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Looks like a big NO from Hearts

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I think its the way that it is being done that is irritating people. Being lectured on morals by a guy who doesn't pay his clubs wages on time and who employ a sex offender on their playing staff?

Too right Hearts can fuck off


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Can't imagine many Jambos will be pleased with this. Most of them are squarely on our side when it comes down to it. I'd expect them to be pissed of with mad clad if he votes no. Wouldn't be surprised to see boycotts from their fans in support. Mostly good, honest, right thinking people that would be Bears if born in Glasgow. I know people will say they could be Bears anyway as our support comes from all over the world but you gotta respect them for staying local.

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"It had to happen sooner or later. Victories were achieved not by sporting merits, but through slander, conspiracies amongst players and their poaching via third parties, unfair pressuring of referees, who in themselves are as valuable to the fabric of football as the football stars themselves."

Surely the quote above is about the Eastern Necropolis mob?

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Hypocritical twat.

One of the unwritten rules of business is you ALWAYS pay your staff on time.

I would far rather employees were paid at the expense of HMRC than the other way around, whatever we all think of that little bastard who did this to us there was never any hint of people at Ibrox not getting paid.

Mr Romanov, have you always done that?

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that nut case is really lecturing our club on morality? He didn't pay his players and employed two paedophiles. But I guess that's ok because he owns Hearts and not Rangers.

All of these clubs can go chase themselves. I hope Hearts are the first to fall after we leave the SPL.


a lunatic, you couldn't make it up,

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This is not a shock it's part of Romanov's plan to cut and run. He knows that Hearts are £24m in debt and that's just the visible debt not counting soft loans etc. He has admitted he wants out, Administration is his way of doing that.

He wants to punt the club but keep the stadium and has said so...

However, he also admits he would be interested in a proposal that would allow him to retain ownership of Tynecastle Stadium and lease it back to the new owners of the football side of the business.

"I would be interested in that," he said.

Aye no doubt you would be interested in that Romanov, wipe out all the debt and then force the club to pay you rent to pay in a stadium they don't own.

The rest of the spl are so dumb they really can't see whats going to happen here, 5 clubs are on the brink right now and it won't take much to push them over it.

Take out your bloodlust on Rangers idiots just don't cry over the consquences of doing so.

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