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They just go to hell (Division 3) and re-group.

But perhaps the burning question is....Do we know how to re-group ? Have we any idea what we need to change and how we go about effecting such change ?

Lets ask ourselves a different question Why was it, with the exception of one club who abstained, that the SPL clubs to their serious financial detriment, voted not to re-admit us to the SPL. ? The answer quite simply is we had lost the battle for the hearts and minds. In fact we had been overrun and routed before we had even mobilised.

But you wont find the battleground on a OS map of Scotland - this battle took place within the Scottish media. The problem for us that it was unusual terrain. More than a decade of “if an article offends don't buy it” mentality has left us less than streetwise with those in the inky trade as well as other media outlets.

It was against this background that you read (without challenge) and on an almost daily basis, how Rangers had cheated, how we had run dual contracts to pay for players we couldn't afford, how we showed absolutely no remorse for our actions, how we had deprived hospitals and schools, how we were threatening and bullying others to treat us as a special case,,, the list goes on and on. But as if this misrepresentation of the facts wasn't bad enough , the graphic nature of some of those articles left a lot to be desired. Who amongst us will ever forget Gordon Waddells' analogy of our club being like someone you would like to punch repeatedly in the face till your hands hurt ?

You get a feeling of how bad things really when James Traynor appears to be the only one fighting your corner.

You don't need to be a chemist to work out the damaging result of a less than sympathetic press mixed and added to an audience of readers or listeners who, and this is putting it mildly, are already “less than sympathetic” towards our club.

I fully realise that in addressing the issue of damaging press articles about our club to internet Bears, that I am very much preaching to the converted. And I'm fully aware that many of us do what we can to try and bring some balance to re-dress this. But events over the last few months demonstrate that it is not enough, no matter how hard we have laboured. Furthermore the image and reputation of Rangers Football Club should not be left to a few diligent supporters firing off letters of complaint which are by and large ignored by press editors.

In addition, leaving a group of individuals to fight something of a rearguard action against the might of the press is leaving them fully exposed. I remember how Spiers rounded and isolated those who spoke out against him and his series of damaging articles about our club....ridiculing and trying to discredit them by labelling them “paranoid beserkers”

This really has to be a joint undertaking by both the club and the support working together. There are many things about Sir David Murray's tenure at Ibrox which will be described as disgraceful. But one of the most unedifying things I have ever seen in all my years supporting Rangers was his willingness to ignore the demonisation of our support and the image of our club, yet take particular umbrage at any personal criticism of himself in the press.

I believe that this should be a priority matter for those who claim their voice represents the Rangers support. And there is no getting away from it - this will require the hiring of professionals who know what they are doing.

Some may read this and say that the Rangers haters out there had already made up there minds as to what should happen to our club irrespective of the press coverage. And you would get no argument from me.

But that should never deter us from at least getting the facts out into the public domain and be in a position where we can effectively challenge those who wish to compare our club to something you would repeatedly punch in the face until your hand hurt.

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A bang on the money OP. I do fall into the cat of not buying papers now because of the Pish in them and I know it's wrong but I just can't read all the Pish.

Look at traynor and Scott at the weekend, they write a balanced view(befit before time) and before you know it a movement is organised against them by a failed social worker who was cashing a dead pensioners pension 4 weeks after he died and a struck off lawyer who stole dead miners wife's money. What chance have we got till we fight back. This is when a real fan should be on the board cos I worry they just don't get it..

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They just go to hell (Division 3) and re-group.

But perhaps the burning question is....Do we know how to re-group ? Have we any idea what we need to change and how we go about effecting such change ?

Lets ask ourselves a different question Why was it, with the exception of one club who abstained, that the SPL clubs to their serious financial detriment, voted not to re-admit us to the SPL. ? The answer quite simply is we had lost the battle for the hearts and minds. In fact we had been overrun and routed before we had even mobilised.

