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Everything posted by Virtuoso

  1. The last time the Bheasts were on tour in Gibraltar...
  2. Fucking shocking display of football by England. Totally devoid of ideas. Lacklustre doesn't come close to describing that performance.
  3. Haven't read the thread and the boards thoughts on this but it's not something I'd lose sleep over. Winning the play-off with Swansea doesn't give you a 'pedigree' He's over-hyped and of little substance.
  4. Congratulations Leicester City.
  5. Spurs 2 nil up in the 1st 1/2 - now 2 - 2. Leicester on the brink of a title win.
  6. http://www.vanguardbears.co.uk/article.php?i=103&a=hillsborough#
  7. https://themanthebheastscanttame.wordpress.com/2016/04/16/the-fight-is-over-dundee-united-let-the-battle-commence/
  8. Jordan Blondel, 23 yrs old playing for US Avranches (3rd tier French team)
  9. http://news.sky.com/story/1684745/hillsborough-jury-reaches-decisions-on-deaths
  10. https://countingdownto.com/countdown/event-name-countdown-clock-153cd19b-a1fd-42c9-a1c6-b8b564303e23
  11. I wallow in their misery. It was always Aberdeen (behind the Bheasts) that I held a deep-rooted hatred for - but over the last few years these hate-filled cunts are now up there. You reap what you sow. Fuck them!!!
  12. League reorganisation will ensure that they stay up.
  13. Just noticed this doing the rounds on Twitter - taken during their recent game in Turkey. This guy is known on Twitter, HB and CM as Paul The Tim - apparently works at Asda in Linwood. Screenshot from the HB or CM: That fish has (or at least had) a higher IQ than that fucking retard. Lets now see what his bosses think of this.
  14. I'm away to create a login and bump that thread
  15. Oh, this has made my night. Hopefully this result means we'll be spared the fucking embarrassment of those tartan tranny, fuckwitted cunts abroad in 2016.
  16. There's no obsessing over it but I would say that there is more of an issue with you not wanting it discussed or broadcast to a wider audience. As I said, you're the epitome of everything that is wrong with a section of our support today.
  17. That above sums up everything that is wrong within a certain element of our support today. ps: Don't flatter yersel re being called a handwringer or an apologist - you're much lower and more on par with being a bheast.
  18. He's behind the Scotzine website / blog. One serious, hate-filled, bitter cunt. Basically yer typical Bheast.
  19. The Perfumebhoys response to this will be most interesting... http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sna42o
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