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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Maybe their was a robust phone call from an unamed rhabid ginger bigot .
  2. Looks like he also broke into the public library to record that ,
  3. Was it just me or has anybody else noticed that it seemed to be during the presser that news of the 2nd positive case was revealed to TLB during it . Added to the seethe .
  4. told 2m but they were 2 seats apart and felt that was enough .Even though the flight was chartered and may be better spaced out than normal passenger planes there were still 60 of them on the plane ,so likely it was full with the empty seats taking up the required space.looks like they were within 2m of each other .So it’s their own fault again .
  5. Correct,the close contact rule shouldn’t apply to them .It’s just a conspiracy to stop the 10 . Fuck all is ever their fault ,despite them admitting their were slips and apology from the CEO .
  6. Djokovic making a dick of himself in Australia.Wanting restrictions lifted for tennis players while over there for the Open .Been called a few names by local sports personalities.
  7. Good analogy regarding the mountain ,it was only getting worse . Your right even that afternoon lockdown was only a matter of time ,but before they left the country they KNEW it was happening . And like most folk sitting in a departure lounge when an announcement like that gets made you can bet the thought was .”Ooft we timed this one right “
  8. Like the Paul Whitehouse character ,Dave Nice ,”Does a lot of work for charity,but doesn’t like to talk about it “ it just builds up the bullshit status of a club built on charity ,Aye for about 10 minutes then some greedy tarrier decided to make a few quid and make it a private company .
  9. Of course he knew what he was doing ,he was sitting stewing in his pish stained jammies for the last week waiting to have his say . Thing is it will have backfired as there are still enough people out there that he’s had a pop at that won’t buy into his pish . Il be surprised if he hasn’t been removed by the end of the week .Wouldn’t surprise me if the fat jap has Harper McLeod on the case right now to get him sacked on the spot .Some of the things he said really crossed the line .Borderline conspiracy theory regarding the Covid situation being political seriously crossed the line .
  10. The thing that caught me was him saying they didn’t know the country was going on full lockdown .But somebody at the government must have known and didn’t tell them . What gives them the special “privilege “of getting a heads up . Anyway the announcement was made between 17:30 and 18:00 .I was taking the kids home at that time and was fed up with SSB so turned over to Sportsound to see what they were saying about our wonderful victory and Sturgeon was giving her live broadcast. Which means the wee prick was still in the country at the time .Sitting in Glasgow airport stewing that the Beardmore bar was closed and they weren’t allowed the privilege of taking a cargo through secure from Tesco .They may not have been watching or listening to the news but there’s now way they were unaware of the impending lockdown .
  11. Think it was him who first mentioned it ,look at us we are great . Pretty sure it was Guidi on SSB who mentioned it want the club but the foundation where the money came from . The money they received from the Hearts benefactor was given to the foundation if I remember correctly.Aberdeen did the same with their money ,Gave it to local charity . Kind of made a mockery of the top flight clubs receiving this cash when it was initially intended to help out the lower league clubs .
  12. Prices are getting out of hand ,so many are leaving due to the availability on streams that’s the folk staying on sky broadcasts are paying the difference .It’s a spiralling cost that will reach breaking point very soon .
  13. Durty lucky peh munching vote changing taig teat suckling cunts . Warched the game ,Used to work with Neil Martinyuik the no12 . Feel better ,coz we done a cunt of a shift one day and he was in worse state than me .
  14. I didn’t realise till yesterday .I went looking for it to see when it was coming on .Standard was poor but sometimes the multiple missing of doubles enhanced the entertainment. Went tits up in autumn .Just the norm for sports organisations at that level ,Too much in fighting and allegations of corruption and filling pockets ,Even if pockets ain’t being filled the innuendo is damaging.
  15. Iv been watching games on the sky bet too 😁 Hesgoals do a stream too ,il watch that tonight
  16. Thats why they have the better squad ,how good must they be when they’ve got players costing 5m sitting on the bench .😂
  17. Need to wait ,adverts are on before the extra time
  18. At least Callum Paterson has a sense of humour with his moustache he got from a Xmas cracker
  19. He will have found a level where the wages meant a real job pays more .
  20. There ain’t many cases up there just now Hardly surprising as there ain’t many people up that way .
  21. Shite state of affairs when your second guessing every single thing that goes on,Some may call it paranoia ,But I’m no a young naive cunt ,I’m 50 next year and I’m constantly looking at the way we get fucked over ,I have done since 2008 .These cunts have the baws of the system in their hands and they are not ashamed to squeeze them to get their own way .
  22. A precedent has been set ,I find it very difficult to believe that we won’t be able to play at least 75pc of the fixtures between now and the end of May
  23. Think he comes from a family of Dundee fans so will be quite happy ,at least he can find a beer garden to celebrate
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