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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Not one complainant was ever interviewed .If any investigation ever happened which is debatable it was to examine how to minimise the situation .It’s likely no investigation ever happened .The LSE got involved almost right away after the “secret investigation “ was announced as it broke LSE rules , Many will remember when the great lieswell announced the investigation he said a statement would be made over the next few days ,That was over 2 years ago .And still nothing .He was always getting away with that as far as SMSM was concerned as they won’t touch the subject with a barge pole .
  2. Yip ,only taking so long to say something because the report is so long . Wouldnt surprise me if the local FARE rep was leading the boos and had the pro Palestine stand outside .
  3. Cmon now ,It’s secret society Scotia we live in with the 3 wise monkeys at the helm . This will get buried unless UEFA want to do anything about it .
  4. Ffs that’s all we are needing ,Leon King could be needed sooner that we thought
  5. Iv said for a while now .the only Dykes we should see in Scotland shirts should be in the women’s team 😁
  6. When he did it last time it looked ok as he smacked it and it does take a lot of balls for the goalie to just stay in position . But this time the goalie would have been expecting it and staying put was the clever option. As a result Dykes has been made to look as stupid as somebody trying one of those shitey wee chips and missing .
  7. So he’s no going to Newcastle 😁
  8. Thought that was him ,Buchanan st beggar ,dragged a woman into a lane . Absolute subhuman cretin .
  9. Big Laurie .A vocabularistic self importanised wank .
  10. The whole lot is a fucking laugh . So they ain’t just shite because of mismanagement.It’s actually been deliberate .😂
  11. Now I see this it’s rung a bell .Pretty sure I heard about this at the time .It wouldn’t have been long before he first went to separate entity on loan .But it’s just one of these stories you hear about in football and forget about . Now we don’t need to say ,Oh if we had signed him it would have been blasted over the news we were taking on a thug ,If he had went to any other Scottish team it would also certainly have been mentioned . Goes to show the grip those cunts have on media reporting .Same as the incident that happened in the car in Cumbernauld.It was briefly reported at the time that he had been racing his car and crashed .A man was hospitalised.There is no way he didn’t get prosecuted for that .But we never heard another thing . Then we have Morelos ,persecuted by SMSM for weeks for “threatening “ to slit 55 thousand throats until the SFA managed to create a charge to do him with . Scotland is one fucked up place these days .
  12. Saw this earlier apparently it’s a wind up . He wouldn’t be fit to clean the toilets at the training ground .
  13. This could be why McKay left for personal reasons .He would have been aware of an ongoing situation .But seeing first hand the situation and likely stalling tactics used by the current board could well have caused him to say ,I’m off .
  14. An investigation set up to find what it was told to find . Evidence of cross border trafficking ignored and not contained in the report . Good inquiry that . You would think that anybody trusted with such a revelation would have been all over that and called in reserves to widen the investigation.
  15. One of those anomalies particular to modern Scotland where you can be shocked and not surprised at whatever decision is made 🤔
  16. The report will almost certainly be looked at and used as a reference on what the governing body believe makes a connection . Pretty sure they are hoping they can squirm out on the seperate entity .Having seperate boards accounts etc .But the SFAs report says as far as they are concerned they are under the same sporting banner .
  17. Agree .The only thing could be that he wasn’t aware of the scale of the problem .
  18. I think the SFA report will be significant in the final decision. While much of it was a whitewash and key parts ignored .They did say that clubs have to take responsibility for associated clubs .Makes sense ,if senior clubs benefit from youth development or enjoy success from achievement then of course they also need to have consequences for anything negative .
  19. Dragging it out and not holding their hands up IMO will make the final outcome worse than it would have been . I follow Gordon and Spotlight and some of the hints being dropped show that there will be lots revealed over the coming months.Stuff has been found out that may never have been found if the matter had been dealt with even as soon as 2 years ago .
  20. And we have only managed to beat teams below us too .😁
  21. Get on quick then ,price has dropped on Ladbrokes already .
  22. I know but there surely needs to be a rule that a contract can’t be terminated during a season ,otherwise underhand transfers would be going on all over the place .
  23. Transfer windows no longer then .
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