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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Hauxbey and Jacobs talking about today’s ODI ,said if England want any chance they need to get De Kock out early 😯
  2. What could easily happen is the same as currently goes on with the Compliance system. If your not reported you can't be punished. Even when they do get reported as in legos case for his pish at the knew camp last year they raise a charge that can't possibly stick. Bastards have it stitched up. Corrupt isn't the word.
  3. Excellent point. But the incident I think you're hinting at wasn't violent it was exuberance. 5k plus entered the field and only 500 or so were intent on violence 😔
  4. The more I think about this the more I think this will come to nothing. Strict liability would need to be voted in by the clubs and there's no chance sneaky Pete will let that happen on his watch
  5. If somebody outwith this country saw your post they would think you were para. But your 100 correct. That's how fucked up this country has become. The tail is wagging the dog.
  6. Noticed on a number of outlets today that Petrie and his sidekick Mulraney are to get the SFA involved in eradicating sectarianism from the game in this country. All seems well intended. But we shall soon see this as another way to treat us differently from the rest. Given that the recent SNP enquiry into sectarianism that they didn't publish we all know that we can't get away from the fact we have an underlying issue we are well well down the list of offenders Let's wait and see this pan out, our board need to be ready for this fight and not just sit there and take it like they do with the majority of the shite that gets thrown out way.
  7. The guy has earned a lot of folk a lot of money with that. Kept a dead series alive with that performance.
  8. I know crazy stuff. Game was over 2 days ago so they told us
  9. Its not just the 2010 ref strike. 27th November was the day the foreign refs came in. Easy for me to remember. My son was born that day. Its last seasons treatment of Beaton that needs to be focused on. This seems to have been forgotten about. Beaton needed a police presence outside his house after threats were made after the tarriers came to Ibrox in December. He also needed a police escort to his next match and possibly a few more after. Absolutely the book must be thrown at Boyd for this. Its part of the grand plan to have full control of officials from seperate entity Fc and needs nipped in the bud. How that can happen though I don't know. As we all know the Compliance officer is in their pockets. If nothing is done about this the Refs could easily have another strike as one of theirs has been targeted again. And more threats could come.
  10. I also voted Labour for years. Didn't vote at last 2 General Elections. Voted Brexit at the recent euros.. From now until we are rid of krankie I will voted the strongest non nationalist party in my constituency or ward. If thats Labour I will but grudgingly
  11. After Thatcher in the 80s who would ever have thought there would be a resurgence of the Tories in Scotland. Thanks to these 2 wankers it's happening. I would happily vote Tory now. Something I would never have thought I could since I was politically aware.
  12. Dundee Utd I believe started early 80s. Their pitch was so bad they put loads of sand on it. A bit racist if it happened in todays world
  13. Morelos comes on. Gets booted. Both in sin bin. That's how it would end up working up here. Great idea but just another way for the taigs to exploit the game.
  14. Maybe time to tweak it a bit. Follow the way they do it down south for the 2 leg semi of the league Cup. Away goals only kick in after extra time of the 2nd leg. Its never going to be great but surely always a better way than penalties.
  15. We do have an underlying problem in Scotland now that could keep us fucked for many years to come. It benefits the tories to have a strong SNP. A strong SNP keeps Labour down and makes it almost impossible for Labour to form a majority at Westminster
  16. Noted a set of fans sing a song many years before the tarriers were the first set of fans to sing it 🙄
  17. That would only be against us though
  18. 😂😂 There are not enough likes available
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