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Would you put up 1000 bangers?


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People are looking at teams from Spain and Germany and basing the whole 'fans can run a club' idea around that.

Do they not realise the difference in income? And what happens when it starts to become nigh impossible for SPL clubs to qualify for the CL, which isn't far off IMO?

People will start to lose interest. Christ, we made the CL this year and people weren't interested.

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People are looking at teams from Spain and Germany and basing the whole 'fans can run a club' idea around that.

Do they not realise the difference in income? And what happens when it starts to become nigh impossible for SPL clubs to qualify for the CL, which isn't far off IMO?

People will start to lose interest. Christ, we made the CL this year and people weren't interested.

i said they exact points in the barrybaldy thread mate

scotland's footballing game has no cash in it whatsoever, ffs rangers tv income barley pays the wages of 2 top team stars

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Wouldn't put any of my money within a continent of this guy. I also don't think that this idea could work in our situation;spl has no money and no potential and I do not believe many will put up £1000. I also do not think that those who will put themselves forward as the voice of the fans are nessessarily the right type of people to run the club.

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It's not a good time to point out that this mystical £450,000 could have been made a couple of times over had Smith set his team out to win a couple of games in the CL :anguish:

eh what 450k you talking about ,thats pocket money mate

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It's not a good time to point out that this mystical £450,000 could have been made a couple of times over had Smith set his team out to win a couple of games in the CL :anguish:

eh what 450k you talking about ,thats pocket money mate!Im worth more than that as i work in a back street cafe,as a chef and i've got the inside information on who's going to buy rangers(the jimmy crankes)are the best prospect.I don't do rumours,only truth. :pierre:

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It's not a good time to point out that this mystical £450,000 could have been made a couple of times over had Smith set his team out to win a couple of games in the CL :anguish:

eh what 450k you talking about ,thats pocket money mate!Im worth more than that as i work in a back street cafe,as a chef and i've got the inside information on who's going to buy rangers(the jimmy crankes)are the best prospect.I don't do rumours,only truth. :pierre:

IF YOU can come up with anything original and true ,then folk wouldnt treat you like a prick and laugh at your ineptism to even spell a word...my god ...

oh and another thing dont make yourself look like even more of a prick by infiltrating my and a.n.other posts ....what a tosser ..but hey if you want to continue being the laughing stock dont take my advice you are doing a sensational job yourself,hehehehe end of

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oh and MACK last thing i can even muster a breath to say ,,you make good watching on here of a weekend of someone totally pished making a down right arse of themself,,and how you can come on here sober on a monday night oblivious to what an arse you have made of yourself is beyond me and everyone else probably...lol fuckin mega lol HERES TO NEXT WEEKEND.. CHEERS

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It's not a good time to point out that this mystical £450,000 could have been made a couple of times over had Smith set his team out to win a couple of games in the CL :anguish:

eh what 450k you talking about ,thats pocket money mate!Im worth more than that as i work in a back street cafe,as a chef and i've got the inside information on who's going to buy rangers(the jimmy crankes)are the best prospect.I don't do rumours,only truth. :pierre:

IF YOU cant come up with anything original and true ,then folk wouldnt wank you like a prick and laugh at your ineptism to even i can't spell a word oh my god.............im so gay ...

oh and another thing i won't make myself look like even more of a prick by infiltrating RM my and a.n.other posts IM SUCH A tosser ..but hey if you want me to continue being the laughing stock dont take my advice you are doing a sensational job yourself,hehehehe end of

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It's not a good time to point out that this mystical £450,000 could have been made a couple of times over had Smith set his team out to win a couple of games in the CL :anguish:

eh what 450k you talking about ,thats pocket money mate!Im worth more than that as i work in a back street cafe,as a chef and i've got the inside information on who's going to buy rangers(the jimmy crankes)are the best prospect.I don't do rumours,only truth. :pierre:

mack is retarded....especially at the weekend......i cant wait

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Its a non starter imo

It was me who made the original point and in it I mentioned "the sweepers" stumping up when wee Fergus took over.

There seems to be a lot of pessimism/not willing to "invest" so do we not have the entusiasm or urgency to come to the rescue?

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oh and MACK last thing i can even munch is a breath to say ,,you make(tack a deep breath) good watching(porn) on here of a weekend of someone totally pished making a down right arse of themself,,and how you can come on here sober on a monday night oblivious to what an arse you have made of djgazbcm yourself is beyond me and everyone else probably...im a fuckin mega fud HERES TO NEXT WEEKEND..in bar-L CHEERS
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mack mack mack mack mack ,just to let you know ,there aint no real rangers fans fae paisley ,,,all just chasing the dream ,linwood yes paisley no ,you have your own football team ,and as all folk fae paisley hate glaswegians cause you arnt of the same class ,then stay there and be loyal to your local team

its a known fact in glasgow that we are hated in paisley so stay in your own wee clique toon ....even folk fae greenock have merr balls than folk fae paisley and thats sayin sumfin....nite nite buddie lolololol

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oh and MACK last thing i can even munch is a breath to say ,,you make good watching of someone totally pished making a down right arse of themself,,and how you can come on here sober on a monday night oblivious to what an arse you have made of yourself is beyond me and everyone else probably...im a fuckin glaswegian not an inbread buddie HERES TO NEXT WEEKEND..CHEERS...luv it....

yes i would love to see us fan owned ,but its too much to ask,,,we need a money man in not someone who wants us to input ..especially at 1k each ,although we have a lot that will but come on not 45,000 ffs ....

new owner has to put HIS/THEIR cards on table first,not sit back and see what we have to offer ffs...

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mack and djgaz

stop cluttering up a thread with your shite ffs

your like a pair of women fighting over the last pair of sale shoes,


i know mate apologies,,,im back on topic .....he just annoys me tbh,,lol

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mack mack mack mack mack ,just to let you know your one of the best rangers fans in scotland!there aint no real blouiamstong fans fae paisley ,,,all i just want to do is chase the dream!Blouiamstong is my bummer and im his bawhummer,any one that disagrees does not know us :mutley:
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he cannae even come up with his own post,speaks volumes ,and to know that MACK fucked the scum then he ran away speaks volumes ,check his sig oot..


anyway there is a topic why dont you contribute ffs......

are you willing to put up 1k of your brew money......

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i cannae even come up with my sister, her own post,speaks volumes ,and to know that my sister fucked the scum then djgazbcm ran away speaks volumes ,check his writing oot..

im priceless............

anyway there is an orgy with my sister to get on with dont yous get confused.

are you willing to put it up my sisters arse?i am

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Would I? Yes

Will I? No

For various reasons, as far as can be assertained from information online, this guy is a no-gooder. It also involves the RST who I wouldn't trust a single penny too. And the very fact that it is pretty much unviable that 45000 fans are going to come up with £1000 regularly to support this, because believe me, once you've dug into your pocket it'd become an ongoing process. As has been said above, our club was built on the fountains of the common man until the corporate hobbyists got involved, where are they now? Where are they in the clubs hour of need?

In previous seasons it could be said many fans have invested way more than £1000 following Rangers per season, the difference is we knew how this money was or wasn't used, with this new model I pretty much think we'll be left in the dark.

It's a nice idea that needs serious considerations by those involved, no more so than the RST to whom many potential fans will sidestep this because of their involvement. The man himself has to convince the 'ordinary fan' that this is viable, can and will work, and therefore give us the detail we need before we invest a single penny.

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