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Posts posted by Bellshill_Bear

  1. 6 hours ago, gj923 said:

    That was due to him being terribly out of shape and not properly managed. Clearly given that he is on less money there he needs the appearance money and goalscoring bonus he busts a gut.

    Not suggesting he should be brought back for a third!!!  And yes Boyd needs to share the blame also for the shape he got himself into

    He had the chances as did Morelos,  the only variable is the club.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

    He can't head a ball. He can't score from a yard out. He has no composure. He misses many sitters. He doesn't get the offside rule.

    He's 21 and sees himself in the EPL.

    Now compare him to a 21 year old actually  playing in the EPL. Then have a look at the young Chelsea kid who can't get a game?

    Spot the difference?!

    The only EPL he will ever have a chance to play in is the Estonian one at a stretch.

    This so called boy is thoroughly deluded as are those who think he is a talent and worth 11 mil. Nothing wrong with dreaming right enough.

    Yes he's scored a few, mainly against dross and gets many opportunities by simply playing for us being a big fish in a small pond.

    Back in the day, he wouldn't have been near a jersey in a reserve team, never mind the first. It only reflects just how starved of quality that we can barely recognise it and and just how low our aspirations are. We've regressed to glorifying mediocrity.

    Boyd is now top league scorer with a waistline to match. He plays for a shitey wee team and gets few chances, but he does stick them away on the chances presented. He doesn't run all over the park bursting his erse getting nowhere. He simply does his job as a striker with minimal fuss. Now can this man play in the EPL?  Course he fucking can't!

    Morelos has fight in him. He is a trier, he has scored a few, but he is not all that and as for 11 mil, aye right you are! 

    Faith is one thing, but blind faith another and all the hype is exactly that. Our small glimmer of hope has been extinguished. It's now a fight for second place.

    There is the semi, but I think it will take a miracle to turn them over. I doubt it matters much wether we play Cummings or Morelos or both as we just got quite a harsh reality check. We are still a mile off them. No point in all the what ifs. The scum took the initiative and laid us bare. Whilst we do now have some better players, the old weaknesses remain and until that's sorted, we don't make the challenge.

    As for Morelos, he is what he is and he will continue to miss sitters and divide opinion, simply because he isn't that good, otherwise we wouldn't even be having the debate. However, he doesn't pick himself.

    As for Cummings, treated shoddily imo and that's down to Murty and we paid dearly for it yesterday along with all his other ineptness.

    Lastly, one thing is for sure, Morelos will move on as his sights are set elsewhere, as with Windass. They are not committed to the cause. We are not good enough, but a stepping stone to greater things in the minds of these two wannabees. Yet we have one with better talent imo, who loves us and is committed to the cause and he can hardly get game time, so we waste time and money trying to develop the former into something they will never be. 

    That is the madness that is us these days and Murty is now part of the problem.

    Boyd couldn’t hit the back of the net the second spell for us.


  3. 11 minutes ago, Goosetav said:

    .. in the dark, have a go at any turnstile in the Copland come kick off, pref CF5 so I can personally leather you, have a fucking go, I fucking dare you

    Genuinely don't something when nobody's about, come and have a go, I fucking dare you, am personally inviting you

    Signed, CF5 season ticket holder

    Big goostavius clay will sort you all out!

    on a serious note, they don’t have the minerals mate. Anytime you see footage of celtic fans outside Ibrox it’s empty ?hard men

  4. He couldn’t run in a straight line with the ball, remember in an old firm he received the ball on the halfway  line and struggled to keep it under control running down the left before it went out for a corner ? that was the last straw 

  5. 6 hours ago, rab wilson said:

    ..as The Gers have just lost one of their biggest diehards.ma da just passed this morning.we were only ever happy together at ibrox.never made it up with him after a stupid row which lasted 18 years.fuckin sufferin terrible now.hope we can raise the roof on sunday for big Robert Wilson snr.

    RIP Dad!


    No Surrender 


    Chin up bud

  6. 13 hours ago, McEwan's Lager said:

    I personally want a midfield three so we are not outnumbered in midfield. The only problem is that would mean leaving out Windass. He doesn't deserve to miss out but i'd like a bit more running and bite in midfield.

    Our 4-2-3-1 and personnel used is relatively settled. I think that makes us probably a bit easier for Rodgers to set up a team to exploit any weaknesses he may have identified. In their 4-3-3 they will have Brown sitting and picking up Windass. I think having Windass and Cummings coming off the bench is a great position to be in.

    Bates and Martin deserve to keep their places. They have a decent partnership together and Alves does not deserve to start, besides he does not look sharp.

    I think if we match them 4-3-3 we can run over them. Our players have come on leaps and bounds to be able to combat them and win individual battles.

    Finally i'm not sure if John is fit?

    Anyway something along the lines of:


    Tav             Bates                         Martin                 Halliday


                       Docherty                        Holt

    Candeias                     Morelos                          Murphy



    I like that actually

  7. 2 hours ago, graeme_4 said:

    Are we actually linked with this guy? 

    If not, what the fucks going on? Have I accidentally signed into RangersRumours? 

    Swear RM just gets worse and worse. Should have an IQ test of sorts to allow you to post. 

     Nope, also never stated we were.

    an IQ test? what do you do for a living?

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