch another club.
  6. Id rather be forest gump than a taig loving rhat like you.Away you up to the paedodome and applaud ceptic onto the park,you've got previous for that.
  7. I value the opinion of the Rangers fan who goes to the game much more than any ex player who has never paid to see Rangers in their life. Some of these people have made millions out of Rangers,where were they when we needed them? So Richard Gough can do with his opinion what Donald Duck does with his bill. Stick it up his arse.
  8. Disagree,it's always a great achievement to win the scottish cup.The last time i was in the piggery was over 20 years ago and i got thrown out. I swore id never step foot in that shithole again. If we make it this year,i'll break that oath. I'd love to rub their stinking rhat faces in it.
  9. Im already starting to dream of winning the cup at the piggery. Emotionally,it would match anything.
  10. Seeing as it's the year of the referendum,let's have an unionist day. How good would hundreds of union flags look and how much would it sicken them. Weve got to get there first of course.
  11. If were going to have to play them,id rather we did it at a bouncing Ibrox.Bring on the sheep shaggers.
  12. But lemmon is being eyed up by premiership clubs.lol
  13. Hamilton scored against us to end the run,can't remember who he broke the old record against.If ceptic would have got the record it would have meant nothing without Rangers there.
  14. I had plenty of space to stretch out. Always a positive somewhere.
  15. In jacks defence,he may be 56,but id be willing to bet that he's fitter than most 28 year olds.
  16. Watching that clip made me feel a bit sorry for the younger bear. They'll never get to savour a hampden final with an atmosphere like days gone bye.
  17. So you partly blame pm for imran sueing the club.Despite pm puting his name to the statement telling murray not to sell to whyte. Strange.
  18. I don't drink,but if we were to win the scottish cup this season the champagne will be flowing. It really would be a blow to all our haters,they'd be gutted.
  19. Get them delivered to her work mate and let her carry them home.You get yourself to Ibrox.
  20. The difference being that you piped in to specifically defend Guardian.I commented on a general point. Ok lets start again. Who do you think should be invited to a meeting on fan ownership? How can every fan be invited to a meeting. They'd have to have it in the hydro.
  21. No you didn't slag him off,you just said he should be a pie seller.Say what exactly?
  22. How can every single Rangers fan be invited?Or who do you think should be invited but is not?
  23. Who are you,Guardians dad?Im sure he can answer for himself.
  24. You're one of the people causing the divisiveness and the meeting hasn't even taken place yet.
  25. So Alec Rae doesn't respect Rangers.Alec comes from Dennistoun (same as me) from a Rangers family,i know his brother derek who also was at Ibrox as a youngster. They're credentials as Rangers fans are not in dispute(in my eyes) I dont always agree with him either,but the name calling personal abuse and slagging off because he has a different opinion from some is unwarranted.
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