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To Be A Ranger

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Everything posted by To Be A Ranger

  1. 2 Barton threads so far. None with details. Maybe the next few threads will give us a clue
  2. The 'excusers' used to mention that BJK only did what was standard in those days i.e kick a paedo up the backside and let him go. What they refused to acknowledge was that Torbett was allowed to return to the Boys' Club after the allegations. A known child molester who was subsequently photographed enjoying the company of Celtic management and directors even after his perversions had been exposed, allowing him access yet again to children. It is astounding that there is so much evidence of a possible paedo ring existing at that club, but little to nothing has legally been done to expose and bring them all to account for their actions. Such is the shroud of secrecy it might even be going on to this day.
  3. Real hard men don't say much. Wannabe hard men rarely shut the fuck up.
  4. They're confident. Junkie bastards. Get fucked right into them Rangers.
  5. Our board should only concern themselves with matters that affect only our club. It's not their place to be demanding enquiries. Though they could mention that they are happy to comply with any investigation and that every club should welcome it. Then stand back and see how that east end club react.
  6. Now if it had been reported that the chant went something like 'Isis come and have a go if you think you're hard enough' I might have believed it, but 'Isis where are you’ the tension mounts' fuck off
  7. Shame. Here's a wee tune for the dirty arabs
  8. Football has a habit of kicking you in the baws when you least expect it. So when things go our way like Hivs not winning it's going to be cheered. Doesn't mean anyone is kidding themselves on that we don't have a few team issues to sort out
  9. What is more dangerous? Getting hit by scalding hot liquid or a hearing a song? Let's see the outcry from the Scottish sports press about this.
  10. I wasn't having a dig, just taking pot shot at answering the question. I thought you were throwing it out there
  11. What the fuck you watchin that shite for???
  12. Stupid and needless foul to give away in the first place
  13. wtf the whole defence stood stock still
  14. "Scotland heading out unless Germany equalise in Dublin" commentators are such dumb fucks
  15. Well that's all a bit weird now. Poland could be going out instead of us or Ireland
  16. The most infuriating player in that side is that Septic flasher
  17. Stormer Cant see us ending the game with 11 men though
  18. I think our centre backs have a bet on Poland.
  19. fuck sake what a strike. I popped out to make a coffee on my new aeropress as recommended by the good folk on RM and that's what happens.
  20. Centre back ran away from his man and the keeper got beat by a trundler at the near post. Oh and by the way Scotland don't fear Lewandowski so said fud McGhee
  21. They hooligans have got flares. Award the points to Scotland. Some old geezer could be choking in amongst that red smoke
  22. I beg to differ. It means they are 3 pts off the pace already, their confidence will have taken a battering, their fans will be livid, and a certain player will be itching more than ever to get out, and their managers ugly mug will be even uglier tonight. Enjoy their pain. Fuck hibs.
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