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Sorry, but the midfield wasn't good enough today.


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We started off with:

McCulloch Thomson Ferguson Whittaker

Whittaker hasn't been good enough recently and it remained so today. He hasn't been/wasn't direct enough, no crosses or dribbling that hurt their defence.

Onto, McCulloch, there was a debate in the match thread about him. I think he shouldn't be playing as often, its all very well saying that Lee gives us a 'physical edge' but surely the major thing that a full-back doesn't like is a player running at him. McCulloch is not the man to do this and very rarely crosses very well either.

Bauba30 said today - in the match thread - that was it was embarrassing to have him at left midfield. I really don't think he is trying to be insulting but when we've had players at left midfield ranging from Mark Walters, Ted McMinn, Neil McCann and even Coop it despairs me to watch Lee there IMHO.

The midfield wasn't mobile enough and this was seen in stark contrast when DMB comes on and runs at the full-back and wins a penalty. Its not that simple but it can be.

My midfield, if we were playing tomorrow would be:

Adam Thomson/Hemdani Ferguson Beasley


Hope Buffel or Gow can have a spark that we need, 2 technical players.

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

i would like to see this as well because hutton offers far more in attack than whittaker does

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

i would like to see this as well because hutton offers far more in attack than whittaker does

Wouldnt be the worst idea (tu)

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We started off with:

McCulloch Thomson Ferguson Whittaker

Whittaker hasn't been good enough recently and it remained so today. He hasn't been/wasn't direct enough, no crosses or dribbling that hurt their defence.

Onto, McCulloch, there was a debate in the match thread about him. I think he shouldn't be playing as often, its all very well saying that Lee gives us a 'physical edge' but surely the major thing that a full-back doesn't like is a player running at him. McCulloch is not the man to do this and very rarely crosses very well either.

Bauba30 said today - in the match thread - that was it was embarrassing to have him at left midfield. I really don't think he is trying to be insulting but when we've had players at left midfield ranging from Mark Walters, Ted McMinn, Neil McCann and even Coop it despairs me to watch Lee there IMHO.

The midfield wasn't mobile enough and this was seen in stark contrast when DMB comes on and runs at the full-back and wins a penalty. Its not that simple but it can be.

My midfield, if we were playing tomorrow would be:

Adam Thomson/Hemdani Ferguson Beasley


Can't agree more Boab - I am a big advocate of pace out wide - I grew up watching players like Willie Johnston, Coops, Walters, Kanchelskis, Huistra, mcCann, laudrup etc etc etc - heck, even Dale Gordon

The way the team has been set up this season has taken the joy out of watching my team.

We have pace in this squad, we have players who like to get the ball down and run at the other lots full backs. And today, what made it worse was that with Well playing a narrow 3 in midfield, there was space galore out wide if we wanted to take advantage of it. Instead, we play a full back with no clue and a center forward with no pace or skill.

I would start Burke and Beasley - certainly would have today because of the way that Well play. Then they would have had to change their formation or else we would have stretched their midfield 3 thus giving Barry acres of room to run through the middle.

Just cannot understand todays formation whatsover. Could see us going with that in Europe, but in an SPL game at Motherwell, it is embarrassing to see so little ambition.

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

Sorry, have to disagree - leave Hutton alone - the man is playing the best stuff of his short career, leave him alone to develop further.

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

i would like to see this as well because hutton offers far more in attack than whittaker does

Tutton offers more in attack because he makes timely runs from deep - put him in midfield and he will be exactly what Whittaker is, a defender playing out of position

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

i would like to see this as well because hutton offers far more in attack than whittaker does

Wouldnt be the worst idea (tu)

How about a new idea, play a winger in the winger role?

How about we play players with pace and skill out wide?

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

i would like to see this as well because hutton offers far more in attack than whittaker does

Wouldnt be the worst idea (tu)

How about a new idea, play a winger in the winger role?

How about we play players with pace and skill out wide?

Hutton has pace and skill.

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I would start Burke

You are kidding right? What has he done to warrant an inclusion in the team?

Hasnt done any more wrong than the rest of the underachievers the past few seasons. But he does have pace, trickery and a willingness to run at the opposition. With him and Beasley in the side, this would give us a natural balance and woudl spread the field for us and let Barry have the freedom to make late runs through the middle.

Now, if he is not trying in training or whatever, then that changes, but i havent heard that so yes, he would get the Right sided job and it would be his job to lose

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I would like a more footballing midfield where we have players who control the football and let us dominate the game.

Our midfield is way over-rated. As Dado says Thomson and Whittaker were shite, but that is normally the case. If in addition BF has an off day like todaythen we are going to struggle big time and we did.

How is it that teams like Falkirk, St. Mirren, M'well, GRETNA, can simply make our midfield look so bad every 1st half we play. (Danny, DBBTB, JR - this is NOT planned!) Answer our midfield is just not good enough. We have no width yet we still get passed around every 1st half.

We need some footballers in there. Wingers who can open up the game. If our defense lapses - like a few times today - we will struggle.

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

i would like to see this as well because hutton offers far more in attack than whittaker does

Wouldnt be the worst idea (tu)

How about a new idea, play a winger in the winger role?

How about we play players with pace and skill out wide?

Hutton has pace and skill.

And has never played in that role in his life.

Plus, Hutton is maturing as a RB and right now is playing fantastic. And you want to take the opportunity to move him from there to a completely new position?

Like Sandy Jardine or Danny Mcgrain used to - he attacks well from the RB slot, times his runs from deep really well. But lets let the guy alone can we? Let him be the best RB he can be, which right now, looks like it could be something special

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I would like a more footballing midfield where we have players who control the football and let us dominate the game.

