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Everything posted by BlueBearz1990

  1. Defo mate, probably a very angry man behind the smile every time he's asked lol.
  2. Definitely looks to me like he meant it, after watching it back a good few times there.
  3. I get what you mean in terms of the best is yet to come. I can just imagine him reaching his fitness goal and gelling with the team soon. Wow.
  4. Extremely please with Rossiter, Barton, Kranjcar and Dodoo tonight. Some lovely football from the whole team.
  5. Dont give Cashley a penny. We need to hit him where it hurts.
  6. Hate 16. Been playing 15 all this year. If 17 is like 16 then I give up lol. Slow defenders catching up with the likes of Messi, the turning is horribly slow, you hit the bar and post wayyy too often, and the crosses always magnet towards the keeper.
  7. I'm going to get some short sleeved ones too lol. Can't buy new tops because of that prick Ashley so may as well buy old ones for the games etc.
  8. I found this one online. Still not bad. Might get it.
  9. @SpidermansGaffer I was looking for the long sleeve version online to buy. but no luck as of yet.
  10. Sure it wasn't at the Southern General? Lol
  11. Good games tonight. Only thing we lacked was the finishing, too many shots right at the keeper. Enjoyed it and Kranjcar passing is a joy to watch
  12. Some people have got pockets tighter than a ducks arse when it comes to paying to watch a game online.
  13. Buzzing for the game tonight, hopefully a decent turn out. But as I seen someone say on Facebook who asked the ticket office guy, 27000 were sold yesterday so no doubt more will be gone now and sold at the gate
  14. Yes but obviously head up early in case it's mobbed. Going to be 27c tomorrow mate, fucking roasting.
  15. Got mine today mate, looking forward to it. You think both Kranjcar and Barton will both be on at some point?
  16. Yeah no doubt the sun will be away by game time but still very warm indeed lol
  17. I see you've patched La Liga. I don't think I'll be touching that either, not too sure who'll be likely to win that this year. Madrid still got plenty of time to bring in a few superstars.
  18. Heard ticket sales are around the 27000 mark
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