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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. I don’t think the club would be able too though . I was having a think about this earlier .Possibly a fans group could though even then what would be the point of suing some cunt that still sits wanking in his maws spare room .
  2. In December a guy created a fake street party in Sturgeons street on Facebook .He had plod chapping his door within 24hrs . This another example of a breach of the Malicious Communications act .But don’t expect any chap at this pricks door .Or any of the others who make up damaging stories .
  3. 🎼Their seasons ove-er ,They’re just flying home 🎼
  4. Win on Wednesday and the outrage will be back .Those reporting and those in office won’t even care that parts of the city were trashed yday and they largely ignored it .
  5. You may recall the bench was replaced by Bears .The replacement was crowd funded and paid for within a few hours of the fund being set up .
  6. Oh I remember the green white and “gold” buses of the 70s .Didn’trealise the significance at the time though . The only time these cunts were held back was long long before we were born .And any other time they would have been held back.There was a situation where those from a prod background were also held back due to a tarrier mindset being in control . North Lanarkshire council was exposed in a court of law in the 90s for being pro catholic and anti protestant.
  7. I know ,but those offended are less than it would have been in the past . I remember the first time a few years ago suggesting we didn’t have a problem with catholics.It was the particular bastardised version we had in Scotland that are about as catholic as that bird shite on my neighbours window that we have a problem with . I got ripped a bit ,But most agreed with me .Suggested it again a while later and even more agreed that we don’t have a problem with catholics . Those cunts cutting about in the Trongate ain’t real catholics ,They use it as a defence for their behaviour I’m not religious in anyway ,Don’t believe in god but have a respect for folk who have a genuine belief system .We have players who fit into that category .Ans realise the particular type of Catholicism we have in Scotland is far removed from what there is in most countries .Here it’s part of the scumbag club in the east end .There are cunts from a prod background that will bless themselves to try and wind up bears.They are using a religion as safety barrier to hide behind . Cunts and scum every one of them .
  8. A mind they had a manger who shagged a tranny . A mind they had a manager who knew tae . A mind they had a manager who never brushed his teeth tae 😂
  9. Songs can be truly awful though ,I once heard a song that was so offensive I decided not to join in .😁 The cunts are controlling the narrative of what is acceptable and not acceptable.. The problem comes from the bullshit that they are downtrodden and supposedly held back in our society because of their religion .Biggest lot of shite ever . 10 or 20 years ago an argument could easily be made that most bears had a problem with catholics .What’s went on in the last few years has proved that all shite .We have a team that is mostly catholics ,cross themselves ,the lot and we couldn’t give a fuck .We fucking love them , We now know that we never really had an issue with catholics ,It’s was the manky soap dodgers bastards cutting about in green and grey ,singing IRA songs ,pretending they love a country that many couldn’t point out on a map ,That was who we had a problem with ,we still do and always will have an aversion to these scum pricks . The biggest problem we have with this shower is they cut about and act like pure scum while condemning us as bastards for “crimes” that are far far less offensive to a normal person . Fuck them all ,
  10. Just wait and see every one of those scum cunts be offended at the Orange parades .
  11. The National .😁 Being serious though.This is no different to 2 years ago when they trashed the Trongate ,All forgotten as soon as it was cleaned up .So very different to last year when it was reported as if nobody had ever dropped a sweetie wrapper on the Glasgow streets .Dornan and Harvie wanted the club closed down .Because a bench got broken and a couple of daft cunts started scrapping .Won’t take Harvie and Dornan to find clips of Tarriers knocking fuck out each other .
  12. Maybe not ,Pretty sure a couple of months ago there were a few on here wanting the league more than the Europa . Could easily have been Uber staunch bravado though .😁
  13. Giving me far too many nerves already thinking of penalties . Really don’t think I could handle that shit .
  14. If you were given the choice of the situation today ,Where they have won the league and we have the Europa final on Wednesday. Or Roles we’re reversed and we had won the league with them in the final . What would you go for ,I reckon the vast majority would pick what we have ,Maybe be slightly different if we don’t win on Wednesday though .
  15. Surprised they didn’t have the disco lights on .😁
  16. Remember when the youths won the Alkaas cup a few years back the word was that the group a year younger were even better .Well it looks to be that way so far .Only Paterson made the first team and while he was in the Alkaas winning year he was out injured for the tournament .
  17. Shiver goes up my spine whenever I think about the possibility of Tav lifting the trophy on Wednesday.
  18. Around a year ago when the build up to the 150th anniversary was starting to get in peoples minds .I remember thinking that often big things can happen on big anniversaries.. Started to imagine what would be classed as a big thing .Winning the league again ,winning a treble .Then thought what about a euro trophy ,Had a wee chuckle to myself as I gave myself a row for being so ridiculous. I still can’t believe that we have achieved the final . A win next week would be the greatest achievement from a Scottish club .Fair enough the EC had more prestige but probably until the mid 70s it wasn’t taken anywhere as serious as it is today .Then we have the the way the Europa league is now .When the group stages start even though there are 32 teams there are over 40 potential winners .You just don’t know who will be dropping in after the CL group stages .
  19. I wonder just how bad Scottish youths compare to youths from other countries do when it comes to fucking themselves up . Sometimes injuries get in the way it seems just as many make the grade after being injured for reasonably long periods between 16 and 19. We have all went through that period ourselves in life transitioning into an adult so we know how much of a change it is .But for some reason footballers are really bad at making that jump . It may be an idea for the academies to spend a couple of hours a week in a class room .Showing the young guys videos of players who were outstanding as youths but ended up doing fuck all in the game .
  20. He was only about 15 ,Would be bad enough smacking a Downs guy if he was an adult .Plus Iv also heard they can fight like fuck when they go to town 😂 But seriously it was funny as fuck ,Won’t ever forget the wee cunt looking over at me when he did it .I slagged the Mrs all week about it .
  21. Tav and Lundstram would be daft to move .Unless of course they get offered seriously huge cash .Tav has served his time and done a bit more and should see out his career here ,Get a testimonial and have his name down as one of the greats of this era .Lundstram has now found himself a football home .The way he has played in the recent big matches ,Barring injury he has another 5 or 6 years strutting his stuff at Ibrox . Kent for me is the one that could possibly go .4 years here and has his best years still to come where he could earn so much more than he could signing on at Ibrox again .
  22. Mings does have cracking hair though .
  23. Definitely,Last time we were on holiday on a night out we got talking to a family in a bar ,we are all up dancing ,One of the kids in the family was Downs ,great wee guy some laugh and some mover .He asks the Mrs up to dance ,So up she goes dancing away .Next thing the dirty wee cunt grabs her arse 😂.I was pishing myelf .Was even funnier that when the song ended he fucked off and made a move on a younger thing ,😂
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