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Would you put up 1000 bangers?


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After reading Graham Duffy's blue print in the Sunday papers yesterday. It seems for this to go forward he is going to ask (circa) 45,000 bears for a grand each.

Some fifteen years ago the vagrants put up (I believe) around 600 quid (remember wee Fergus fucked off with most of that!). So in essence he is asking for a similiar amount in today's money. Question is would you???????

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I'm interested but without the fine print, I couldn't say either way.

I'm eager to find out more about him, his colleagues in any alleged consortium and the model they intend to offer. IMO, he should have kept out of the papers until he had all this to give to fans in an open manner.

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Probably not to be honest.

It's not a kick in the arse off three months wages for me.

We can't sell out our ground for CL games yet people think we could get nearly 50,000 people willing to part with £1000?! Beggars belief to be honest.

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I, like the vast majority of the Rangers fan base, cannot afford to stum up £1000

This whole idea has the potential to open up a huge can of worms.

Will people like you and I be looked upon as fans who 'aren't as good' as those who are lucky enough to have £1000 kicking around etc? A complete non starter for me!

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considering what most stump up every year just to watch the team, this plan is a no go from the start in my opinion

unless he find a few rich idiots who are willing to put up a an amount far greater than 1000 (add another 4 zeroes onto that figure) then this plan is doomed imo

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I, like the vast majority of the Rangers fan base, cannot afford to stum up £1000

This whole idea has the potential to open up a huge can of worms.

Will people like you and I be looked upon as fans who 'aren't as good' as those who are lucky enough to have £1000 kicking around etc? A complete non starter for me!

of course not!If i was 2 put down 1 grand and you didn't?that does not make me a better fan than any other fan.
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I, like the vast majority of the Rangers fan base, cannot afford to stum up £1000

This whole idea has the potential to open up a huge can of worms.

Will people like you and I be looked upon as fans who 'aren't as good' as those who are lucky enough to have £1000 kicking around etc? A complete non starter for me!

of course not!If i was 2 put down 1 grand and you didn't?that does not make me a better fan than any other fan.

You say that just now, but I doubt many people would look at it that way.

It would become a huge point of conflict in the support IMO. I've already nearly punched a lad at Ibrox this year after he said, and I quote, that I 'wasn't allowed an opinion' because I didn't have a season ticket, never mind the ability to cough up £1000.

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I, like the vast majority of the Rangers fan base, cannot afford to stum up £1000

This whole idea has the potential to open up a huge can of worms.

Will people like you and I be looked upon as fans who 'aren't as good' as those who are lucky enough to have £1000 kicking around etc? A complete non starter for me!

of course not!If i was 2 put down 1 grand and you didn't?that does not make me a better fan than any other fan.

I feel the same i wouldn't look down on anyone for that but we can only dream of being as good a Rangers fan as McCoist355.

Money cant buy that :sherlock:

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I'm interested but without the fine print, I couldn't say either way.

I'm eager to find out more about him, his colleagues in any alleged consortium and the model they intend to offer. IMO, he should have kept out of the papers until he had all this to give to fans in an open manner.

The names of the consortium are key. If they are established and respected all may be good. I have a feeling that the apathy would continue though with regard to investment.

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I'd seriously consider it, but their have to be a lot of transparency as to where the money would go. I am a 19 year old student and make around £8500 a year from my part time job, I'd gladly pay up £1000 over two or three years if it was going to do my club a lot of good.

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I, like the vast majority of the Rangers fan base, cannot afford to stum up £1000

This whole idea has the potential to open up a huge can of worms.

Will people like you and I be looked upon as fans who 'aren't as good' as those who are lucky enough to have £1000 kicking around etc? A complete non starter for me!

of course not!If i was 2 put down 1 grand and you didn't?that does not make me a better fan than any other fan.

You say that just now, but I doubt many people would look at it that way.

It would become a huge point of conflict in the support IMO. I've already nearly punched a lad at Ibrox this year after he said, and I quote, that I 'wasn't allowed an opinion' because I didn't have a season ticket, never mind the ability to cough up £1000.

