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Monty Zoomer

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Everything posted by Monty Zoomer

  1. Just thinking the same - if we were 1-0 up, I would still be concerned at their bench available on 60 minutes but we aren't 1-0 UP
  2. Cannae believe how shite this tarrier team is and they are beating us !! They kept their two best wingers on the bench too - hope tae fuck they are too ill to play - we need Arfield on now. He has the hunger to do something
  3. I fondly remember that this used to be a tarrier trait :-(
  4. I am hopeful we can get an early goal (first 10 mins) then just shut up shop - I know it sounds defeatist but they have a much better bench and if we push the game, we risk injury or fatigue - their subs could destroy us but if we are careful, we can keep the initial 11 on the job for 75 minutes and bring on a couple of subs to shore up more, later on - frustrate the hell out of them and watch them unravel as 50,000 bears start the party
  5. Would be great if he could come on for the last game of the season , even as a cameo, to get his ovation
  6. I think we need 2 new keepers. Shagger is a total legend tho and I cant ever forget what he has contributed to this club, over so many years. I have a feeling he wanted to retire last season but was begged to stay in post another year to help us out - at least I hope thats the case - nothing worse than a premier athlete outstaying his welcome and being made to look a fool
  7. Our decline goes back way too long - its not a current problem - they have won it 17 times out of the last 22, or so. We need solid businessmen at the helm steering us for the next 20 years. We need a LONG term strategy that provides a healthy income stream to match or better theirs. Sad to say, they are a very well run club, financially, and have been since the flat cap fanny saved them from going tits up
  8. Its brilliant marketing - they know the team are driving us to drink so they are just filling a demand in the market
  9. Cunts out of ideas - Saints taking it in their stride - no chance they are scoring in Paisley
  10. An absolute legend in regal circles. i had a feeling it was coming today but didn't expect to be as sad as I am - she will be missed
  11. I was only thinking about when we were actually competing for the title in the same league, so that the teams could be compared on a like for like basis - sorry, should have made that clear.
  12. Agreed - dunno how much we have to pay in court cases or loans back to directors but we have shown that we CAN identify raw talent, showcase it on a euro stage and make good money again - its a circle of investing that we need to grab wholly. Get one or two good years out of a young player and sell on for silly money - they have been doing it too well for years and they are so strong now. I still believe in Gio and, if he can get us through the group stage, this defeat will be forgotten - lets make some coin and get half a dozen talented players in including a decent young goalie
  13. Our best teams have always been built on a great goalie. In the past 40 years, I cant think of a time where I would have preferred Celtics goalie to ours
  14. How many of our players have gone into the premier league recently?
  15. Cannae believe this might actually happen - another euro final. Didnt think I would ever see that in my lifetime
  16. Yeah, but knowing their luck, they will sell Jota for 20M more in 18 months....bastards
  17. Love Boyd to bits. He stands up for us more than our spineless board do and I like him even better now than when he played for us however, he ain't no commentator - he is great at summarising a game afterwards and offering analysis but I dont think his brain works as fast as his mouth at times.
  18. Lets tie this off now - league is done. After embarassing Scotland yet again, the bheasts said "we are not interested in Europe" WATP and WE ARE in Europe !
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