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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. There’s been a few times in recent seasons where we have needed a goal while drawing and the whistle is blown bang on the zero . They get a wee bit extra all the time ,Remember at the piggery 2 years ago when we won 2 1 ,almost 2 minutes over extra time when Clancy sends of Morelos. And these pricks have the cheek to greet when we get penalties for being fouled in the box .
  2. Perfect example of players not caring about clubs reputations but playing for money is ,Bitton .He’s been at that club for years despite blatent anti semitism being rife and on very public display . Attracting a CEO and keeping one might be different though .
  3. 13/2 Wright 40/1 Anderson Anderson on his game can beat any of them .But unlikely he could beat 2 or 3 of the big names he would need to beat to lift it .
  4. The highest paid CEO outside the big 5 leagues PAID for an agency to find this contract .A league with one the worlds most marketable fixtures deserves a far larger deal and of course a better and cheaper CEO .
  5. I really hope that account is real 😂😂
  6. The only exception has been the one who handed himself into police in NI shortly after the allegations came out against Bennel .There are connections between him and Bennel but as of yet haven’t been exposed as of yet .
  7. That’s all many of the victims wanted was an apology .All bar one of the convicted have continued with their stance of not guilty .Only one has apologised .Maybe if they admitted their crimes and apologised that would have helped some of the survivors.
  8. He hasn’t been in court for any of the pre trial hearings . Whats the chances he won’t be fit enough to stand trial
  9. only justification for not wanting him back is the fact he is the only striker worth a fuck they have . Hes not as good as any of our guys .
  10. Oh dear ,Will need to get a driver to take him to and from Dundee everyday now .
  11. Media hype from the fan boys desperate for a new hero .A fair few goals early season that have now faded .Hence the play acting .
  12. Home leg gate receipts are also a factor . 25 a ticket and the way the fans are just now that’s another 1/2m 😁
  13. Highly unlikely anything after 1995 , Strange looking back on offences like this back in the day ,there was a huge change in public attitude around 2000,Us older people should be ashamed that it wasn’t as unacceptable back in the day . I remember an incident in mid 90s where I guy the same age as me set up a boys club and within months it became clear his motives .He was viewed as a weirdo to most except the parents who turned up at his work one day to give him a hiding .He escaped through the back door and was never seen again .Turns out he fled to Manchester and carried on offending down there are I saw him in the paper a few years later .
  14. There may not be an appetite to go after the cross border stuff .That’s a criminal matter and the perpetrator down south is already jailed for a very long time anyway . And our own justice system ,well less said about the better .Weak sentencing all because it’s a shame because they are now old men .😳
  15. Have you not noticed the annual increase in street beggars on the lead up to Xmas ,😉
  16. What’s up with him ,Has he got the bends .😁
  17. If it hadn’t been for the Separate Entity deflection there is a chance stuff like this would never have been found out . Also explains why those already convicted have been sticking to the not guilty ,there are deeper connections than was ever thought before . Despicable Bastards .
  18. How did the do in the real competition though of ball circulation 😁
  19. For me dragging this out lies at one mans door and it’s not Lieswell ,he was the puppet .
  20. The will more than likely be aware .But there will be more than one reason Seperate Entity was created .As long as they can keep that going the sponsors won’t bother .It’s all about the money .
  21. Agreed .The fallout and financial implications of this situation could damage them to an extent that they may never recover from
  22. Last time it was apparently sectarianism that drove him out .Yet he was happy to come back 😉
  23. You could well be spot on there . I reckon to be a winner you need to be a serial winner .What he has is a strong will to win .
  24. There will be a good few bears vote for him too 😳
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