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To Be A Ranger

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Everything posted by To Be A Ranger

  1. Very true. How anyone can think that holding your scarf high is a tim thing is beyond me. Rangers fans did this all the time and the effect is magical. Everyone to their own as long as you support the team but to slag off bears who want to hold their colours high... well that's a tim thing.
  2. This thread has shown me that I haven't given a fuck about the tims for a long time. Roberts? Armstrong? Never heard of them. Judging by some of these names I doubt I could name half a scum team if ever I felt inclined to do so. Fuck them. They'll be more concerned about our team than we are with theirs.
  3. are you just teasing us before you post the screenshots?
  4. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?/topic/292711-we-can-beat-celtic/&do=findComment&comment=1063147977
  5. I hope not. Don't want his head being turned by all those top SPL players
  6. If ever there could be collective man of the match then today I would give it to the whole team.
  7. The scum have a match day thread on our games?? Fuckin lovin it
  8. 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0 no matter what the score is we keep pushing forward. This Rangers team never sits back and plays tippy tappy across the back line. We keep looking for more goals. From the 1st minute to the 90th the whole team is still running. Not so long ago I was panicking that the team didn't have the legs to last a whole game never mind attack and attack. It's been some change in the entire footballing culture at our club this season. Even one of the pundits commentating on our game today, who hates us with a passion, was enthralled by some of our play and movement.
  9. I don't know about that. We showed a lot of disrespect today by taking the utter mince out of a top tier side.
  10. and we're the BIGGEST team in the country." Good on you Martin Waghorn. No sitting on the fence with you. Tell it like it is. When asked the question after the game he told it as he sees it.
  11. Forrester just looks like he will get better and better. Has done enough to merit a couple of years with us.
  12. He probably only said it cause he likes a punt at the bookies ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and knew there was only one team going to win this one
  13. Kenny Miller great performance. Although everyone played their part today, Kenny Miller keeps leading and pushing and running. I have to say I was not overjoyed at his contract extension because I thought he was done. Maybe he could have been be a bit part player as a sub now and then but I was wrong. He offers a lot more and might not have the pace he once has but seems to have adapted his game to suit the team.. Maybe a lot to do with MW
  14. Nice one. A boy on our bus doubled 2-0 Rangers with QOTS win. something like 30/1.
  15. Previously thought he was ok, but nothing special until his goal at the weekend and his performance tonight. Both give me hope that there is a good footballer in there. He never let his head go down in spite of not getting a start and tonight he got his rewards. He had a good game and a few more should see him get a contract.
  16. Don't care. Win the league then experiment with the line up. Bring in the boys etc. Possibly drop some points here and there but who cares. Give the youth experience.
  17. Ditto We've moved on, but any time any thoughts of his reign as manager comes into my head it gives me shivers
  18. Why would MW want to mange a club that doesn't want to win anything? Why would anyone?
  19. But that's not the question or the point of the op is it? Why not simply give your views on the op without going tit for tat and trying to condemn or justify others actions.... hypothetical as it may be. This country is being governed by two faced polticians that want us to be ashamed of our protestant heritage. Its not wrong to condemn terrorist support or be ashamed to do so.
  20. Still a good bit to go yet but we have to lose 3 more than they do
  21. Defence has tightened up a bit but it sure makes a hell of a lot of mistakes. Marking is very lax when defending balls into the box from free kicks and corners. Need to be more alert and match the opposition movement in our area.
  22. There's loads of arguments for and against playing on astro but nothing seems to have been proven either way. Almost everyone prefers grass though, but the weather kills the chance of it being playable in the winter, and astro is cheaper to maintain over the year. As for causing cancer, tell me something that doesn't cause it. Seems like every modern man made material or modified food gives you it sooner or later.
  23. 1980 Rangers 0-1 down at the piggery. Bett hit the equaliser and then 30 secs from time Alex Miller hit a beauty. 2-1 the Bears! RANGERS: McCloy, Jardine, Miller,Forsyth, Jackson, Bett, Johnston, Russell, McAdam, Redford, McDonald Got arrested after that for celebrating a bit too much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8l8s9YRJAQ See Provan try to put Bud off but the wee man just laughed at the tosser
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