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Everything posted by CrackFox

  1. furthermore the person in question has been asked on twatter by numerous Bears to deny or confirm.No answer received and account locked shortly after!
  2. no wonder our club was kicked fuck out of.A guy starts his own personal vendetta against our club,starts his own personal fan group,is telling people not to spend THEIR money on season tickets,yet he may have spent hundreds going abroad in a celtic fan package to watch celtic! You see no problem with that scenario?
  3. because the same guy is trying to cripple the club and make out he`s a better,more loyal Rangers supporter than anyone.Lot`s believed him so if he went on that celtic fan trip in 2012 it makes him unfit to lead a fans group telling people not to buy season tickets!
  4. that was my thinking but trying to be devil`s advocate and think well maybe a cheap holiday and don`t go to the game. Still got to travel with them though as it`s a celtic fan package. Can`t figure the guy out if this turns out to be 100% true,around 80% at moment.
  5. all will become clear I believe but not going to name him just now as he hasn`t answered questions about,might not have had time yet. Also it was a twatter discussion,came from a genuine Bear and has pictures of the convo seemingly coming from genuine account. Was more curious to see if any Bears would even consider such a thing.
  6. would any true Bear even consider forking out hundreds of pounds to travel to Barcelona to see celtic play? Seems a Fans Group leader did exactly that,no evidence to show he went but proof he discussed going and was told £200 which he said was good and might bring someone else with him. Maybe I`m being harsh but I wouldn`t cross the street to see those manky bastards play let alone pay.
  7. Lennon has already been to court to fight his case and lost,I believe. http://www.<No links to this website>/news/neil-lennon-tax-scheme-blow-1173612
  8. she wore a yellow ribbon for Arsenal? wtf? What were they thinking making that video!
  9. Kissing the wrist(band) came from S.American players(all players) not allowed to wear neck chains/crosses. So a small religious talisman (usually virgin mary medal thing) tucked into a pocket in sweat/wristband.
  10. Palace is a real family club with great fans,very friendly.West Ham septic lovers,even got half and half scarfs.
  11. yeah it`s probably better to just stand there doing nothing while others piss all over you and your club!
  12. An absolute fucking tosser and a horrible cunt.How he gets a job in the media is beyond me. Dirty doggin,woman beating.brainless cunt.I`ve seen more intelligent budgies.
  13. Celtic State Aid ‏ @CelticStateAid We will provide links to blogs, details of FOI information and other information regarding State Aid received by Celtic and their soft loans from Co-Op bank.
  14. The latest tweet.I see they are using GCC emblem as their account pic,brilliant! Celtic State Aid ‏@CelticStateAid Did an official Celtic FC account play a part in getting this account suspended? What are they worried about?
  15. wish I could mate but no idea how to do it,hope someone more clued-up like D`art will do it.
  16. good news @CelticStateAid re-instated on twitter. Another fail fail from the manky ones.
  17. of course c****c will probably try to block the account by saying it breaks copyright laws by using their name,it could be mistaken for an official account and shite like that.so all the guy/guys have to do is close the account and set up a new one without c****c in the name. It is interesting though how quickly they acted to get the account suspended while saying they have nothing to hide!
  18. It`s usually done automatically when a user is reported a certain number of times. Looks like the unwashed have been busy on twitter. I expect to see it re-instated as they had no problem with the Rangers Tax Case twitter account.
  19. They can complain or if enough people report them the account will be suspended while Twitter look into the matter. As long as @StateAidCeltic stick to facts then can`t see why the account won`t be back up again.
  20. most surprising thing about that article I pasted is that Mosson had burglary convictions,went to prison twice yet became mayor. Thought criminals were barred from holding office,obviously I`m wrong.
