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Monty Zoomer

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Everything posted by Monty Zoomer

  1. Between Butland on form and Motherwell's front players being mediocre, we might just hold on FFS
  2. Getting worried that we are heading for a draw - god this is awful
  3. Feyenoord looking good now - this can get tasty
  4. So far so good - commanding his box well and coming out when needed.
  5. Confidence will be key I think - hopefully, the guys behind the goal get behind him from the start and give him a wee lift. If he puts in a good shift today and shuts them out, it would be hard not to give him the jersey, I reckon
  6. Absolutely agree with this - we were playing to full houses at Ibrox even in the lowest league yet we were paying stupid money for players who weren't required. They were too well paid - we were paying one player the entire squad budget for most of our opponents. We should have paid a good manager to bring through youthful talent at the right price and, by the time, we got back to where we belong, the bank account would have been swollen with funds to buy top class talent. THATS where we went wrong. I cant recall who it was but we took a player from the premier league and tripled his wages to pay for us in DIV 3 FFS
  7. How much can we invest though - FFP are still watching us. Investment is crucial but only if we are allowed to invest
  8. Every dog has his day - I just feel this is our time, this coming weekend.
  9. We need to scour the british isles and bring in proper players of the true Rangers mentality - we will NEVER be able to outspend them in the global market, so we need to find "value" players who can make up for any skill shortfalls with grit and determination and just playing for the goddam jersey
  10. 3-1 to the famous, if Jota and Hatate are out / rusty, otherwise we are going to have to fight for everything - still think we can nick it
  11. I think its our last chance to make something of the season or be thought of as complete failures. There is so much hanging on this - if we don't win, we have nothing and celtic have a treble. The gap isn't as big as people make out - the games are close - it just needs a little bit of extra effort, determination and concentration. We will prevail, I am sure of it. Come back to me on Sunday afternoon
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