But you wont find the battleground on a OS map of Scotland - this battle took place within the Scottish media. The problem for us that it was unusual terrain. More than a decade of “if an article offends don't buy it” mentality has left us less than streetwise with those in the inky trade as well as other media outlets.

It was against this background that you read (without challenge) and on an almost daily basis, how Rangers had cheated, how we had run dual contracts to pay for players we couldn't afford, how we showed absolutely no remorse for our actions, how we had deprived hospitals and schools, how we were threatening and bullying others to treat us as a special case,,, the list goes on and on. But as if this misrepresentation of the facts wasn't bad enough , the graphic nature of some of those articles left a lot to be desired. Who amongst us will ever forget Gordon Waddells' analogy of our club being like someone you would like to punch repeatedly in the face till your hands hurt ?

You get a feeling of how bad things really when James Traynor appears to be the only one fighting your corner.

You don't need to be a chemist to work out the damaging result of a less than sympathetic press mixed and added to an audience of readers or listeners who, and this is putting it mildly, are already “less than sympathetic” towards our club.

I fully realise that in addressing the issue of damaging press articles about our club to internet Bears, that I am very much preaching to the converted. And I'm fully aware that many of us do what we can to try and bring some balance to re-dress this. But events over the last few months demonstrate that it is not enough, no matter how hard we have laboured. Furthermore the image and reputation of Rangers Football Club should not be left to a few diligent supporters firing off letters of complaint which are by and large ignored by press editors.

In addition, leaving a group of individuals to fight something of a rearguard action against the might of the press is leaving them fully exposed. I remember how Spiers rounded and isolated those who spoke out against him and his series of damaging articles about our club....ridiculing and trying to discredit them by labelling them “paranoid beserkers”

This really has to be a joint undertaking by both the club and the support working together. There are many things about Sir David Murray's tenure at Ibrox which will be described as disgraceful. But one of the most unedifying things I have ever seen in all my years supporting Rangers was his willingness to ignore the demonisation of our support and the image of our club, yet take particular umbrage at any personal criticism of himself in the press.

I believe that this should be a priority matter for those who claim their voice represents the Rangers support. And there is no getting away from it - this will require the hiring of professionals who know what they are doing.

Some may read this and say that the Rangers haters out there had already made up there minds as to what should happen to our club irrespective of the press coverage. And you would get no argument from me.

But that should never deter us from at least getting the facts out into the public domain and be in a position where we can effectively challenge those who wish to compare our club to something you would repeatedly punch in the face until your hand hurt.

As I started reading your post I was already planning to use this as part of my answer, ever since Murray walked into Ibrox we were always on the back foot with the press and he allowed them to shite all over us, oh yes everything was rosy as long as you stuck your nose up his arse but for any supporter who questioned his motives they were written of as unwanted, the cunt was happy to have the support demonized as he was also embarrassed by the majority, I said it the day he walked in" this is no Rangers man" and so it proved.

Could you even begin to think how we would have taken it up the shiter from the media if real Rangers men the likes of Willie Waddell had still been around, no I don't think so, as you rightly say mate we have been rudderless for nigh on 25yrs. now, and that is why I would love to see real Rangers men owning our club and defending us to the hilt, Charles Green had better learn this quickly or he will be doomed from the start, as this support have had enough of the bastards crapping all over us.

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Good post again,D'Art (tu) and it's a scenario I have been watching develope from afar since the minted one assigned himself the status of a Demigod as opposed to that of the Rangers custodian.

Everybody seemed happy enough as we went on our merry way and appeared to dismiss the building hatred towards us in the media as "jealous criticism" or"Taigh reporting" which was made worse by the fact that Murray gave this media carte blanche to attack us at every turn, on and off the park by not defending our long standing traditions and history.