  21. Here is something similar that I only read today. Dec 24, 2010 at 5:05pm Quote Post by bormes on Dec 24, 2010 at 5:05pm Frank McAveety is Labour's former Sports Minister who championed the case for Sportscotland's HQ to be relocated from Edinburgh to the Parkhead site of a new National Arena, despite 90% of Sportscotland's employees expressing their desire to stay in Edinburgh, Ron Culley is a former Labour Party candidate for Strathkelvin and Bearsden. He is also the former Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise and former colleague of Stephen Purcell of GCC, who is on the board of Scottish Enterprise, Jack McConnell is a personal friend Former Chairman of Scottish Enterprise is Willie Haughey. Haughey is Scotland’s biggest single donor to Labour Party funds. He received £16 million of tax-payers money, approved by Jack McConnell, to relocate his business to facilitate the M74 extension......to Parkhead. Culley is a season ticket holder at Celtic Park , as are Haughey, Purcell and McAveety. McConnell is a regular guest. Culley visited Beijing to study transport systems to "help Glasgow’s bid to host the 2014 Commonwealth Games". Culley, Haughey and McAveety were at the forefront of the campaign for the M74 extension which improved Road links to Parkhead. 3 days after McConnell and McAveety announced the relocation of Sport Scotland to land adjacent to Celtic Park, Culley as Chief Executive of Strathclyde Passenger Transport) quietly issued a low-key statement declaring the intention to build a new £20 million train link to Parkhead jointly funded by SPT, GCC and The Scottish Executive. More recently Culley announced plans for a Glasgow Underground extension to Parkhead. Key historic buildings at Parkhead Cross are to be refurbished as part of a drive to breathe new life into the east end of the city. The Heritage Lottery Fund has given £1.4 million – one of the largest single donations it has ever awarded – to specifically restore the 100 year old Edwardian style buildings that frame the Cross. Three former bank buildings will be renovated to bring empty floor space back into viable use and improve the overall streetscape. The Parkhead Townscape Heritage Initiative is a £4 million five year plan, with the aim of repairing and bringing back to use landmark buildings, vacant shop nonsense and enhancement to the public realm . The partners in the initiative include Glasgow City Council, East End Partnership, East End SIP, Communities Scotland Celtic Football Club and Scottish Enterprise Glasgow. £50 first prize to the first caller to name me a link between Glasgow City Council, Celtic Football Club and Scottish Enterprise Glasgow. In the mid 90s after Celtic FC had submitted plans for the re-building of their stadium. Glasgow District Council sold the club significant tracts of land namely Kinloch Street, Janefield Street and Dalriada Street for the princely sum of 1p. The Planning Committee consisted thirteen members, eleven Labour, one SNP, and one Tory. The SNP member was so disgusted with the dealings of his own committee that he informed the Herald that "of them eleven Labour councillors on the committee, they are all either season ticket holders or share holders at Celtic Park. Eight of them are both". He further noted that,"if these eleven councillors were shareholders in ICI and they voted for lax planning consent on a petro-chemical plant , there would be a criminal investigation". (This scandal was also reported in Private Eye's "Rotten Borough's" column). Okay, we have established Glasgow District Council sold three streets( Dalriada Street ,Janefield Street ,and Kinloch Street ) to their beloved Sellik for a penny. Next, the combined efforts of the Board of Scottish Enterprise(Glasgow) ie Paul Cooney, Wullie HeeHaw, Charlie Gordon, Stephen Purcell, ....etc and the then First Minister and Sellik season ticket and share holder, Jack McConnell ensured the Commonwealth Games would be centred on Sellik Park . It was first announced by McConnell to Snyde's Paul Cooney on the evening of the home leg of the UEFA Cup tie against Liverpool. Subsequently, it came out that the Velodrome would be constructed across the London Road and the various Administrative blocks would house Sports Scotland (currently located in Edinburgh). Those Admin' blocks have to be filled and the next vetted and fully on message tenants’ are Culture and Sport Glasgow. The Chief Executive of this public funded body is Bridget McConnell, wife of Jack. Of course, Bridget only received her in excess of £100,000 per annum designation because of a piece of horse trading by philanderer, Jack. He could