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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. If I remember right 3 clubs voted against the Setanta deal. Us, the sheep and the bheasts. After they changed the voting system to allow it 2 be only 2 team to veto proposals. Since the majority made an arse of the Setanta vote. Jeezo. Eejay first time you haven't been right for a looooong time lol
  2. Nepotism and cronyism have fucked it. SNP is absolutely rife with it. The previous party want any better. Looking back it was a great idea but with hindsight it was never going to work well. Just underlines how an independent Scotland would be an absolute basket case
  3. McGinn after stage 4 of plastic surgery
  4. This cynical fucker reckons they can't afford either .but they will be selling either braceface ncham or McGregor or combination of 2 or all 3 . They know with yellow fang at the helm the champions League is far from guaranteed .they need that wage bill down anyway and the only way is to get rid of high earners on large fees . So much for a cash rich well run club . The house of cards is falling and the flag is coming our way very soon On our side we are going along nicely and don't NEED to sell while they do .
  5. We would get destroyed for a move like that . This will be prudence from lieswell though
  6. 😂😂 Maybe he just failed the test and his agent called him a Fa knee
  7. Maybe he knelt on a screw when he was kneeling down chopping lines on his maws coffee table
  8. Don't know what would be more stupid .Gear or something else he's failed for .Unless it's rohypnol from lieswell
  9. They have previous for helping folk out with failed tests .just ask the thumb
  10. Turnbull straight into the next Scotland squad wait and see
  11. Missed the start .was busy working . Nowt better than tarriers greetin
  12. SSB is quality tonight .there's a tarrierorists on just now almost in tears greeting about Norwich outbidding
  13. Me too .just need a back up centre half .every other area has plenty options Just re read my post and looked like I wanted an improvement.Im more than happy with our Centre back pair .
  14. I feel it too .it would be good if we could get 1 or 2 more first 11 in the team .Saying that if Oyi turns out decent and we get Kent back and keep Morelos we have a good enough first 11 with good cover all over the pitch except centre back . The collapse at the knew camp is happening before our eyes and it's a joy to watch .
  15. They are just like the teenager who reveals a love interest only to find out somebody has made a more successful play . Didnae want to shag her anyway They are definitely slipping up over at the knew camp
  16. Even withdrawing the bid they made an arse of it . They will have known Norwich were also in for him too and rather than just let them be outbid they come out with the attempt at moral high ground .
  17. Paying 3m for him which is probably a fair price . There are bound to be plenty other teams willing to pay that and will give a salary matching the level of a 3m pound player .10k minimum . From what I heard Hastie knocked back our offer because his agent was convinced he could get better elsewhere but never materialised
  18. Kinda thought this would happen .sexism is a one way street just like every other ism
  19. Im actually looking forward to this .decent coverage too may give it some credibility . Get a few wee cheeky coupons in too
  20. I think their wage bill is the same as their turnover without any CL cash or player sales. King was right with his house of cards .they missed out on CL last year which has hit their bank balance .Pressure is on this year to qualify and if they are indeed trimming the wage bill they will only be losing players that other people want . Where we have the upper hand on them right now is stability .We dont need so many new players as they do and we have a stable management that are already recruiting for next year.They are months behind us and will be shopping in the same stores as us if they are needing to reduce costs
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