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Everything posted by Gazza1212

  1. This Only in this fenian cesspit. Neymar rips that wee rat faced bastard a new arsehole all night so he responds with typical catholic denial and ignorance by trying to get a rise out him. Predictably the scum media swing into full defensive mode with a pathetic attempt to twist it into a Neymar has no class story for refusing to shake hands ......... Any rational journalist would tell you he showed his class all night! They truly are a fucking joke. You could say you couldn't make it up.......... but actually you could. I could almost have written their pish article word for word for the cunts in advance as soon as I seen Neymar rightly blank the wee prick at full time.
  2. Will they though? If beast fc got their comeuppance for all the past indiscretions they would no longer be in existence...... Fact. But they don't, and they are, such is the corrupted little cesspit this country has become.
  3. Are we in agreement then or not? Rangers supporters should be demanding our board make the complaint regarding historical child abuse cover up official. An immediate call for a government led enquiry. How about a poll on here to gauge opinion or has it been done before?
  4. Never a truer word said. I wish I had the answer but you're right, until we stop the infighting and man up it will never change. The real annoying thing for me is we know full well those responsible for our ongoing strife yet we continue to tolerate it. We know where the poison stems from and how they use their deciples to push it. They are united, organised and evidently very determined. We meanwhile waste time and energy bickering among ourselves instead of tackling the problem head on. We should be using the ammunition available to us, God knows there is plenty of it........fire with fire right enough. Are we really so tired we've lost the will to fight and get the better of that mob. I fucking hope not.
  5. If ever our support needed to unite and agree on one single issue then surely it has to be this. No half measures, no veiled threats, we should be forcing this tepid board to act now. They are our board after all. We should be letting them know in no uncertain terms what's expected by way of the defence of Rangers fc. There is a simple reason why the flack coming our way never seems to end and that's the apathetic way this club deal with their detractors.
  6. And I said I was a fan of theirs where?
  7. Good for you, pity others can't show the same level of restraint. There are many ways to describe Rangers other than referring to us a joke club, that's something I'd say is more akin to taig like behaviour...... so I will. Maybe that's just me, but there you go opinions vary. Also if you think that's "as bad as it gets" I'd say you've misjudged the tone of the forum. "Fellow supporters" former players, managers, club officials etc are called far far worse on here on a daily basis...... It gets heated, just ask BP9 or the Dude for example. It just so happens one of my bugbears is listening to other Rangers fans use the same shite patter the smellys use when talking about Rangers. It sticks in the craw, but like I say maybe that's just me.
  8. Glad someone has clarified that small point for the arseholes on here who use the term so loosely when referring to our great club.
  9. Careful mate you will upset the Wee jizz guzzlers in the playground who are too afraid to disagree with the cool kids.
  10. You still here? Thought I told you to go fk your mother
  11. Thank fk for that I thought you were going to bore me all afternoon
  12. Clear to see who initiated this wee spat so don't give us your pish about insults. A Selective memory as well as limited intelligence....... hmmm not a good combination for somebody so far up his own arse.
  13. Thought as much. You were asked to explain your comments and unsurprisingly you haven't managed it so instead you just resort to chucking insults about like a spoiled wean. At no point have I defended this current board but in an earlier post you site the McCoist appointment as part of your argument, an appointment that was made under a totally different regime ffs and I'm the moron? Away back In yer box ya fucking moon man. If you can't be arsed waiting for success to come back feel free to fuck off. It takes as long as it takes not even Rangers have that devine right. Some of us thought the good times would never end not so long ago and oh how we laughed while fenians were throwing themselves from the stands and attacking their own directors. If this current board continue to fuck up they will be ousted and hopefully replaced with people with the right credentials. If you think you can speed up that process put you're energy into that instead of behaving like a Wee bitch.
  14. You really are fucking dense aren't you. Rangers belong on top in this country that's been the way of it for since the beginning. Currently circumstances dictate we're behind the taigs therefore we're in a transition period however long it takes ya fucking clown. No matter who followed the Ashley parasites they had their work cut out for them due to the absolute state we were in. It was never going to happen overnight other than in the tiny minds of wankers like you. My allegiance is to Rangers not King so again you can maybe enlighten us to why exactly you think my head is up his arse? This should be good. Come on then ya fucking banger let's hear it.
  15. Who you calling a fucking walloper ya jumped up wee prick. The club is in a transition period so fuck ups like the present situation were highly likely to anybody with a brain. We are clearly not operating from a position of strength, that's got to be built up over a period of years. That doesn't mean I'm happy about it so only you can tell us where you get that idea from ya fucking imbecile.
  16. I fucking say. Referring to Rangers as a joke for any reason is fucking taig patter so far as I'm concerned any cunt calling us a that can fuck off to the girodome any time they want
  17. He's the guy who empowered a couple of complete nuggets to give Pedro the gig in the first place, then back him with funds we can ill afford to waste though.
  18. This from the literary genius that is neil Lennon? Don't make me laugh. This wee toad is the living embodiment of what our supporters despise so why waste any more time discussing him I say. Best we stick matters relevant.
  19. Finally somebody calls it like it is. Woefully inept at the back. Still early days so we have time but a hell of a lot of work to be done back there. It was clearly evident in the Motherwell game as well where we seemed incapable of stopping crosses coming in. The Foderingham issue is the elephant in the room for me as well. For a young keeper he's far too slow adjusting his feet to get across his line for shots coming in. Granted the defending in front of him hasn't helped but he definitely concedes goals a more accomplished keeper would save, no question. A good keeper will easily save you 12 + points a season and on the evidence of what I've seen from his time at Rangers big Wes will never be that man.
  20. Sorry but what I'm taking from that statement is because things have changed so dramatically over the last six years it's now become a necessity to call these cunts out. We cannot have a situation where the likes of Lennon are allowed to act with impunity yet the media come crashing down on us like a ton of bricks for any little indiscretions. Like it or not things have changed out of all recognitions now and the old red neck mentality no longer applies. For that reason I wholeheartedly agree with the viewpoint of both the Rangers observer and club 1872. We show them there will be repercussions if we are attacked as a club or a support or continue to be treated like fucking criminals. If guys need to justify the morality of it they need only remind themselves this wasn't a culture we created.
  21. There is no way on this earth that baldy fenian bastard should still be on that pitch end of story.
  22. Never said I knew what was going on with Penna, merely offered a viewpoint like everybody else who's posted on the subject. Care to offer yours or you just content to induce a pointless argument.? Also the thumb is utter shite you trying to infer he's no?
  23. You're going to have to take me at my word or just call bullshit , either way I don't really give a fuck but here goes anyway. I was on holiday in San Diego roughly a month ago and Mexico were playing San Salvador there. Mexico have a huge following there for obvious geographical reasons. Long story short the MacDonalds we were in was crawling with USA born Mexico fans after the game and I was asking about both Penna and Herrera as you do. To a man I got more or less the same line from them all that he's been a player but now not so much...... This and the Wee snippets about his character we all got when he first signed leads me to suspect he's no model pro.......fk me that was the short version and feels like war and peace.
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