Our midfield is way over-rated. As Dado says Thomson and Whittaker were shite, but that is normally the case. If in addition BF has an off day like todaythen we are going to struggle big time and we did.

How is it that teams like Falkirk, St. Mirren, M'well, GRETNA, can simply make our midfield look so bad every 1st half we play. (Danny, DBBTB, JR - this is NOT planned!) Answer our midfield is just not good enough. We have no width yet we still get passed around every 1st half.

We need some footballers in there. Wingers who can open up the game. If our defense lapses - like a few times today - we will struggle.

here here!

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I would start Burke

You are kidding right? What has he done to warrant an inclusion in the team?

Hasnt done any more wrong than the rest of the underachievers the past few seasons. But he does have pace, trickery and a willingness to run at the opposition. With him and Beasley in the side, this would give us a natural balance and woudl spread the field for us and let Barry have the freedom to make late runs through the middle.

Now, if he is not trying in training or whatever, then that changes, but i havent heard that so yes, he would get the Right sided job and it would be his job to lose

Im sorry but he has, he has no willingness to bust a gut and try for the team.

We all know he can do it but he doesnt have the drive to do it consistently and his final ball is awful.

Hes not getting a game for a reason, because hes not up to the task.

Walter knows this or he would be playing him.

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A few of us have been saying all season that this midfield has not worked.Being outplayed by St Mirren,Falkirk and Gretna should have been enough of a warning but Walter has persisted with the woeful Whittaker, the out of touch Thomson and McCulloch who is not really effective enough as a midfielder. The Motherwell goal today; started by Thomson,assisted by Whittaker and scored by Motherwell. With Faye on the bench it looks like Smith is going to ignore Hemdani and Novo and use only his signings so we can look forward to more of the same.

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

i would like to see this as well because hutton offers far more in attack than whittaker does

Wouldnt be the worst idea (tu)

How about a new idea, play a winger in the winger role?

How about we play players with pace and skill out wide?

Hutton has pace and skill.

And has never played in that role in his life.

Plus, Hutton is maturing as a RB and right now is playing fantastic. And you want to take the opportunity to move him from there to a completely new position?

Like Sandy Jardine or Danny Mcgrain used to - he attacks well from the RB slot, times his runs from deep really well. But lets let the guy alone can we? Let him be the best RB he can be, which right now, looks like it could be something special

I see what you are saying and I do agree to a certain extent but at as a short term solution until we have someone who can play there I dont think it would hurt to try it out.

Thierry Henry played as a winger for years before he was put upfront by Arsene Wenger - Look what happened to him, you never know Hutton could blossom in that position more than he does at RB.

There is only one way to find out.

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I would start Burke

You are kidding right? What has he done to warrant an inclusion in the team?

Hasnt done any more wrong than the rest of the underachievers the past few seasons. But he does have pace, trickery and a willingness to run at the opposition. With him and Beasley in the side, this would give us a natural balance and woudl spread the field for us and let Barry have the freedom to make late runs through the middle.

Now, if he is not trying in training or whatever, then that changes, but i havent heard that so yes, he would get the Right sided job and it would be his job to lose

Im sorry but he has, he has no willingness to bust a gut and try for the team.

We all know he can do it but he doesnt have the drive to do it consistently and his final ball is awful.

Hes not getting a game for a reason, because hes not up to the task.

Walter knows this or he would be playing him.

With all due respect, Walter is starting McCulloch and Whittaker - so his judgement is decidedly suspect at the moment. And his tactics for todays match are decidedly suspect also. So just because Walter did it, does not mean it was the right choice

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I would like to see Hutton and Whittaker swap places or even keep Whittaker as back up. He has done little to warrant a regular place whereas the likes of Novo and even Burke are kicking their heels on the sidelines.

i would like to see this as well because hutton offers far more in attack than whittaker does

Wouldnt be the worst idea (tu)

How about a new idea, play a winger in the winger role?

How about we play players with pace and skill out wide?

Hutton has pace and skill.

And has never played in that role in his life.

Plus, Hutton is maturing as a RB and right now is playing fantastic. And you want to take the opportunity to move him from there to a completely new position?

Like Sandy Jardine or Danny Mcgrain used to - he attacks well from the RB slot, times his runs from deep really well. But lets let the guy alone can we? Let him be the best RB he can be, which right now, looks like it could be something special

I see what you are saying and I do agree to a certain extent but at as a short term solution until we have someone who can play there I dont think it would hurt to try it out.

Thierry Henry played as a winger for years before he was put upfront by Arsene Wenger - Look what happened to him, you never know Hutton could blossom in that position more than he does at RB.

There is only one way to find out.

I understand what you are saying, and if we were 10 points behind in the title race I might be interested more. But we have waited on Hutton coming around for a whiel and now that he has and is probably our best player, I would hate to mess with that

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A few of us have been saying all season that this midfield has not worked.Being outplayed by St Mirren,Falkirk and Gretna should have been enough of a warning but Walter has persisted with the woeful Whittaker, the out of touch Thomson and McCulloch who is not really effective enough as a midfielder. The Motherwell goal today; started by Thomson,assisted by Whittaker and scored by Motherwell. With Faye on the bench it looks like Smith is going to ignore Hemdani and Novo and use only his signings so we can look forward to more of the same.

The penny has to drop sometime. We need footballers and Barry F that means you actually playing more than a bit part like today. Get Whittaker and Thomson out of there - at least for a while.

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