Papa that is part of the problem in why we are a divided support. Some fans look down their nose at people that dont have a season ticket, but forget it was people who had no money that helped make this club so great. In the old days fans would sell stuff or even pawn stuff just to watch our club, if people can afford to invest in the club good luck to them. But the point is that it will not make them a better fan than people who cant afford it.

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I'd seriously consider it, but their have to be a lot of transparency as to where the money would go. I am a 19 year old student and make around £8500 a year from my part time job, I'd gladly pay up £1000 over two or three years if it was going to do my club a lot of good.

I could easily do that, but there's still so many questions to be answered.

What's the future of my investment? Do I have less of a say than those who have stumped up a lump sum?

I'm just not for this idea at all.

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I, like the vast majority of the Rangers fan base, cannot afford to stum up £1000

This whole idea has the potential to open up a huge can of worms.

Will people like you and I be looked upon as fans who 'aren't as good' as those who are lucky enough to have £1000 kicking around etc? A complete non starter for me!

of course not!If i was 2 put down 1 grand and you didn't?that does not make me a better fan than any other fan.

You say that just now, but I doubt many people would look at it that way.

It would become a huge point of conflict in the support IMO. I've already nearly punched a lad at Ibrox this year after he said, and I quote, that I 'wasn't allowed an opinion' because I didn't have a season ticket, never mind the ability to cough up £1000.

well that's one fan we could do without!i don't have a season ticket (does that make me less of a bear?)i wish i had,but work and everything.
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I, like the vast majority of the Rangers fan base, cannot afford to stum up £1000

This whole idea has the potential to open up a huge can of worms.

Will people like you and I be looked upon as fans who 'aren't as good' as those who are lucky enough to have £1000 kicking around etc? A complete non starter for me!

of course not!If i was 2 put down 1 grand and you didn't?that does not make me a better fan than any other fan.

You say that just now, but I doubt many people would look at it that way.

It would become a huge point of conflict in the support IMO. I've already nearly punched a lad at Ibrox this year after he said, and I quote, that I 'wasn't allowed an opinion' because I didn't have a season ticket, never mind the ability to cough up £1000.

Papa that is part of the problem in why we are a divided support. Some fans look down their nose at people that dont have a season ticket, but forget it was people who had no money that helped make this club so great. In the old days fans would sell stuff or even pawn stuff just to watch our club, if people can afford to invest in the club good luck to them. But the point is that it will not make them a better fan than people who cant afford it.

Absolutely Minst.

Therein lies the problem. Even on here, I've seen people put themselves on a pedestal of importance because they have a season ticket when arguing with those who don't, never mind at the games.

The whole £1000 each thing would make it a lot worse. IMO of course.

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I'd seriously consider it, but their have to be a lot of transparency as to where the money would go. I am a 19 year old student and make around £8500 a year from my part time job, I'd gladly pay up £1000 over two or three years if it was going to do my club a lot of good.

I could easily do that, but there's still so many questions to be answered.

What's the future of my investment? Do I have less of a say than those who have stumped up a lump sum?

I'm just not for this idea at all.

WHAT are the money men putting in then ? 45million of our money gets us what?

does it pay off the full debt with 13million to spare on costs or are this florida guys money men gonna invest big style also...do we know?

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Papa that is part of the problem in why we are a divided support. Some fans look down their nose at people that dont have a season ticket, but forget it was people who had no money that helped make this club so great. In the old days fans would sell stuff or even pawn stuff just to watch our club, if people can afford to invest in the club good luck to them. But the point is that it will not make them a better fan than people who cant afford it.

Absolutely Minst.

Therein lies the problem. Even on here, I've seen people put themselves on a pedestal of importance because they have a season ticket when arguing with those who don't, never mind at the games.

The whole £1000 each thing would make it a lot worse. IMO of course.

what happens if joe punter like myself decides to do this 1k thing anyway, then my work goes tits up and i cannot afford the payments, what then?

45k people that start to pay up, might not get 45k of people finishing the payment period

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