not keep it zipped, got caught, ended up on the front page of the Record, and Bridget only agreed to respectability if Jack ensured she was over promoted several grades. In football parlance, Bridget was a youth team stalwart who immediately assumed Captaincy of the first team. Really, it all makes sense to centralise all the decision making process. All those MPs, MSPs, MEPs, Councillors, and Chief Executive of Public Funded bodies can watch their hooped heroes then walk across London Road to decide what’s best for the peoples of Glasgow, Truly, the establishment Club. I wonder if Bridget's and Jack's brother-in-law, Robert McLuckie will be first on the guest list. Perhaps I should try and explain myself further for those questioning why certain contributors raise the possibility that this proposed "Eat End Redevelopment" and "Celtic Triangle" may be of considerable benefit to Celtic FC - and indeed, that this is a primary factor in the plans we've seen released this week. Until very recently, Glasgow had not had a non-RC Lord Provost since the early 70s. A completely disproportionate number of staff at Glasgow City Council – including those at top end of the salary scale such as Bridget McConnell – are RCs. Nearly all Labour councillors are RCs and few councillors are members of any other party. Roman Catholic ex-Lord Provost Dr. Michael Kelly questioned the reasons behind this phenomenon a few years ago live on radio, the inference being the situation had arisen out of bigotry. Credit to him for being so open and honest. A recent Lord Provost, Alex Mosson, was an IRA sympathizer who was responsible for inviting Gerry Adams to Govan Town Hall , while the Provisional’s terror campaign was in full swing. Mosson had a novel interpretation of wealth redistribution; he had several criminal convictions for burglary, two of which lead to custodial sentences, including one case which involved tying up an OAP. Mosson's wife was certainly not prepared to let taxpayers' money go to waste during her husband's stint as Provost, insisting on an increase in her dress allowance from £8,000 to £14,000 p.a. When questioned, she justified this by famously claiming "the people of Glasgow wouldn't want to see me wearing the same outfit twice".Mr. Mosson was the inaugural Chairman of The Celtic Trust and perhaps unsurprisingly, made sure that the official limousine was at hand for his regular trips to Celtic Park, a policy that was also questioned by political opponents. Strangely, he never took the opportunity of visiting Ibrox. Again this was swept under the carpet ,and was never brought to light at the council meetings, this was squashed when it was motives behind those at the forefront of the Commonwealth Games bid – such as Jack McConnell, Ron Culley, Steven Purcell and Frank McAveety – who are all regulars at Celtic Park .There are huge question marks over the £288m budget (80% to be paid by the Executive), given that the cost of the `indoor arena' alone has recently escalated from an original £24m to £70m. McConnell's handing of the M74 extension affair, in which he met City Refrigeration Holding boss (and ex-Celtic director) Willie Haughey before an initial £7.4m compensation award was increased to £16.5m – with Haughey subsequently donating £330,000 to the Labour Party – hardly dampens suspicion. In contrast to the largesse being bestowed on the East End of Glasgow, SPT instructed Rangers that the club would have to fork out £500k if the old Ibrox station on the Central-Paisley line was ever to be re-opened. A lot is spoken about `sectarianism' in Scotland I contend that there is far, far more to this problem than songs sung at football matches and that it is time the Scottish people wakened up. When is one of our elected representatives going to ask some searching questions regarding the various deals surrounding East End regeneration, the Commonwealth Games bid, the M74 extension and the proposed rail/subway extensions? They may also care to question why the bulk of the "regeneration" seems to centre around a one mile radius of Celtic Park. This shows the level of commitment that some of our illustrious councillors are up to ,under the cloak of City Council Dealings. They are after all looking after our best interests!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I really hope this all unravels and exposes those on GCC who are celtic shareholders/season ticket holders and voted in favour of celtic`s land deals.
  23. well done mate,keep the pressure on them. The silence from previous media `experts` is deafening. Where`s Thomson & Daly now then?
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