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Everything posted by Stunels

  1. glad someone can smile after that haha
  2. I think the time for "back me" has came and went
  3. I disagree I don't think he chucked it under Gerrard - he's been messed around under Gio same as half that team, I understand why they are demoralised. That being said - fuck anyone who downs tools.
  4. I was fed up with Gerrard at times but atleast there was passion and anger in some of his interviews
  5. If GVB cant get a tune out of a player as decent as Kamara then it says plenty about him
  6. I think if I worked for Gio I'd grow to hate him purely for his boring monotone voice zzzz
  7. Agreed. I think our structure is flawed purely because there is no single leader at the board level.
  8. The boy has been lumped into the first team with minimal minutes and asked to cover up a defence with Sands as his partner. Cut him some slack hes been hung out to dry.
  9. Losing the exact same way to celtic two seasons in a row was enough to get him the sack in my eyes. Everything after that has just been "I told you so." I think the reason he has been in the role until now is largely due to the fact that we can't afford to sack him.
  10. Dont think we could afford to sack him and his staff - and even if we can afford it I doubt the board will go for it as they seem to favour hoarding rather than spending on the club. Troubling times and a rough season ahead.
  11. Hes in contract isnt he? Weird mentality.
  12. I think that a lot of Rangers fans see this is a major turning point, like we are crumbling and celtic are on the ascendancy but most of the disaster last night was written for months... remember the team that capitulated after xmas break 2019/2020? It now all hinges on Gio - like you say its up to him to get a tune out of the team. Its not impossible, there is a timeline where we win the league this year. Lets just hope we are living in it.
  13. The only consolation I can take from this is that the first half was so poor that it cannot be ignored. There were some repeat offenders tonight (Tav, Barisic) who were completely shown up. What happens from now until season's end is down to how Gio and the team respond. The league is certainly not over tonight, but by God we have some work to do.
  14. Dont see why Kent takes immence criticism and everyone seems to like Sakala. They both pick up the ball and run head first into a defender and act surprised when it doesn't pinball in their favour. Infuriating.
  15. You could be talking about Tav or Barisic here tbf thats how bad our full backs are under pressure.
  16. Always out swinging away from the goal - why? Tav is the big man and always wants the set pieces and corners and hes fucking shite at them. Sick to death of our "captain".
  17. Barker isnt even part of the question hes a nothing player
  18. Kent pish but if it wasn't for Barisic we were going into 2nd half a goal down, all to play for. Worst player on the park by far tonight.
  19. Class in a second half where they sat back and did nothing because the damage was done. Obviously no way to tell now but I dont think hed have had such a good first half under their press.
  20. Is there option to buy? Seen some rumours but don't see how it could work with wage bills etc. Anyone seen any confirmation one way or the other?
  21. Reminds me of this pic I have saved - apologies if its been posted before
  22. Mate I would massively appreciate that, can you message me to meet or something? Sorry I am new to this board.
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