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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. That happens at the other end McGregor never buys a drink again .
  2. Little bits of the game at the piggery appeared again tonight .He just didn’t have the balls or self belief to try what you need to try on the big stage when it really matters . Sasa Papac was loved by us .He was a solid 7 or 8 out of 10 every game for us .Barasic is a 7 or 8 in most games but when it’s down to the real business he’s a 4 out of 10 and that’s really good enough .
  3. There’s no doubt Ibrox was a factor in the run .Heard a pundit doing a review of the run and he used the word Synergy.Described what was happening at Ibrox perfectly.The fans and the team were feeding off each other and lifting both to new levels . Why it didn’t happen is up for debate .Was there a different group of fans in that didn’t quite buy into what had happened at Ibrox .Did the team take too long to find their feet .Did the occasion get to the fans too much and nerves stop them being as boisterous.Was it 2 days singing and bevvying draining the fans . We won’t know .So disappointing,We were so close to something that would have been our greatest achievement.Really surprised at the majority reaction ,that the fans have a pride in what had happened .Normaly after a result like that most want a clear and and the manager strung up 😂
  4. Absolute beast of a player .He makes mistakes ,But by fuck does he not find a way to recover .Don’t think Iv ever even seen a player recover so well so many times . The brightest light in this years run to the final .
  5. Still watching it with my boy only .Could be one of THE memories we share together .
  6. Listening on Radio The Crofter said fuck all ,Toeing the party line 😁
  7. I prefer it on my own too .Would only ever watch with my son .
  8. Me too ,Gave up drinking watching games on telly about 10yr ago ,Lost too many afternoons with lunchtime KOs
  9. Here’s me thinking there was a cost of living crisis .Some daft cunts have paid for these 😂
  10. You no sleeping either ,Fucking brutal this is worse than waiting on Santa when your 6 😳😂
  11. But the cunts can’t cover our qualifiers when the likes of Motherwell ,St Johnstone,Sheep and Hibs are playing . But can’t wait to go to Spain on a public funded jolly
  12. If that was anywhere near true there would be no Manchester .
  13. The cunts are absolutely desperate for any trouble . I was up at the other sides tonight .The Mrs Gran is on her way out so the house was packed .All Tarriers except me and one of the Mrs Aunts ,As we were leaving there were a few comments ,Enjoy your night but hope youz get pumped was mentioned by a couple ,That kind of stuff you expect and is acceptable ,But one of the Mrs cousins ,a right bitter boot who I saw greetin when we won the league last year 😁 says .A hope youz get pumped so you wreck the place .What the fuck is that comment all about especially when her gran is lying dying in the next room .Anyway normally I would be respectful and say fuck all .But I was riled and needed the last word .”Aye we had planned to go down the Trongate but we got beaten to that .” The cunts have no self awareness whatsoever,If they don’t admit it happened then it didn’t happen
  14. Hate a mixed crowd .No self respecting tarrier would set foot out the door to watch in a boozer 2moro . But then again where would you find a tarrier with self respect .
  15. Aye Livvy is pretty grim for pubs ,Saltire up at Carmondean is a Greene King pub and will have it on .Not sure the mix of the area but the place is pretty rough .I was up there working one day and somebody got glassed at a funeral .
  16. Well any of those towns will be pretty Orange .Think most places are ,Apart from maybe Livingston . Where are you anyway .
  17. Where in East Lothian ,Iv just messaged a cunt (Jambo) I know stays in Aberlady ,But he’s coming the cunt and wanting it narrowed down a bit .
  18. Is there not anything in Armadale or Whitburn ,Broxburn pretty Orange too .
  19. Most pubs will have it on down south .I remember popping into a pub in Barnsley when the Tarriers were playing in Seville .Few old boys watching it neutral ,So you will either find folk are happy to join in with any celebration. When I watched that game I let out a yelp when Porto scored ,the old boys were pishing themselves and a shout of ,”oh we have a Rangers fan in “😂I got bored at half time and got a cargo for the hotel room .Don’t see you getting bored somehow 😁
  20. Also heard a group of bears ordered a round and only left 1e tip .
  21. Pub will be drunk dry by 10pm no need to stay open longer .😁
  22. You need to laugh at these cunts ,the sing songs glorifying terrorists .But the minute a story goes around about a flag that may or may not have been burned it’s the same no of humanity 😂😂
  23. It’s a well known fact ,flags don’t burn till at least five last 10 at night 😳😂
  24. Probably the council that put them up under the orders of Herr Sturgeon
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