There is an old saying that goes something like; "For every success you have,there is a price you surely will pay"

By fuck! We might have had success on the field, but Murray's silence is making us pay for it big time now! :angry::pipe:

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D'Art excellent. I have been saying similar for years though not with the same articulation. This is exactly how the Protestant / Loyalist community failed to win the media war during 30 years of IRA terror.

Never was this fact better described than by an Irish Catholic female from Dublin. In her excellent book 'The Faithful Tribe; Loyal Institutions' she devotes a solid chapter to this subject.

How the Unionist community were -- 'Hopelessly inept at public relations, the Ulster Protestants stand by while their heritage and traditions are traduced around the world.'

SF/IRA are masters of media manipulation. It seems their 'Athletic Wing' in Glasgow gave learned from their masters. While we sit back in dignified silence.

Too many so-called Rangers men are afraid to put our case whilst others are too busy fighting for their own agendas.

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D'Art excellent. I have been saying similar for years though not with the same articulation. This is exactly how the Protestant / Loyalist community failed to win the media war during 30 years of IRA terror.

Never was this fact better described than by an Irish Catholic female from Dublin. In her excellent book 'The Faithful Tribe; Loyal Institutions' she devotes a solid chapter to this subject.

How the Unionist community were -- 'Hopelessly inept at public relations, the Ulster Protestants stand by while their heritage and traditions are traduced around the world.'

SF/IRA are masters of media manipulation. It seems their 'Athletic Wing' in Glasgow gave learned from their masters. While we sit back in dignified silence.

Too many so-called Rangers men are afraid to put our case whilst others are too busy fighting for their own agendas.

One of the best reads ever NS. Furthermore the tactics of the enemy which she also describes so aptly should make us all sit up and take note.

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Well done again D'Art!

Living in Yorkshire, I hear likes of Talksport & apart from a few like Adrian Durham, they're just so ill-informed that they just let vhermin minded callers spout & are starting to take this in as the truth.

This then means that workmates, friends, etc are getting this view & when I try to explain, it's not long before they're looking at me as if I'm a rolling-eyed idiot!

Easy to say 'if you don't like the phone-ins, don't listen or go on them' but that just leaves a vacuum that our enemies are only too ready to fill.

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If it is Div 3 then re grouping will be easy as every fan who turns up will know more than ever why we are there..........and start to hit back at every attack..re press ....tv media.....continually point out for eg how many people employed on their football programs are made up from a minority within the population........this has gone the opposite way ..........how can so many from a minority be in such a position.............that is something that should be continually challenged.

It will take time but has to start somewhere, and keep making the point time and time again....not on these loaded phone ins , but to the bosses of the stations and not re the BBC in Scotland there bosses in London.......and that or any other commercial station their bosses not local bosses..................and it as mentioned has to be time and time again.

Let's not be fooled here this has been driven bu many in the press.media on a sectarian attack....just look at the press names and the media people.

Also when the day comes and hope it is after going through the leagues........will bring a solidarity that will tie us together like no other time.....we do not set foot in any away ground of any of these 11 clubs........yes Killie knew that an abstention was to be classed as a no vote....another step brought in to force the no issue.

As for that irish spud-u-like immigrant o'reagan let's concentrate not on him but his bosses .............hammer them with letters.......emails ......phone calls are a waste of time.btw wonder what the real story is to o'regan and that India trip prior to him leaving cricket.

Add clubs like that tosser in the spotlight from Raith Rovers never ever set foot in that place again and also that little big man Yorkstons place.

I know the camaraderie of going to the away games and lending voice to the team......but silence when out players and management know the reason can offer a greater support to the team.

As a club when we get back in ....only offer these bastards at these clubs a minimum amount of Directors tickets for the number to equate to the directors they have , and make sure they show ID before being allowed in....because these clubs invite people to Ibrox to sit in Directors Box as their guests ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so that has to stop.

It has to start somewhere..........out with the old and in with the new re attitudes and lets get these various groups within the club sorted one way or the other..............who do we bin and who moves forward with us...........

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