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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Wether or not the separate entity comment was created by him it doesn’t matter.It entered the public domain from his mouth . Something that should never be forgotten .It did nothing but add to the suffering of the victims of the abuse .
  2. Which one of those would you trust to be telling the truth .Looks like for once it’s Shitler that’s told the truth .
  3. Doncaster won’t be far behind him . That streak of piss is fuck all without his Japanese bully behind him .
  4. That’s why ping pong was sold 😁 I wonder if his bonus will get paid in Pounds or Yen .
  5. Aptly named that all they cunts flock to Saint Ponce
  6. They can change their mind if they see something later that they missed at the time . Clancy probably holed up in lieswells bunker strapped into a chair watching reruns of the incident as we speak .
  7. CO too busy deciding on a stamp from a tarrier last month .Which will once again get moved to the side to look at the case of attempted murder last night on a wee fanny from Hibs 😁
  8. With this 10m figure being blasted everywhere the taigs are going to be out of pocket on this . 30pc would mean 3m and 3m is more that 3m euros 😂
  9. Doesn’t matter if they got 5m or 10m or even the 15m that some tarriers seem to think. They ain’t spending that on improving the team they never do .And even when you look at their recent investments they never improved .They need a whole regime and change of ethos and that takes time .The longer its takes the harder it will get as they will see fans turn against them for the mismanagement of this impeccably managed club over recent years . Even Rodgers can be classed as mismanagement,fair enough they had short term success but took spending to a level that required regular champions league football when they didn’t really need to spend that much to win the league . Fuck them .
  10. Swapping one Bender for another .makes sense .
  11. 10m including add ons and wages . Add ons that won’t be added on because they will soon realise they have somebody that can run about and do fuck all .
  12. The other RB that already wanted to leave .Cant mind his name but he’s an Israeli and also not very good .
  13. Must have been caught no shagging somebody again .
  14. 7000 word blog ,it’s been posted further back in the thread.don’t think anybody read the whole lot .Apparently we have been giving caffeine but it legal anyway if we were doing it .
  15. Those comments haven’t aged very well .A bit like thumbs hair .
  16. Your thinking of Sands not Stewart 😁
  17. Change of Bank fucked us over .Don’t see it quite having the same devastating effect for them however they will need to be paying the level of interest that every other debtor has . The end of “financial doping” as far as their loans go at least .
  18. Has son of Fritzel not been appointed .I’m struggling to keep up with rumours and facts .
  19. 2008 was when i decided that that was me finished with the national team .Couldn’t stomach the thought of cheering on the same side so many others had actively shown disgust in our our attempts to get a free week in our run up to a European final .Bearing in mind until about 2 years previous i was going to most Scotland games . The stuff being said would never have been said about any other club in the country and probably no other club in any other country .I can remember the anger in a no mark player from Dundee Utd quite happily vent in the media that any extension of the season would mean he would sue the League as he had a holiday booked .He was allowed to say it and was never criticised for it .
  20. I missed it on here ,got sent it last night on messenger .Couldn’t save it to post it . So glad it made it to the thread . Not quite as good as the Wagner one but brilliant all the same .😂😂
  21. Now that would be icing 🧁 n the cake .😂 99pc it’s fake but you never know ,the worlds been a crazy place lately 🤞
  22. Maybe offered a new contract in there .
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