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Sunday Mail/Daily Record


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So, we've all seen the front page of the Mail today with the headline on the YouTube video.

Thing is, I have a wee suspicion this might just fuel some folks' theories that these papers are staunchly anti-Rangers.

Let us not forget, however, last Monday's edition of its sister paper the Daily Record:



Just wanted to raise that point.

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The difference is that reporting lemmon's little tizzy won't get them banned from Europe. Once again our mhedia stab us in the back right between the shoulder blades.

I don't think the Mail or other gutter tabloids have any divisive morals. They do what they need to to sell papers. And that's usually the lowest of the low.

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So you WANT the ress to publish a distorted news story by ignoring this story or saying that it doesn't really matter?

Rangers fans singing sectarian bile is newsworthy, especially in light of our previous Uefa fine.

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So you WANT the ress to publish a distorted news story by ignoring this story or saying that it doesn't really matter?

Rangers fans singing sectarian bile is newsworthy, especially in light of our previous Uefa fine.

So what about all the celtic fans chanting IRA and sinn fein aswell as FTQ. Isnt that newsworthy coz theres quite a few of them videos kicking about on youtube.

And is it now more important that the video of the riot police battering innocent rangers fans more important?

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Yes Danny, fair point. But you must ask yourself one question. Would it be the same if the boot was on the other foot?

They made the Lennon incident the front page of the Record, would it have been the same if Barry Ferguson had done what Lennon did? You better believe it. Infact they may have had a 10-page pull-out of the incident had it been Barry.

But did the Record or the Mail publish any incriminating footage of Celtic fans singing Pro-IRA chants or Boys of The Old Brigade in Milan? Absolutely NOT!! And why is that the case when the same website where the footage of the Rangers fans was obtained was also awash with videos of Celtic fans chanting equally disgusting things? Is that fair to you?

Is it also fair how none of the newspapers picked up on the bottle throwing incident with the Celtic fans in Milan? I seem to remember a different reaction a year earlier when the exact same thing happened with Rangers fans in Villareal. Is that not double standards? Obviously you don't think it is.

Danny, you and other Bears on this site need to waken up. If you had asked me if the media had an agenda against Rangers a few months ago i would have said the same as you. But how, after all that those rags have written about our fans, can you possibly still deny there is any anti-Rangers sentiment amongst their journalists and editors? How can you possinly deny it?

And how can you justify your views by comparing an article written about ONE player's actions, to which there was no follow-up and no action against him, to an article written about a set of supporters which could end up seeing a Scottish football club kicked out of Europe? Those two pieces are incomparable.

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The difference is that reporting lemmon's little tizzy won't get them banned from Europe. Once again our mhedia stab us in the back right between the shoulder blades.

I don't think the Mail or other gutter tabloids have any divisive morals. They do what they need to to sell papers. And that's usually the lowest of the low.

Danny, your spot on. They will stoop to any levels in order to sell their papers.

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If the low life media want to bring the Rangers down by using outlets such as You Tube that is fine as long as it applies to other sets of fans. I spent the early part of the afternoon in my local refreshment outlet and spoke to tims, hibs and killie fans and almost all of them are as pissed off as we are. We all know we sing things we maybe should not but all agreed that the media are scum. I think we are heading for a ban next season of some variety but if we are then the SFA , UEFA and whoever it may apply too will be getting bombarded with letters from me (I know it will not make any difference) if any other club steps out of line. End of rant. Is there any more ale in the fridge honeybun?

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Remember, this all stems from a our recent european match where sectarian singing was clearly heard, the press are following up on the story, like any journalist worth his/her salt should do.

Trying to deflect attention away from this & using any excuse to almost ignore it is stupid, Rangers fans MUST stand united aginst the few who sign these songs and gety us noticed by the press .... THERE WOULD BE NO STORY IF WE DIDN'T SING THE SONGS.

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The difference is that reporting lemmon's little tizzy won't get them banned from Europe. Once again our mhedia stab us in the back right between the shoulder blades.

I don't think the Mail or other gutter tabloids have any divisive morals. They do what they need to to sell papers. And that's usually the lowest of the low.

I'm afraid you might be tryin to fart against thunder Danny..........some people will always suscribe to the notion that the media has some kind of anti-Rangers agenda. 99% of other clubs supporters that I've talked to on this issue feel that the media is biased against their clubs! doh

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The difference is that reporting lemmon's little tizzy won't get them banned from Europe. Once again our mhedia stab us in the back right between the shoulder blades.

I don't think the Mail or other gutter tabloids have any divisive morals. They do what they need to to sell papers. And that's usually the lowest of the low.

I'm afraid you might be tryin to fart against thunder Danny..........some people will always suscribe to the notion that the media has some kind of anti-Rangers agenda. 99% of other clubs supporters that I've talked to on this issue feel that the media is biased against their clubs! doh

Difference being that none of them have any evidence of it. We have.

