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  1. I'm pro vaccine but anti "papers please" so yes ill be there. What time is it starting?
  2. You've been conned by MSM scare stories. The facts are quite clear average age of covid deaths in UK is 82 higher than average life expectancy. People die everyday in the UK approximately 1600- one day recently 26 died WITH Covid. Time to get a sense of perspective.
  3. Well done mate! Standing against medical apartheid and "Die Ausweise Bitte" society that our armed forces fought against. For those who buy into the narrative I'd ask you to consider this. As the jabs neither prevent you from catching nor spreading the virus then unvaccinated people are not a risk to you at all. Do we legislate to ask people to prove what other potentially life threatening illnesses and diseases they may be harbouring Hepatitis Aids Pneumonia etcetera. Also anyone can read the Nuremburg principles and see that what is now happening has echoes of Nazi Germany.
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