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The difference is that reporting lemmon's little tizzy won't get them banned from Europe. Once again our mhedia stab us in the back right between the shoulder blades.

I don't think the Mail or other gutter tabloids have any divisive morals. They do what they need to to sell papers. And that's usually the lowest of the low.

No, the difference is that no sane man would do to septic what the mhedia are trying to do to us. Hugh Dallas had his windows smashed because of an old firm game, so what do u think would happen to the journalists who were responsible for septioc being banned from Europe.

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The difference is that reporting lemmon's little tizzy won't get them banned from Europe. Once again our mhedia stab us in the back right between the shoulder blades.

I don't think the Mail or other gutter tabloids have any divisive morals. They do what they need to to sell papers. And that's usually the lowest of the low.

I'm afraid you might be tryin to fart against thunder Danny..........some people will always suscribe to the notion that the media has some kind of anti-Rangers agenda. 99% of other clubs supporters that I've talked to on this issue feel that the media is biased against their clubs! doh

Difference being that none of them have any evidence of it. We have.

Exactly, I seen the clip from Osasuna on my BBC news tonight but I doubt I will be seeing the IRAfest in Milan featured on Youtube any time soon (even though I e-mailed them about it tonight). Also, not a word about the bottle thrown at the press bus in Milan on the Beeb, even though a similar incident in VR last year kept them going for days

:rolleyes: .

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I have lots more I could say, but I'm not gonna. I'll keep my counsel I think.

I think you should say it Danny...

Unless we all speak openly we will never resolve issues

I find the more openly we speak, the more divided we become.

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I have lots more I could say, but I'm not gonna. I'll keep my counsel I think.

I think you should say it Danny...

Unless we all speak openly we will never resolve issues

I find the more openly we speak, the more divided we become.

Well there will always be some who agree and some who disagree.....but on such an important issue I think its essential we hear all angles and opinions.

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Did the Beeb ever get round to showing the Hartson/Pearson footage or did they bottle that one too?

No idea. But Scotland Today showed it as their headline story.

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I have lots more I could say, but I'm not gonna. I'll keep my counsel I think.

I think you should say it Danny...

Unless we all speak openly we will never resolve issues

I find the more openly we speak, the more divided we become.

I just wonder how many of our friends in the Mhedia are in here stirring it. I've always assumed that while they must be here, so we can do their jobs for them, they would always remain silent in case someone recognised their writing style, but when I see some of the posts advocating not exposing septic at UEFA (and who can honestly say that the sanctimonious shower don't have it coming), I really have to wonder who is behind them.

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Remember, this all stems from a our recent european match where sectarian singing was clearly heard, the press are following up on the story, like any journalist worth his/her salt should do.

Trying to deflect attention away from this & using any excuse to almost ignore it is stupid, Rangers fans MUST stand united aginst the few who sign these songs and gety us noticed by the press .... THERE WOULD BE NO STORY IF WE DIDN'T SING THE SONGS.

Spot on. But the problem is that their is a large element of our fans that don't think it is a problem Scotsman article. They are completely out of touch with the reality of modern day Scotland where many people come from mixed backgrounds or have friends from other faiths. They are dishonest and hypocritical, in that they won't take responsibility for their actions, instead they justify endangering our clubs future by saying Celtic fans do it. Please can we have a bit of honesty if you think it is ok to sing TBB or FTP, have the guts to say so rather than hide behind the "they started it" argument.

I'm beginning to despair of this entire argument. I love my club and have done since for as long as I can remember but a section of our support make me ashamed. At times I feel like jacking it in but that would mean allowing the bigots to win.


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Did the Beeb ever get round to showing the Hartson/Pearson footage or did they bottle that one too?

No idea. But Scotland Today showed it as their headline story.

I know that but did the Beeb? After seeing tonight's bulletin I know they don't have a problem showing bad quality video when we are on the receiving end, so why don’t they do the same when it’s septic good name that's on the line?

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Remember, this all stems from a our recent european match where sectarian singing was clearly heard, the press are following up on the story, like any journalist worth his/her salt should do.

Trying to deflect attention away from this & using any excuse to almost ignore it is stupid, Rangers fans MUST stand united aginst the few who sign these songs and gety us noticed by the press .... THERE WOULD BE NO STORY IF WE DIDN'T SING THE SONGS.

Spot on. But the problem is that their is a large element of our fans that don't think it is a problem Scotsman article. They are completely out of touch with the reality of modern day Scotland where many people come from mixed backgrounds or have friends from other faiths. They are dishonest and hypocritical, in that they won't take responsibility for their actions, instead they justify endangering our clubs future by saying Celtic fans do it. Please can we have a bit of honesty if you think it is ok to sing TBB or FTP, have the guts to say so rather than hide behind the "they started it" argument.

I'm beginning to despair of this entire argument. I love my club and have done since for as long as I can remember but a section of our support make me ashamed. At times I feel like jacking it in but that would mean allowing the bigots to win.


You sound like a bit of a bigot yourself

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